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Yellow Culture Intrudes in Bangladesh!

This is partly true, slowly slowly we are losing our culture and conservative nature. This is not about Bangladesh being a Islamic country, same thing is happening all across South Asia. Things like pornography, drug addiction, eve teasing are immoral under all sane ideologies.

The Root cause is Poverty, Population and Poor governance... Asian countries are sex paradise, Women sell there soul just to feed them self.. The first thing need to be done is one child policy implementation..

Rest leave upto the Almighty...

Bangladesh is a very densely populated country, and thanks to the reproductive skills of your com padres, do not blame us, you guys already know and do "fornicate".

there is a relation of population growth with available food, water supply. . The plain land of Bangladesh was so fertile to support this huge population. . . Surely you dont expect dense population in hilly areas or deserts. . . .. And if You want to compare now. . . Please check the fertility rate per woman of Bangladesh and India. .loser.
The article writer seems to turn Bangladesh into Afghanistan under Taliban governed entity type it seems. Why not these people visit countries like Turkey, Egypt and see how people there are changing. Music, Culture etc is all preserved within religion. they are also muslims.
Munshi is indirectly blaming us for this, bangladeshis should not watch these shows and should not invite our actors if they are so concerned, it doesnt affect us at all, afterall half of indian guys including me are tharkis lol.
The article writer seems to turn Bangladesh into Afghanistan under Taliban governed entity type it seems. Why not these people visit countries like Turkey, Egypt and see how people there are changing. Music, Culture etc is all preserved within religion. they are also muslims.

man, If a naturist comes to your house and wants to roam being nude infront of your family what would you do? Yes tops and mini skirts has become part of indian culture . No problem.It is normal.But Bangladesh is not yet ready to accept this. Regarding Shahruk's programme every single Bangladeshi i know, was angry after watching the programme. But to be honest Govt. has nothing to do here.It is our personal choice. They should concentrate on Drugs and pornography.Now a days a dangerous trait invaded our culture. That is uploading nude photos or videos of ex lover. It is severe in India i know. But increasing in Bangladesh. GOB should take care of this.
Munshi is indirectly blaming us for this, bangladeshis should not watch these shows and should not invite our actors if they are so concerned, it doesnt affect us at all, afterall half of indian guys including me are tharkis lol.

I am not sop much concerned about that part of the article. I would rather like to know why Indians are so threatened by Bangladeshi culture that they have to ban our satellite channels. India is truly a weak and pathetic country.
man, If a naturist comes to your house and wants to roam being nude infront of your family what would you do? Yes tops and mini skirts has become part of indian culture . No problem.It is normal.But Bangladesh is not yet ready to accept this. Regarding Shahruk's programme every single Bangladeshi i know, was angry after watching the programme. But to be honest Govt. has nothing to do here.It is our personal choice. They should concentrate on Drugs and pornography.Now a days a dangerous trait invaded our culture. That is uploading nude photos or videos of ex lover. It is severe in India i know. But increasing in Bangladesh. GOB should take care of this.

Man, you seriously need a visit to Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia. Take time and travel once. Thats all my advice to you ..
I am not sop much concerned about that part of the article. I would rather like to know why Indians are so threatened by Bangladeshi culture that they have to ban our satellite channels. India is truly a weak and pathetic country.

Within India we have more then 100+ channels to watch, where is time to watch channels to watch from Bangladesh dude. And Bangla language is understood mostly in eastern part of India. Just can't simply blame. Why don't you do a reality check. Why bangladesh companies in Zee like channels because they are shown world wide even to remote parts of world and their is audience for Indian channels.
This is partly true, slowly slowly we are losing our culture and conservative nature. This is not about Bangladesh being a Islamic country, same thing is happening all across South Asia. Things like pornography, drug addiction, eve teasing are immoral under all sane ideologies.

Relax buddy, it's happening everywhere in the world :lol:

It's called liberalization of society. Hate or love it, it comes hand in hand with development. I rather live in an "immoral" rich country where I would have a choice to decide on what's right and wrong myself, then an Islamic poor country in which the government decides on what is wrong for it's citizens.
there is a relation of population growth with available food, water supply. . The plain land of Bangladesh was so fertile to support this huge population. . . Surely you dont expect dense population in hilly areas or deserts. . . .. And if You want to compare now. . . Please check the fertility rate per woman of Bangladesh and India. .loser.

Sorry if some one hurt ur feeling....

But we must agree that population is our common enemy.. Due to huge population , our resourcess become lesser than our need... Our policy implementation delayed...

Indian Fertility rate is :
World Bank, World Development Indicators - Google public data
India: 2.6child/women
Bangladesh : 2.3 child/women (Interesting)
Pakistan: 3.9 chils/women (OMG, More son more Gun(Famous saying of Pakistani tribal area...))
you can search other country fertility rate as well..
Maybe pornography is not a problem to you or your culture, but to the culture and society in Bangladesh it is a very big problem. And i was not blaming anyone for the problems our society currently faces, i was just stating the general social problems we face, and that something must be done about these things.

Pornography is not applicable to any culture

In England to move around barebodied would cause a serious embarrassment for others, but not so in Bangladesh. It is just cultural perceptions.

