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Yellow Culture Intrudes in Bangladesh!

I think the writer meant 'saffron' instead of yellow.

Saffron is a preferred color in Hinduism, I think.
Rang De Basanti the best indian movie ever. . Though it kinda looks copy of the book 'gorvodharini' by Samresh.... Govt. Should ban **** . . From my school life i have hard times . . Always fought against mind and brain to watch this. . . .. So we should decrease availability of ****. . .Its no good on moral background. . . Leave the religion thing. . .

I have also fought earlier but it was a losing battle. Had to surrender badly...the shame!!
Notice the objection is couched in terms of some sort of understanding of Islam -- notice how the author proposes to interpret the verse - No dancing Indian nor any damn half naked Russian (why must they always do thing by half) has performed any "good deeds", certainly not like the arbis.

Once again, Islam, a religion of Faith in God, weaponized for political purposes --- So whose to blame Islam or it's politicization?

Maybe the writer would prefer the belly dancers of the Nile!



I would say the show had the typical elements one sees in a Hindi movie. This is what people came to see. Females came to see the dance, males to see both dance and flesh on display.

I personally find it distasteful. However, this is now the popular culture, and its in the living-room of every house in BD via TV.
Banning never works. Look at what happened when they tried to ban Salman Rushdi's novel. and all the books they tried to ban in India had the adverse effect world wide. Even the denial of holocaust members have increased since they tried to pass laws which will arrest anyone who tries to question the holocaust. Free media is an essential tool if a country is ever to move forward. Also, the greatest thing about free media is scrutiny. You have problem with any material, all you need is a pen and a paper. Banning is for losers who know they can never win in a free fair world.
Trying to ban **** is like trying to ban Gambling , Alchohol , other vices .Losing battle for the authorities while resulting in a flourishing trade in illegal ways and means to get magazines , CD's into the country and a net profit for Mr Smuggler .

Besides allowing "****" keeps the baser and more pervasive dregs of society , like sex-offenders, paedophiles etc occupied and indirectly plays a role in the decreasing crime statistics.

What in the world is SK wearing?

Banning never works. Look at what happened when they tried to ban Salman Rushdi's novel. and all the books they tried to ban in India had the adverse effect world wide. Even the denial of holocaust members have increased since they tried to pass laws which will arrest anyone who tries to question the holocaust. Free media is an essential tool if a country is ever to move forward. Also, the greatest thing about free media is scrutiny. You have problem with any material, all you need is a pen and a paper. Banning is for losers who know they can never win in a free fair world.

I once read Satanic Verses, it was so boring, I stopped after reading thirty something pages :D

But yeah, "banning" this and that is kind of retarded. Some retard in Bangladesh also considered banning cable TV.
Bangladesh bans 10 'immoral' satellite channels

Luckily AXN is still around :D



I would say the show had the typical elements one sees in a Hindi movie. This is what people came to see. Females came to see the dance, males to see both dance and flesh on display.

I personally find it distasteful. However, this is now the popular culture, and its in the living-room of every house in BD via TV.

to be honest it depends on family...My family members never watch Hindi soaps .we they do not even watch movies that have unnecessary skin show...
so such channels are banned in my house...If someone really cares about this skin show then they can always put self censor to it....see no evil hear no evil..
I think the writer meant 'saffron' instead of yellow.

Saffron is a preferred color in Hinduism, I think.

It has nothing to do with Hinduism, Islam, Christianity or Jewry except in your rather fevered imagination.

I find no reason to bring in religion just for the sake of yellow journalism that you want to purvey.

The orgin is:

World English Dictionary
yellow journalism

— n
the type of journalism that relies on sensationalism and lurid exaggeration to attract readers

[C19: perhaps shortened from the phrase Yellow Kid journalism, referring to the Yellow Kid, a cartoon (1895) in the New York World, a newspaper having a reputation for sensationalism]

In this case it is derivative of 'yellow journalism'. Like one would as poetic licence.
What in the world is SK wearing?

I once read Satanic Verses, it was so boring, I stopped after reading thirty something pages :D

But yeah, "banning" this and that is kind of retarded. Some retard in Bangladesh also considered banning cable TV.
Bangladesh bans 10 'immoral' satellite channels

Luckily AXN is still around :D

I was wondering about that too. It looks like a hula dancer outfit, maybe a skirt of some sort, ok I give up
Few hours of work, and he gets paid $300,000. His team is billed separately. Not bad at all.
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