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Yoga passes secularism test in US

In exactly what state of India was yoga originated?

I guess everything was found in Indus Vally Civilization here in Pakistan...lol... Just kidding.

Yoga originated in Ancient India, geographically-Indian subcontinent(which includes modern day Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and parts of Myanmar)..........so, it is no surprise that records of ancient Hindu practices and their culture would be found engraved in stones and structures throughout the Indian subcontinent, including Pakistan.....

You can't pin-point its origin as it is a religious practice of a religion which is called 'Sanatana Dharma' - meaning 'existing forever', which has no beginning and no end......it's the vedic religion later got named as Hinduism....
(The concept of eternity,forever, everlasting might be hard to grasp for those who believe that the earth is 6000 yrs old according to their scripture - LOL, the Hindu civilization has more than 6000 yrs old RECORDED history....)

So, Yoga is essentially a Hindu practice......but anyone can get its benefit without understanding its religious implications........
BUT, IMHO, to get proper benefit from YOGA you need to understand its full significance and its underlying message.....
YOGA meaning addition(of your mind/soul to your body), you would be able to control your mind and hence your body at your will once they're properly integrated and to achieve this you need to understand and appreciate few basic teachings of Hinduism.....
I see. I guess for some reason it never really reached the region of Pakistan or at least never got popular here....
Most people here are oblivious to what yoga is, and never have heard of it. Only educated people are familiar with the term, but that is mostly because of American pop culture and how it is promoted through television........

Never 'reached' Pakistan?.....LOL
Hindus and Buddhists were there in Pakistan as well as Afghanistan before the Muslims invaded....then your ancestors slaughtered them.....do you know the history behind the 'Hindu kush' mountain range in Afghanistan.....how would you? as you've stated yourself that the common man, except few educated don't know about their own history.....they're systematically brainwashed and indoctrinated with Ji**di doctrines.......the educated ones know the real history on their own accord...
Ancient Hindu/Buddhist architectures are purposely destroyed to uphold the 'spirit' and 'purity' of Islam......did they teach you how thousands of years old Buddhist statues of Lord Buddha sitting in YOGIC posture were destroyed in Bamyan by the Taliban in 2001? Do they let you know how Pakistan is deliberately neglecting and destroying its Hindu heritage and persecuting Hindus?.....probably NO, otherwise you wouldn't have asked why Hindu/Buddhists cultures are not popular in Muslim dominated Pakistan and Afghanistan......
Pakistan’s long forgotten Hindu temples and Gurdwaras – The Express Tribune Blog

You've finished killing all Buddhists in Pakistan and are on the verge of eliminating all Hindus and wonder why our culture in not popular in your country.........HILARIOUS....
The two faces of religious persecution in Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Pakistani Hindu lawmaker says persecution of minorities could lead to community’s exodus | Niti Central
Never 'reached' Pakistan?.....LOL
Hindus and Buddhists were there in Pakistan as well as Afghanistan before the Muslims invaded....then your ancestors slaughtered them.....do you know the history behind the 'Hindu kush' mountain range in Afghanistan.....how would you? as you've stated yourself that the common man, except few educated don't know about their own history.....they're systematically brainwashed and indoctrinated with Ji**di doctrines.......the educated ones know the real history on their own accord...
Ancient Hindu/Buddhist architectures are purposely destroyed to uphold the 'spirit' and 'purity' of Islam......did they teach you how thousands of years old Buddhist statues of Lord Buddha sitting in YOGIC posture were destroyed in Bamyan by the Taliban in 2001? Do they let you know how Pakistan is deliberately neglecting and destroying its Hindu heritage and persecuting Hindus?.....probably NO, otherwise you wouldn't have asked why Hindu/Buddhists cultures are not popular in Muslim dominated Pakistan and Afghanistan......
Pakistan’s long forgotten Hindu temples and Gurdwaras – The Express Tribune Blog

You've finished killing all Buddhists in Pakistan and are on the verge of eliminating all Hindus and wonder why our culture in not popular in your country.........HILARIOUS....
The two faces of religious persecution in Pakistan - DAWN.COM
Pakistani Hindu lawmaker says persecution of minorities could lead to community’s exodus | Niti Central

Post reported. More trolling I guess...

