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Xinjiang Police Files

When did i deny that some people had their windows barred to get a sense of security? although I think is stupid, everywhere now has cameras, how can people be that stupid to break into other people's house in today's age.
In HK, majority of our apartments have window's bar on our windows unless that window cant be opened and small where the main reason is to prevent people to fall over. We have accidents like this already, this world is huge and if people can only see thing in one direction, then lets them be.
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You should watch some of the videos...it's really an eye opener. They are saying it was to keep kids from falling out of the windows. :rolleyes1:
I've actually seen it in person. I was based in Hong Kong on and off over a 15 year period, spent some time over the border. It's very common in Shenzhen and Guangzhou.
No one talks about Kashmir where they have been facing attrocties for decades on end
but since China is America's political rival uyghar is talk of the town
Yesterday, on the same day that the chief visited China, some "secret files" was being "leaked" by some "unknown sources", conincidence? Does US believe everyone has no brains like themselves?

I'm quite certain now that he is probably not Pakistani.
Oh so now you are suddenly backtracking on calling me a liar when I talk about window bars.

So it's just a tradition of being overly protective instead of calling it a complete Western fabrication.

Good going!

That's like me giving some answer that trains are only normal in China...they aren't.

Maybe we can ask a few people who are not Americans if this is simply just a "normal American thing" as you put it. :rolleyes1:

I think wide-scale window bar removal is likely a sign a country has moved from developing to developed as the majority of the people become employed and are not desperate. I'm not saying 100% employed or 100% window removal in a country (as every country has some bad areas)..I'm just saying it's just not as glaringly noticeable as to be a complete distraction.

@Mista @Vergennes @patero

How common are window bars in your residential areas?

Anything like the video in post #106 or the videos back here in post #88

Very common. My family has it installed as well. Most Singaporeans live in high rises.

But I think many young families living in newer towns are doing away with window grills because it doesn't look aesthetically pleasing.

Lol. More like to prevent kids from falling over.

I'm pretty sure most people here can fully understand the scenario of a child easily falling to their death from a multi-story building...and parents wanting to prevent it.

However that scenario does not seem likely in the videos I posted of people walking down streets and being greeted with bars covering windows on the first floor (but not always the above floors) of the buildings they are walking by.

a quick example

Yes, there are bars on windows in the West too but not as commonplace as this..unless you are in a really really really bad section of a town like you'd see in Hollywood movies.

Here's somebody walking through Compton (geez), California. One of the most notorious areas of the US. This is the type of place you start noticing window bars in all directions.
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Muslims if you have any ghairat left, speak up against Taghut Chinese who oppress your Uyghur brothers.
Our relation with Uyghurs is through religion which makes us brothers.
Our relation with Chinese is solely due to business and don’t forget what your so called iron friend’s businesses do in Pakistan. Our relations with Chinese is only about money and interests.
Uyghurs, our relation with them is one of brotherhood that no amount of money can end.
Fear Allah and don’t support Taghut in its oppression against your own brothers.

Mods probably gonna delete my thread and posts might even ban me but I’ll always side with Haqq.
You are sick in the mind that you are brain washed to be anti-china by the West at all cost. You should be really concerned instead about the real genocides and atrocities of the White Christians have committed against the Native children and colored people in your adopted country, US and North America continent. Chinese policing matters same as in other countries are of no concerns to you people, whether or not you share similar religious beliefs with some of the Uyghurs, China is a sovereign country and need no lectures from you on how to conduct its affairs.
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