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Xinjiang Police Files

The difference is,

Torture in Guantanamo are FACTS, admitted and acknowledged worldwide.
Human right abuse in this thread in xinjiang is fake news.

No , the difference is no one denies Guantanamo is a prison for Al-Qaeda.

No one excuses US of locking millions of it's own citizens in camps for reeducation.

Muslims were meant to go against the world. While the world follows falsehood we’re suppose to be on the path of Haqq. I will stand with Uyghur’s till my death.
These brain dead Chinese worshippers on the forum don’t even know the reality of our “iron brotherhood”. Where was the so called iron brother when their IPP’s were sucking our blood and won’t give us any relief. Or when they give us super high interest loans. Or how their literally basically stealing our gold and copper from sandak mine. Or how their fishing boats illegally steal fish from our water and destroy our ecosystem.
Chinese are businessmen their friendship with anyone is based on money and interests. Yet Pakistanis high on the iron friendship bs.
Our relations with Uyghurs is one of religion.
The same mods who censor posts about Uyghur’s are gonna speak about Kashmir. East Turkistan literally has a genocide going on and they ignore while claiming to support Kashmir. Hypocrites!
Our founders, Jinnah and Iqbal would be ashamed of Pakistan today for staying silent on Uyghur issue.
East Turkistan is literally Muslim lands ruled by mushriks and these people support it.
May Allah guide or destroy Xi and his minions. Ameen
Allah is with the oppressed and the duaa of the oppressed doesn’t go unanswered. They should fear Allah wrath.
Idk how a Muslim would be able to justify him self on the day of judgement for siding with Taghut over their oppressed Muslim brothers.

Also there’s no such thing as terrorism is East Turkistan:

United Nations resolution 37/43, dated 3 December 1982, “reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle.”

By UN resolution, Uyghur’s are fighting a war of independence against foreign occupation so it’s 100% legal as per UN law. So terrorism doesn’t exist at all in East Turkistan. They are rebels fighting for a independent state against a foreign occupiers which UN allows.
LOL, Talking is cheap, you can come to Xinjiang and fight, Uyghur police and soldiers will crush you in no time.

Uighur soldier: I m willing to endure all the hardship as long as I can defeat anyone who is against my motherland China.

3月30日至4月2日,上海合作组织秘书长弗拉基米尔·诺罗夫和来自21个国家的30多名外交官分别访问了中国西北部的新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市、喀什市和阿克苏市。2021 年 3 月 31 日,他们拜访了喀什市纳扎尔巴格镇的一名居民。
All Islamic countries sent diplomats to Xinjiang to inspect. No country blames China. You don't believe that Islamic countries only believe in the media of Western and Christian countries that kill the most Islamic civilians? @Jf-17 block 3 @sammuel @denel[/USER] [USER=191598]@Bengal71
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State Department Lawyers Concluded Insufficient Evidence to Prove Genocide in China​

The United States government also acknowledges that there is insufficient evidence.
“The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” — former CIA Director William Colby
What makes you believe that the United States Intelligence Agency controls false propaganda in the media. Is it because the United States Intelligence Agency runs Guantanamo prison? @Jf-17 block 3 @sammuel @denel
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Western media claims that the family of the leader of exile Uyghur separatism movement Rebiya Kadeer all had been long detained , is that true? let's go to meet two of her granddaughters

Feel kind of sorry for these two girls, growing up known as the granddaughters of Xinjiang's biggest traitor, the psychological pressure must be immense in their daily social life.
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Lol stay burning.
East Turkistan mujahideen will be victorious soon In Sha Allah. I stand with Haqq and my nationality and identity is Islam.
Uyghur mujahideen will defend themselves and emerge victorious with the help of Allah.
Why is your name JF-17 block 3? Have you forgotten this plane was developed with China's help and could not have been developed otherwise? You are the same hypocrites Muhammad called out and condemned.

You ignore the evidence of human rights and concerns for separatists in Balochistan, yet advocate some exaggerated claims coming out of Xinjiang. Even if it were true, how do you justify Balochistan being an integral part of Pakistan or Kurdistan being an integral part of Turkey?

Because you refuse to see your own hypocrisy. Pakistan needs to rid itself of Arab/Uyghur worshiping pan-Islamist zombies such as yourself. And yes we will. We eliminated numerous Uyghur, Uzbek, Arab, Turkish terrorists from our country before and we will do it again. Islam is on our side.

No offense to any secularists belonging to these ethnicities.
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LOL, Talking is cheap, you can come to Xinjiang and fight, Uyghur police and soldiers will crush you in no time.

Uighur soldier: I m willing to endure all the hardship as long as I can defeat anyone who is against my motherland China.
Lol every Taghut Kufr oppressor said the same. But history shows Muslims have always come out victorious. With the help of Allah we’ll destroy Taghut oppressors and munafiqs.

No comment
What is left there to comment for you?
With which mouth do you speak about Kashmir but ignore Uyghur’s.
Lol hypocrisy at its finest.
East Turkistan and Kashmir issue is identical. Don’t speak for only one and ignore the other.

Iron brother.
Our real iron brother is any Muslim in the world. So Uyghur’s are our iron brother.
China is just a business partner as long as it’s profitable and in its interests.


Well considering the US is not in Afghanistan anymore...doesn't this make all his accusations not make any sense anymore?

Colonel: The US will remain in Afghanistan because it is the key to world domination..they won't ever leave.

But colonel the US left.

Colonel: oops! Oh well so much for that theory. Let me put my tin foil hat back on and find another.

Why US is so nervous about UN Human rights chief's truth seeking visit

No, this is just FakeNew purveyed by the Chinese.
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Looks like China is reforming, educating and modernising the society in Xinjiang. Europeans do it slowly and politely. China is a bit strict.

It may suck for the older/conservative population, but will be a much needed relief for the younger generation(particularly women) , brainwashed by faith.
US just like China to have mass shootings and bombings with dozens of daily deaths like what happens in their country around the clock, this is US norm, China breaks this US norm and enjoys total peace , zero terrorism, extremely low crime rate and social stability, these are things that US can't tolerate.

For a country with an extremely low crime rate the windows on your residential buildings certainly have alot of bars over them...and not just the first floor.
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Calling non-Islamic people as kaffir is racial hatred and racism, this site should block this terrorist ideologue who promotes racial and religious hatred
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