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Xinjiang Police Files

But recently Chinese were saying Xinjiang is very peaceful and prosperous. Now it seems it has terrorists. I guess after the leak, a new brief came in from Xi
Can you read English at all? There has been no terrorist attack in China for 3 years


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Can you read English at all? There has been no terrorist attack in China for 3 years

View attachment 847647
US just like China to have mass shootings and bombings with dozens of daily deaths like what happens in their country around the clock, this is US norm, China breaks this US norm and enjoys total peace , zero terrorism, extremely low crime rate and social stability, these are things that US can't tolerate.
Muslims if you have any ghairat left, speak up against Taghut Chinese who oppress your Uyghur brothers.
Our relation with Uyghurs is through religion which makes us brothers.
Our relation with Chinese is solely due to business and don’t forget what your so called iron friend’s businesses do in Pakistan. Our relations with Chinese is only about money and interests.
Uyghurs, our relation with them is one of brotherhood that no amount of money can end.
Fear Allah and don’t support Taghut in its oppression against your own brothers.

Mods probably gonna delete my thread and posts might even ban me but I’ll always side with Haqq.

I don't think any Muslim denies detention and torture of Uyghur Muslims by the Chinese except for some Pakistanis, well a lot of Pakistanis. Pakistanis seem to be beholden by their "iron brother" to the point they would deny clear cut evidence of the plight of the Muslims in Xinjiang. They would indulge in whataboutism and point towards the lies and agenda of the west to hide the truth even though many of them know the truth. It's shameful and pathetic as a Muslim.

Makes me quite ill that a significant portion of the police personnel involved in running these detention centers are ethnic uygurs. I can understand if the shinajin h*n do it but how does an uygur justify his participation in such criminality?

In every time and place there are collaborators and traitors, no surprise there.
I don't think any Muslim denies detention and torture of Uyghur Muslims by the Chinese except for some Pakistanis,
How come almost no Muslim country is sided with the west on this issue and they all choose to side with China, including yours?

Which Countries Are For or Against China’s Xinjiang Policies?

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Makes me quite ill that a significant portion of the police personnel involved in running these detention centers are ethnic uygurs. I can understand if the shinajin h*n do it but how does an uygur justify his participation in such criminality?
Just picking up on what @Bengal71 said.

Few articles that might be of relevance to you:

Nazi collaborator trials - dealing with Jewish collaborators

Jewish Kapos
ow come almost no Muslim country is sided with the west on this issue and they all choose to side with China, including yours?

Because of business, they hide the truth. And that's disservice they are doing and that exactly is the topic of the OP. Muslim countries not acknowledging and condemning Chinese treatment of the Uyghurs is NOT a proof of that there is no problem in Xinjiang. There is hard evidence and more will come out and the fact is being established regardless of Muslim countries admitting it or not.

You and other Chinese members here have a vested interest to lie about this issue, so there is no point in discussing this with you and your fellow Chinese members. I will not respond further.
Because of business, they hide the truth. And that's disservice they are doing and that exactly is the topic of the OP. Muslim countries not acknowledging and condemning Chinese treatment of the Uyghurs is NOT a proof of that there is no problem in Xinjiang. There is hard evidence and more will come out and the fact is being established regardless of Muslim countries admitting it or not.

You and other Chinese members here have a vested interest to lie about this issue, so there is no point in discussing this with you and your fellow Chinese members. I will not respond further.
You are just a liar, same as US, even trying to stop UN human rights chief to visit Xinjiang to find the truth. fortunately your government is not as dumb as you.
Most Xinjiang's police force and many PLA troops are Uyghurs in Xinjiang, they are all heavy armed, if the western propaganda is true, why not a single Uyghur police officer or PLA soldier turned their weapon against the government?
Why some people don't use their brains? are their heads up there on their necks just some decorations?
Interestingly, almost all Islamic countries stayed silent regarding for China’s Xinjiang issue, including the NATO member Turkey.

If the Xinjiang issue is true, what a bunch of pussy countries. If not, what a crowd of attention b*tches with f*cked-up ideologies that we give zero f*CK with.

Cry me a river! Geez
How come almost no Muslim country is sided with the west on this issue and they all choose to side with China, including yours?

Which Countries Are For or Against China’s Xinjiang Policies?

View attachment 847651
This will change when facts become undeniable.
Interestingly, almost all Islamic countries stayed silent regarding for China’s Xinjiang issue, including the NATO member Turkey.

If the Xinjiang issue is true, what a bunch of pussy countries.
There you have it. Even the chinese posters here are able to call a spade a spade.

Everyone here knows this is real and it’s happening. There’s just way too much evidence at this point. The only question is when will Islamic countries and the likes of OIC stop feigning ignorance.
Why US is so nervous about UN Human rights chief's truth seeking visit to Xinjiang and pulled out all stops to stop it and discredits it after failing to do so? What US is worried about? And yesterday, on the same day that the chief visited China, some "secret files" was being "leaked" by some "unknown sources", conincidence? Does US believe everyone has no brains like themselves?
The truth is,

I've met with Xianjing people in London and questioned them about such confinement camps. Hearing their stories was disturbing. The issue exists, but most countries remain silent due to large Chinese investments in their country.

I have no doubt that the concentration camps exist. The people who talk about it are Chinese themselves, not some random guy, and they have managed to flee to other countries, with a few of them telling me that their family members are in the camps, but they have managed to flee to Dubai and then London. They don't really talk about it unless you ask where they are from and upon finding out the location I asked them about these camps etc.

Most Pakistanis deny this for being good friend of China and take it as western propaganda but the truth doesn't change with that.
The truth is,

I've met with Xianjing people in London and questioned them about such confinement camps. Hearing their stories was disturbing. The issue exists, but most countries remain silent due to large Chinese investments in their country.

I have no doubt that the concentration camps exist. The people who talk about it are Chinese themselves, not some random guy, and they have managed to flee to other countries, with a few of them telling me that their family members are in the camps, but they have managed to flee to Dubai and then London. They don't really talk about it unless you ask where they are from and upon finding out the location I asked them about these camps etc.

Most Pakistanis deny this for being good friend of China and take it as western propaganda but the truth doesn't change with that.
They had a reason to leave China, you were just talking to a very selected group , a foreign expats group, do you think the thought of overseas Pakistani expats thought represent the general public within Pakistan? People choose to leave cause they have things they don't like, this group doesn't represent the majority, like if you only talk to Talibans you think everyone is a Taliban.
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