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Xinjiang Police Files

Pakistan should severely suppress the terrorists of the Balochistan independence movement. I suggest that Pakistan should prohibit the teaching of Iranian characters, the cultural infiltration of Iran, and the literature, art, poetry and movies and TV dramas from Iran in school education in the Balochistan region. .
Pakistan lacks a strong ideology to support Pakistan in doing so. Without an ideological foundation, anything is done halfway. I don't think the theory that Pakistan's Muslim brothers are one family can support Pakistan's strong crackdown on Balochist terrorists. This has led to decades of bloodshed in Pakistan. Greatly delayed the economic development of Pakistan. Throwing the whole country into a quagmire of poverty and chaos.
The temperature now reaches 50 degrees Celsius, Pakistan lacks electricity, and people's lives are struggling in the heat. Can't this be blamed on the continuous chaos of Balochistan terrorists?
Pakistan's ability to govern gives the world a very weak feeling. Just like a person, the brain cannot command its own hands and feet. This is actually the greatest sin, because incompetence and weakness can cause decades of slow bleeding and many more deaths.
In ancient China, our Confucian philosophers said, use the thunderbolt method to practice the heart of a bodhisattva. It means to use strong measures to do justice and things that are beneficial to the people, that is true compassion and kindness. This would stop the wound in time and stop the bleeding, rather than the slow bleeding for decades that would actually kill more people.
If China does not forcefully suppress Uyghur pan-Turkic Islamic terrorists, it will cause continuous small-scale bloody rebellions in Xinjiang, giving terrorists like ISIS and pan-Turkic expansionists an opportunity. At that time, our country must dispatch the regular army and use the army to eliminate terrorists on a large scale. I believe that the use of the military, with the capabilities of the Chinese military, will result in mass deaths of Uyghur insurgents. Possibly millions, if the Uyghurs are determined to split Xinjiang territory from China.
Calling non-Islamic people as kaffir is racial hatred and racism, this site should block this terrorist ideologue who promotes racial and religious hatred
This site is against spreading religious hatred and racism. "Kafir" is simply an arabic word used to describe people who are Non-Muslims.

Iranian characters, the cultural infiltration of Iran, and the literature, art, poetry and movies and TV dramas from Iran in school education in the Balochistan region. .
I agree with all of your post but Iran and Pakistan are neighbors so they share same culture and even religion. Urdu is influenced by Persian language and even our national anthem is all in farsi except one word.
The article is released after UN chief of human rights is visiting China.

I prefer the version of UN chief of human rights over the USA propaganda.

I think USA act is more and more childish every day.

It's the same tactics used by envious women during their gossip.

A government should act like a real government, the wisest, most educated and smartest among the population who run the country.

Not lowly envious women who love to gossip.
What you seeing is the butthurt attempt to smear the most successful anti-terrorism initiative in recent history. Xinjiang went from having weekly attacks to being incident free within a span for 2 years. There has not been a single attack in the region since 2016, and Xinjiang became the fastest growing region in China economically.

As far this whole "concentration camp" crap, it's just another variation in the same old shit from the West.
China's territorial integrity can not be a matter of debate. I do not think that the problems of those who brought the subject here are the Uighurs. Because such approaches are like pouring gasoline on a fire. If this fire grows, the Uighurs will hurt the most.

I believe that our stance on this issue should be differentiated from the aims and means of the west. The West keeps this issue on its agenda because it is seen as a useful tool in the work of weakening China, which is the main strategy. It would be naive to think that the structure, which is the cause of oppression and persecution of the Muslims in many other parts of the world, has good thoughts for the Uighurs. As a member of a related people who speak the same language and have cultural and historical ties, my personal opinion is that our interlocutor should be China, not the West, when it comes to dealing with the problems of the Uighurs.

Why is your name JF-17 block 3? Have you forgotten this plane was developed with China's help and could not have been developed otherwise? You are the same hypocrites Muhammad called out and condemned.

You ignore the evidence of human rights and concerns for separatists in Balochistan, yet advocate some exaggerated claims coming out of Xinjiang. Even if it were true, how do you justify Balochistan being an integral part of Pakistan or Kurdistan being an integral part of Turkey?

Because you refuse to see your own hypocrisy. Pakistan needs to rid itself of Arab/Uyghur worshiping pan-Islamist zombies such as yourself. And yes we will. We eliminated numerous Uyghur, Uzbek, Arab, Turkish terrorists from our country before and we will do it again. Islam is on our side.

