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Yoga passes secularism test in US

I guess everything was found in Indus Vally Civilization here in Pakistan...lol... Just kidding.

Even the word Hindu is a 'geographic word' to be technical anyone in India is a Hindu :)
Modern day Pakistan has a deep ancient culture and history which it can use to promote tourism people do not even know that the IVC was more brilliant than even Egypt when it came to technology it was miles ahead when it came to drinking systems and a city sewage system it has no competition in the ancient world.
You lost me at Dwarka was pre Iceage city...

PS: Also I noticed you wrote 15,000 and 50,000 old civilization. As far as I know, the oldest surviving cilvizations are, Iranians, Chinese and Egyptians. if I am not mistaken, they are about 5,000 years or something.

Sorry but, I think you are coming with lots of bull there.....

PS2: I think you might be trolling.....

Your History start from Muhaamad Bin Kasim, What else can I expect from you? I am sure your "Holy Book" must have talked about biblical flood, That was nothing but meltdown (iceage).

The earth has faced atleast 4 iceage, The last iceage(teh smallest one) ends at 17000 year ago. That was the time when coastal city submerged in water.

One of those coastal city was Dwarka, Dwarka was situated at Gujrat and considered kingdom if Yadavas. There were 2 Major cities in Dwarka, each were of size of Manhattan. It was bigger than Indus vally civilization.

Read history son, Earth didn't started at 600 AD and your civilization(Indian civilization) didn't started with Muhammad bin Kasim..
Your History start from Muhaamad Bin Kasim, What else can I expect from you? I am sure your "Holy Book" must have talked about biblical flood, That was nothing but meltdown (iceage).

The earth has faced atleast 4 iceage, The last iceage(teh smallest one) ends at 17000 year ago. That was the time when coastal city submerged in water.

One of those coastal city was Dwarka, Dwarka was situated at Gujrat and considered kingdom if Yadavas. There were 2 Major cities in Dwarka, each were of size of Manhattan. It was bigger than Indus vally civilization.

Read history son, Earth didn't started at 600 AD and your civilization(Indian civilization) didn't started with Muhammad bin Kasim..

Ok I see more trolling from you... Great...

PS: It is kina creepy to think you might not be trolling but actually be serious about it. That sounds schizophrenic actually...

PS2: I think there was a guy here on PDF who talked about Aliens in India quite seriously, I think you might find him a good company with your pre iceage cities.. and 50,000 year old civilization or what not.....
Ok I see more trolling from you... Great...

PS: It is kina creepy to think you might not be trolling but actually be serious about it. That sounds schizophrenic actually...

Thanks god, you didn't blame for blasphemy...

Rather than certifying me troll, can you please counter my argument?
1. Swastika is not 'good luck' symbol but an auspicious symbol. It denotes infinity and kaal chakra i.e. cylic nature of the universe.

2. Swastika is not a christian symbol.....it is at best a 'pagan' symbol before advent of Christianity in Europe.

3. Surya Namaskar is indeed 'salutation to the Sun' ...... it is done in the early morning while facing the sun.

at first i also assumed hitler might have got the swastika symbol from hindu ,gut there is a documnetary of 10thing u dont know about hitler in it they say hitler got his swastika idea from a chruch
Pre ice age city.

Enough said.

|Yes genius, World was not as you see today..

Ice Age:

There have been at least five major ice ages in the Earth's past (the Huronian, Cryogenian, Andean-Saharan, Karoo Ice Age and the Quaternary glaciation). Outside these ages, the Earth seems to have been ice-free even in high latitudes.[30][31]

Climate Timeline Tool: Summary of 100,000 Years

Ice age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

World Map during Ice AGe:


Nati Geo Documentry:

Very good judgement. I myself am an atheist but practice yoga regularly. I don't really care about the chanting or the chakras and other such things. But I do find it very relaxing and helpful. There's no reason to mix religion with every thing. You can always take good things no matter where they come from.
Ok I see more trolling from you... Great...

PS: It is kina creepy to think you might not be trolling but actually be serious about it. That sounds schizophrenic actually...

PS2: I think there was a guy here on PDF who talked about Aliens in India quite seriously, I think you might find him a good company with your pre iceage cities.. and 50,000 year old civilization or what not.....

dude iam not a hindu so dont think that iam defending my side, but what he is telling is the truth...
|Yes genius, World was not as you see today..

Ice Age:

There have been at least five major ice ages in the Earth's past (the Huronian, Cryogenian, Andean-Saharan, Karoo Ice Age and the Quaternary glaciation). Outside these ages, the Earth seems to have been ice-free even in high latitudes.[30][31]

Climate Timeline Tool: Summary of 100,000 Years

Ice age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

World Map during Ice AGe:


Nati Geo Documentry:

https://www.y outube.com/watch?v=yl-ctN1fEyY

If you want to sound even remotely credible then please don't post History channel's videos as a support for your arguments :p
you are wasteing ur time buddy,,,

for some ppl " kaala akshar bhains barabar "

by the way theres a NGC documentary on Dwarka,,,,art effects are as old as 32000 bc,

Your History start from Muhaamad Bin Kasim, What else can I expect from you? I am sure your "Holy Book" must have talked about biblical flood, That was nothing but meltdown (iceage).

The earth has faced atleast 4 iceage, The last iceage(teh smallest one) ends at 17000 year ago. That was the time when coastal city submerged in water.

One of those coastal city was Dwarka, Dwarka was situated at Gujrat and considered kingdom if Yadavas. There were 2 Major cities in Dwarka, each were of size of Manhattan. It was bigger than Indus vally civilization.

Read history son, Earth didn't started at 600 AD and your civilization(Indian civilization) didn't started with Muhammad bin Kasim..
Depends on the teacher.

Some teachers are focused on the physical moves; others emphasize the spiritual aspects.

Hinduism don't talk about conversion, many Foreigner come to India for Yoga, no one is asked for conversion. Most of Yoga teacher are influenced by money, its a business no one emphasize of religious ascpect...

By the way spirituality is not bad.
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