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Young Sikh boy racially abused in US, video goes viral

Dunno why some people still confuse Sikh turbans and Muslim turbans anyway, they look pretty different.
This isn't racism. It's ignorance. These Americans don't know the difference between terrorists and Sikhs as they wear similar headgear and support beards that resemble terrorists from Afghanistan.
This isn't racism. It's ignorance. These Americans don't know the difference between terrorists and Sikhs as they wear similar headgear and support beards that resemble terrorists from Afghanistan.

You are correctct. But the kids should not attack both Sikhs as well as Muslims
It sucks!! One of my good friends since kindergarten and his brother is a Sikh, as soon as they put on the turban getup, boy did they get some hell. Most people get used to to the look, but you still have to constantly introduce this look to new people all the time. Sikhs have serious balls for wearing that in school.
Actually, it is very terrible for our Indian engineers here at work. Everyday, company security have to accompany each Indian to his/her car and at the plant's gate, the local police have escorts readied to take each to his/her home. Once at home, the men/women are discouraged from venturing outside after sunset, other than emergencies.

I do not know why the Indians in the US do not tell their stories to Indian newspapers back in India. Several Indian women I talked to tearfully admitted they hated their parents for forcing them to work almost like slaves in the US to send monies home. I am so sad that my country have deteriorated to this. :sick:

Regarding this rant of yours

1. There is no exodus of Indians to USA.Bringing few Indians working in USA is a pathetic scaffolding of your arguments on your part. Indians also work in Somalia and Iraq. Are you making an assertion that USA is Somalia or IS.

2. Indians are among least willing as a demographic group to migrate abroad. In a survey done by Gallup in 82 countries, India was on 77 th position with only 9% Indians willing to migrate abroad for any reason, which is 1/3 or global average. Only Saudi Arabia, Australia, Thailand, South Africa,and Indonesia has less number of people who are willing to migrate abroad.

One-Quarter of World’s Population May Wish to Migrate

This Indian-(fill in the blanks) strawman is hilarious in face of facts.

3. This rant of yours enunciate that as long as there is even a single Indian working in USA, Americans have right and duty to act like a bigot.

If US is not tolerant, all those Indians won't be able to come to America.

Being a Wannabee American Chinese, you would know best about it.
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Actually, it is very terrible for our Indian engineers here at work. Everyday, company security have to accompany each Indian to his/her car and at the plant's gate, the local police have escorts readied to take each to his/her home. Once at home, the men/women are discouraged from venturing outside after sunset, other than emergencies.
serious? thats really pathetic..
even if he's Muslim it's all right to call a young kid terrorist?
You know the Americans. They're totally psyched by terrorism. The slightest hint or suspicion and they go berserk. What is urgently needed is educating kids to know the difference and behave in a more rational manner..
The Sikh kid has class, not many adults can be that calm. Something to admire. I wouldn't be too harsh about the behavior of other kids, they are kids after all and political correctness is something alien to them. Kids can be very nasty, adults usually forget all the nasty things they said as kids.:lol: I also feel sorry for the little girl, online media can be equally harsh and make us forget that we are talking about very young kids here. Hopefully this will all blow over with a bit of educating.

They only sane post in the thread.. Kudos.. Rest of the posts are worse than what the kids say.. And they're from adults, From generalizations of Americans to racist terms towards black people.. Makes them worse off than some six year olds

Like you said when these kids grow up and learn about the world beyond the impressions they get at home or TV would surely be embarrassed, Like many of us have been of our prejudices
They only sane post in the thread.. Kudos.. Rest of the posts are worse than what the kids say.. And they're from adults, From generalizations of Americans to racist terms towards black people.. Makes them worse off than some six year olds

Like you said when these kids grow up and learn about the world beyond the impressions they get at home or TV would surely be embarrassed, Like many of us have been of our prejudices

Yeah, I really find it very funny when people on this forum express shock at racist & prejudicial behaviour.....:lol:
Regarding this rant of yours

1. There is no exodus of Indians to USA.Bringing few Indians working in USA is a pathetic scaffolding of your arguments on your part. Indians also work in Somalia and Iraq. Are you making an assertion that USA is Somalia or IS.
Yes, I am. It is THAT terrible in the US. I am telling you the truth. Cross my heart and hope to die.

2. Indians are among least willing as a demographic group to migrate abroad. In a survey done by Gallup in 82 countries, India was on 77 th position with only 9% Indians willing to migrate abroad for any reason, which is 1/3 or global average. Only Saudi Arabia, Australia, Thailand, South Africa,and Indonesia has less number of people who are willing to migrate abroad.

One-Quarter of World’s Population May Wish to Migrate

This Indian-(fill in the blanks) strawman is hilarious in face of facts.

3. This rant of yours enunciate that as long as there is even a single Indian working in USA, Americans have right and duty to act like a bigot.
Who said anything about migrating ? I never did. Am just saying it is terrible for Indians here. Do not come to the US.

There...!!! You guys heard it from an American himself.

You know the Americans. They're totally psyched by terrorism. The slightest hint or suspicion and they go berserk. What is urgently needed is educating kids to know the difference and behave in a more rational manner..
They do not know about US. That is why I am here willing to tell the truth about America.

Indians...!!! DO NOT come to the US. The social ills we have are far far worse than what you have in India.
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