No offense to any secularists belonging to these ethnicities.
Who are these Turkish terrorists? (I do not understand whether you mean the whole Turkic world in a broad sense or the citizens of Turkey.) Were they a more effective organization than Pakistani terrorists who fought against the Turkish armed forces, engaged banditry against oppressed Syrian people?
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Go to ask any Americans who ever visited China and learn if China is safe or not.

Feeling safe and worrying about coming back to your home and finding it broken into are two different things.

Obviously bars on windows are not there to keep space aliens out.

It's funny when people on PDF post Westerners walking the streets of China and building after building they pass has bars over the windows. I am aware that some create cages and use them as extra space...but I'm talking about the regular bars over windows that are not giving you any extra space.
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Feeling safe and worrying about coming back to your home and finding it broken into are two different things.

Obviously bars on windows are not there to keep space aliens out.

It's funny when people on PDF post Westerners walking the streets of China and building after building they pass has bars over the windows.

This is weird, I have only seen such in hollywood movies. Also like having glass walls or door? maybe it's fashion in west. wherever i visited most people have bars in windows, we have it everywhere in India. I don't understand what's the point of not having proper safe house? and if you feel so safe in your place, maybe just keep your doors/windows open.
This is weird, I have only seen such in hollywood movies. Also like having glass walls or door? maybe it's fashion in west. wherever i visited most people have bars in windows, we have it everywhere in India. I don't understand what's the point of not having proper safe house? and if you feel so safe in your place, maybe just keep your doors/windows open.
We have bar on our window mainly for preventing people, especially for young kids, falling over, since most of the people in HK and China live in a tall building.
This is weird, I have only seen such in hollywood movies. Also like having glass walls or door? maybe it's fashion in west. wherever i visited most people have bars in windows, we have it everywhere in India. I don't understand what's the point of not having proper safe house? and if you feel so safe in your place, maybe just keep your doors/windows open.

In the US people do keep their windows open...my wife does it all the time. Having bars on windows of residential buildings here is not the norm. It is only seen in high crime areas like poor inner city areas or some very poor town.

But if the Chinese here are claiming China has little crime...then why are there bars on the windows?
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We have bar on our window mainly for preventing people, especially for young kids, falling over, since most of the people in HK and China live in a tall building.

I see bars on windows of the first floor. You worried about a less than 2 meter drop.

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This Amrican girl is a globe trotter, an extensive traveler, she says China is the only place where she can leave her belonging anywhere without worring that someone may take it. Many American lived in China also proved this fact, saying China is not safe just because wome houses have barred windows is so pathetic

I see bars on windows of the first floor. You worried about a less than 2 meter drop.

Those buildings looks at least 3 decades old, and clearly at that time China was poor and crime rate was related to overall economy. Nowaday first and second tier cities in China are in fact quite safe, and the today window's bar is mainly for safety.
This Amrican girl is a globe trotter, an extensive traveler, she says China is the only place where she can leave her belonging anywhere without worring that someone may take it. Many American lived in China also proved this fact, saying China is not safe just because wome houses have barred windows is so pathetic

I think it is perfectly safe to sit in a park eating a picnic. However if I'm not careful some bird will swoop down and grab my food.

That doesn't mean I now say eating a picnic in a park is unsafe.

Those buildings looks at least 3 decades old, and clearly at that time China was poor and crime rate was related to overall economy.

So the cutoff date when the crime rate suddenly dropped and things like this were not necessary anymore was what year? 1995? 2005? 2010? 2015? 2020?

Nowaday first and second tier cities in China are in fact quite safe, and the today window's bar is mainly for safety.
You mean people don't take pride in their living conditions and simply don't remove old bars from a bygone era of crime.

I guess they enjoy a constant reminder of their past harsh life. Maybe pretty flowers in the windows instead are out too!
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You mean people don't take pride in their living conditions and simply don't remove old bars from a bygone era of crime.
Why should we to do that ? Since removing them takes time and money, and the bar can provide at least some protection. We are practical people, unless the bar is broken and I see no reason to remove them.
Why should we to do that ? Since removing them takes time and money, and the bar can provide at least some protection. We are practical people, unless the bar is broken and I see no reason to remove them.

They removed many of them in NYC..I guess China doesn't have the money or time for improving infrastructure...
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