PS: I see the venom and hate you have for muslims in your posts. You sound one of those troll historians on this site with their pre ice age cities....lol...sub standard posts like these lowers the quality of this site. Hope you get banned and find some other place to troll in....
Post reported. More trolling I guess...

PS: I see the venom and hate you have for muslims in your posts. You sound one of those troll historians on this site with their pre ice age cities....lol...sub standard posts like these lowers the quality of this site. Hope you get banned and find some other place to troll in....

i dont know about him nor iam from his religion but frankly speaking what ever he said was 100%true one cant ignore that
Yoga is a hindu ritual ,extensively encompassing hindu philosophy. How is it secular. Its a pagan ritual with origins and part of hindusim. Another yanki selective secularism. Hope no muslim Kids are forced to perform these acts in the name of physical education.
Yoga is a hindu ritual ,extensively encompassing hindu philosophy. How is it secular. Its a pagan ritual with origins and part of hindusim. Another yanki selective secularism. Hope no muslim Kids are forced to perform these acts in the name of physical education.

secularism means separation of religion and state and I don't think any yoga interferes in State affairs so yes it is secular
secularism means separation of religion and state and I don't think any yoga interferes in State affairs so yes it is secular

Chanting religious slogans and poses, in this case Hindu rituals in the name of physical education in US public schools is secular? :undecided:
Chanting religious slogans and poses, in this case Hindu rituals in the name of physical education in US public schools is secular? :undecided:

they dont chant religeous slogans. Words like OM, Namaste have been taken out. Even the names of Yoga poses are in English to make it fully secular.
Chanting religious slogans and poses, in this case Hindu rituals in the name of physical education in US public schools is secular? :undecided:

I have attended yoga classes here, no chanting is done.. its usually very silent with some soothing music... only instructor talks ..and tells what to do
Chanting religious slogans and poses, in this case Hindu rituals in the name of physical education in US public schools is secular? :undecided:

I guess a Judge is more educated and saner than any other US citizen. So if he decides its secular. Dont you think He would have taken everything in account?
Yoga is a hindu ritual ,extensively encompassing hindu philosophy. How is it secular. Its a pagan ritual with origins and part of hindusim. Another yanki selective secularism. Hope no muslim Kids are forced to perform these acts in the name of physical education.

Yoga is nothing to do with Paganism damn yr :cuckoo:
Why not Islamize Yoga? If the Hindu chants are not your thing why not particular words or dua? There is no denying that Yoga is beneficial, why not use it? -- Oh wait, it doesn't come from arabia - shirk Bida!

Umm. are you a Muslim?
Why not Islamize Yoga? If the Hindu chants are not your thing why not particular words or dua? There is no denying that Yoga is beneficial, why not use it? -- Oh wait, it doesn't come from arabia - shirk Bida!

you dont need to islamize or do anything spiritual.. I dont think it has anything to do with spiritualism or supernatural.. its just a form of exercise..
I dont pray lord jesus when I run on christian(?) treadmill...
just remove the religious bit(which is already done in west anyway), and its fit for use in govt schools..

This is one of the best old Yoga videos I seen

you dont need to islamize or do anything spiritual.. I dont think it has anything to do with spiritualism or supernatural.. its just a form of exercise..
I dont pray lord jesus when I run on christian(?) treadmill...
just remove the religious bit(which is already done in west anyway), and its fit for use in govt schools..

The religious bits are not removed I have a friend of mine in Spain and the yoga classes she does (taught by a local) has all the spiritual elements also and she is Christian.

It is good because she learns about Namaste, Aum, etc and soon in time she will convert that is the aim of us evil hindoos :devil:
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