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Xinjiang Police Files

They removed many of them in NYC..I guess China doesn't have the money or time for improving infrastructure...
I think those houses are privately owned and this is up to the owners to decide if they want to keep the window's bars or not.
They removed many of them in NYC..I guess China doesn't have the money or time for improving infrastructure...
When I lived in New York, locals said to me that if you'd never been robbed at least once, you are not a true New Yorker.
In the US people do keep their windows open...my wife does it all the time. Having bars on windows of residential buildings here is not the norm. It is only seen in high crime areas like poor inner city areas or some very poor town.

But if the Chinese here are claiming China has little crime...then why are there bars on the windows?

Why do you expect the world to follow US always? I find it equally weird people have glass doors or walls. We would have to start killing schools children if we always had to follow US about all their bad choices.
Looks like China is reforming, educating and modernising the society in Xinjiang. Europeans do it slowly and politely. China is a bit strict.

It may suck for the older/conservative population, but will be a much needed relief for the younger generation(particularly women) , brainwashed by faith.

They are eradicating / sinicizing Xinjiang

People of Xinjiang were a historic threat to Hans and initially they built Great Wall to protect themselves
After subjugating them some time later. They lost their influence in the Xinjiang in 751
Battle of Talas

More than a millennia later, they are attempting a han reconqunista which began during the time of Qing predecessors in 1755

Dzungar genocide
Why do you expect the world to follow US always?

The US is not the only country on the planet where not having bars on windows is the norm.

Why would you even think that?

You going to make me search for videos of walking in residential areas of various countries now (including the old buildings too BTW)

I find it equally weird people have glass doors or walls.

Well people in other countries 70 years ago thought air conditioning in US homes was weird too (instead of just opening windows)...now they can't get enough of it.

...and yes I do have a door made mostly of glass...and there's no bars on it either.
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The US is not the only country on the planet where not having bars on windows is the norm.

Why would you even think that?
You sound like all Chinese houses have bars on their windows, this is really absurd, only very few houses have bars ont their windows, none of my houses have any bars on them.
The US is not the only country on the planet where not having bars on windows is the norm.

Why would you even think that?

You going to make me search for videos of walking in residential areas of various countries now (including the old buildings too BTW)

And why should I care how white men live?? We have our way of life, none of my concern whether you like it or not.
Don't know if these pictures mean anything.. You can take any picture and narrate to your political correctness. In the US, for example, guards are armed with rifles and authorized to shoot to kill any disturbance they see. That means a prisoner could be set up to cause a disturbance and shot. I've visited a couple prisons and they're no jokes. I've known people who worked in the prisons and they could testify the dangers these prisoners face everyday. Without knowing the context of these pictures like who the prisoners are and why they were there, these pictures don't mean anything.

But the timing of when these pictures were released was peculiar -- at the time a UN human rights chief visiting Xinjiang and US loudly objecting the visit. Hm.. I thought the US owes the world a truth, or some fact findings to what it claimed.
Makes me quite ill that a significant portion of the police personnel involved in running these detention centers are ethnic uygurs. I can understand if the shinajin h*n do it but how does an uygur justify his participation in such criminality?

Without knowing the contexts of these pictures, you can't tell if these prisons are regular prisons that detent criminals or just Uygurs. If you take pictures of prisons around the world, they look very similar. The one that stands out would be Guantanamo Bay that showed guards using German shephards to scare prisoners for fun, or in Malaysia where prisoners were tied up under the sun for long hours.
Looks like this impersonator got BANNED yay!
China's territorial integrity can not be a matter of debate. I do not think that the problems of those who brought the subject here are the Uighurs. Because such approaches are like pouring gasoline on a fire. If this fire grows, the Uighurs will hurt the most.

I believe that our stance on this issue should be differentiated from the aims and means of the west. The West keeps this issue on its agenda because it is seen as a useful tool in the work of weakening China, which is the main strategy. It would be naive to think that the structure, which is the cause of oppression and persecution of the Muslims in many other parts of the world, has good thoughts for the Uighurs. As a member of a related people who speak the same language and have cultural and historical ties, my personal opinion is that our interlocutor should be China, not the West, when it comes to dealing with the problems of the Uighurs.

Who are these Turkish terrorists? (I do not understand whether you mean the whole Turkic world in a broad sense or the citizens of Turkey.) Were they a more effective organization than Pakistani terrorists who fought against the Turkish armed forces, engaged banditry against oppressed Syrian people?

I agree. I am referring to Turkish militants groups that came from Wazristan. And yes I am aware of Pakistani militias participating in Syria.

Terrorists are terrorists no matter what nationality or citizenship. Pakistani forces probably killed more Pakistani terrorists than foreign ones as Pakistanis make up the majority of terrorists in Pakistan.

My point is Pakistan is obliged to eliminate all terrorists, be them Uyghur, Uzbek, Turkish, Afghan, Arab & Pakistani or whatever nationality.

It is more important than making an issue within China. An issue that is not a concern for a country like Pakistan already suffering from separatist rebellions.
Those buildings looks at least 3 decades old, and clearly at that time China was poor and crime rate was related to overall economy. Nowaday first and second tier cities in China are in fact quite safe, and the today window's bar is mainly for safety.
Again I didn't say your streets are unsafe to walk on. I'm just saying window bars must be there for a reason.:rolleyes1:

Here is a South African guy who is anti-American/Western and touts how great things are going in China...even he doesn't notice the window bars...upper class he says!

just look at the buildings in the background as he walks..this is something simply not noticed by people who are used to it...like those who grew up in similar conditions in South Africa.
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Here is a South African guy who is anti-American and touts how great things are going in China...even he doesn't notice the window bars...upper class he says!

just look at the buildings in the background as he walks..this is something simply not noticed by people who are used to it...like those who grew up in similar conditions in South Africa.
Chinese are traditionally more protective towards their houses and families, that's why we built the Great Wall, what's wrong with it? Do Chinese have to be like Americans to be "normal"?
The funny thing is wherever Americans see barred windows, they start to point out and cry: See, Chinese concentration camps!
Chinese are traditionally more protective towards their houses and families, that's why we built the Great Wall, what's wrong with it?

Oh so now you are suddenly backtracking on calling me a liar when I talk about window bars.

So it's just a tradition of being overly protective instead of calling it a complete Western fabrication.

Good going!

Do Chinese have to be like Americans to be "normal"?
That's like me giving some answer that trains are only normal in China...they aren't.

Maybe we can ask a few people who are not Americans if this is simply just a "normal American thing" as you put it. :rolleyes1:

I think wide-scale window bar removal is likely a sign a country has moved from developing to developed as the majority of the people become employed and are not desperate. I'm not saying 100% employed or 100% window removal in a country (as every country has some bad areas)..I'm just saying it's just not as glaringly noticeable as to be a complete distraction.

@Mista @Vergennes @patero

How common are window bars in your residential areas?

Anything like the video in post #106 or the videos back here in post #88
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