In the West, to be a homosexual is not a crime or an embarrassment. In the Oriental countries, it is a huge embarrassment to the family. But it is a state of denial to state that there is no homosexuality in Oriental countries to include India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, lSri Lanka, Nepal , Myanmar or Thailand.

To state that there is no cyber **** being watched in Bangladesh would be another falsehood. So, would it be that there is no prostitution!

In short, we live in a make belief world of hypocrisy for public consumption!

there is a relation of population growth with available food, water supply. . The plain land of Bangladesh was so fertile to support this huge population. . . Surely you dont expect dense population in hilly areas or deserts. . . .. And if You want to compare now. . . Please check the fertility rate per woman of Bangladesh and India. .loser.

In countries where there is a agrarian population, the number of hands available in to work in the fields is/ was important. That is why there is/ was the tendency to procreate with wild abandon and the craze for the male child.

It has nothing to do with poverty.

Not that I am comfortable, but I am constrained to to indicate that one could Check what the male reproduction organ is called in Bengali.


It is called 'Wealth'.

Another case of falsifying the actualities with gobbledygooks and obfuscation and not being ready to face reality since it is embarrassing.

I don't know why educated people run away from the truth.

The article writer seems to turn Bangladesh into Afghanistan under Taliban governed entity type it seems. Why not these people visit countries like Turkey, Egypt and see how people there are changing. Music, Culture etc is all preserved within religion. they are also muslims.

The writer I think is a Bangladeshi.

I don't think he has heard of Omar Khayyam or heard Ghazals or read of the indulgence of the Muslim Emperors of India and their courtiers!

It may not be an incorrect surmise that they were more genuinely closer to the home of Islam than those in Bangladesh.

But then, the heart grows fonder with distance!

Munshi is indirectly blaming us for this, bangladeshis should not watch these shows and should not invite our actors if they are so concerned, it doesnt affect us at all, afterall half of indian guys including me are tharkis lol.

Shah Rukh Khan is a Muslim and he takes pride in being a Muslim if one goes by his pronouncements.

He is also a shrewd businessman and he can smell out a good market.

If Bangladesh was a desert and did not have a market for what Munshi claims to be naked women, then he would not be a fool to go wasting his time!

Another case of running away from the truth and facts and blushing with coyness that Bangladeshis have been defiled!

man, If a naturist comes to your house and wants to roam being nude infront of your family what would you do? Yes tops and mini skirts has become part of indian culture . No problem.It is normal.But Bangladesh is not yet ready to accept this. Regarding Shahruk's programme every single Bangladeshi i know, was angry after watching the programme. But to be honest Govt. has nothing to do here.It is our personal choice. They should concentrate on Drugs and pornography.Now a days a dangerous trait invaded our culture. That is uploading nude photos or videos of ex lover. It is severe in India i know. But increasing in Bangladesh. GOB should take care of this.

As above.

If the chaps were angry about Shah Rukh's programme, why were they watching it?

Don't worry about India and uploading of ****.

Just watch yourself.

And you will find that you are the Lone Ranger! Even Tonto would have deserted you.

I am not sop much concerned about that part of the article. I would rather like to know why Indians are so threatened by Bangladeshi culture that they have to ban our satellite channels. India is truly a weak and pathetic country.

We are not threatened by Bangladesh TV.

We have pay channels.

We pay good money and we want to get our money's worth!

Are Bangladesh Free to air channels in India?
Pornography is not applicable to any culture

In England to move around barebodied would cause a serious embarrassment for others, but not so in Bangladesh. It is just cultural perceptions.

In the West, to be a homosexual is not a crime or an embarrassment. In the Oriental countries, it is a huge embarrassment to the family. But it is a state of denial to state that there is no homosexuality in Oriental countries to include India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, lSri Lanka, Nepal , Myanmar or Thailand.

To state that there is no cyber **** being watched in Bangladesh would be another falsehood. So, would it be that there is no prostitution!

In short, we live in a make belief world of hypocrisy for public consumption!

Dude where did i state that there is no **** being watched or there is no prostitution? On the contrary my post implies that such practices are rising at an alarming rate and we should be doing something to keep it under control.
Seriously, what a piece of crap!! Yellow culture???

Bangladeshi culture is intertwined with the Bengali and North East Indian cultures. To discard that and try to adopt something totally foreign is to lose one's identity. No wonder, we have so many confused members from BD here!!

do these cultures (bengali and north east indian) have nudity ???
Sorry if some one hurt ur feeling....

But we must agree that population is our common enemy.. Due to huge population , our resourcess become lesser than our need... Our policy implementation delayed...

Indian Fertility rate is :
World Bank, World Development Indicators - Google public data
India: 2.6child/women
Bangladesh : 2.3 child/women (Interesting)
Pakistan: 3.9 chils/women (OMG, More son more Gun(Famous saying of Pakistani tribal area...))
you can search other country fertility rate as well..

oh btw check your own bharati culture of bearing children and see the preference for a son leads to killing of unborn baby girls in India so that is one of the reason you have 2.3 child/woman.
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