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Xinjiang Police Files

China never denied they have detained radicals, all countries does that, almost all major economies from ME ,SEA,to west has detained people perceived as radicals or terrorist ,and subjected them to what they refer as de radicalization and reform.
No nation in the world will tolerate terrorism. Muslim nations knows China isn't targeting any Uyghur because of their religion,but because of radical activities,that's why Muslim nations don't support the western campaign about xinjiang.
Imagine pretending that that western evangelist care about Muslims ,but only in China?

But since it's China, the west have multilaterally decided to become a drama queen under a c0-ordinated campaign to take some widely used anti terrorist practice,and then turn them into something unacceptable,like only China has no right to deal with terrorist activities in their soil using the same procedures that most nations deploy.
When it's west they use terms like radicals/terrorist,de radicalization centres to refer them but when it's china,terms like ethnic minority and concentration camps are used.

A co-ordinated campaign to justify US's blatant attack on Chinese corporates,and turn public sentiment against china.

And this latest so called "leaked documents " is no exception,a campaign to discredit UN visit since the US and their cronies knows their smear will find no evidence.The so-called leaked documents apparently uses Japanese and Taiwanese fronts and they are busy correcting the files? The people that were hired for this jobs did a messy work in editing the files

No proof these so-called leaks were all legit,but random mix match with some photos ( most likely from just a bunch of random training & id photos since they have casual clothes) and forged documents.Any one can makeup anything now ,it's about noise and headlines ,before the lies fall apart like any other Zenz's works.
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No peace and stability, no development and progress, a decade ago XInjiang's development was stalled by a spate of terrorist attacks and the region was stuck in economic stagnation and backwardness, since China eventually brought the disturbance to the end, Xinjiang embarked on the economic development fast track, economy is booming, growth at double digits, just in a few years, now Xinjiang is becoming econimically highly developed, socially very stable and one of the safest places in China, remember, China as whole is already very safe.
People's standard of living in Xinjiang had been greatly improved, every family owns private cars, everyone enjoys good healthcare, every kid goes to school,every teenager goes to college...
Pakistan as a friend can take a leaf from China's book with an eye for future fast growth and development.
Muslims if you have any ghairat left, speak up against Taghut Chinese who oppress your Uyghur brothers.
Our relation with Uyghurs is through religion which makes us brothers.
Our relation with Chinese is solely due to business and don’t forget what your so called iron friend’s businesses do in Pakistan. Our relations with Chinese is only about money and interests.
Uyghurs, our relation with them is one of brotherhood that no amount of money can end.
Fear Allah and don’t support Taghut in its oppression against your own brothers.

Mods probably gonna delete my thread and posts might even ban me but I’ll always side with Haqq.
Bro, you are going against the wind.

This forum has lost its soul to these fake infidels and sold their morale. It is ironic to see a few us of highlight the plight of moslems across the world.

I am always reminded of my esteemed A. Iqbal - "you have sold your soul for a mere pennies".

Qasim marched through to help a muslim woman held in in now Pakistan region, and here millions are being incarcerated for what? - even observing Ramadhan is akin to a crime, attending mosque, or even reading the koran.

The paid agents on this forum will bombard it with fake and paid/staged youtubes. But, have they even understood that in ramadhan, we get kids to finish the koran. Do we see that? No - instead all about people having fun time.

Let us make duaa to the Almighty for God to give Xi and his goons to have the light of our prophets and accept our faiths.

God tests all the believers. THis is one test, Xi and his goons will leave this world and face the almighty in the here after.


  • The-Xinjiang-Papers-An-Introduction-1.pdf
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Bro, you are going against the wind.

This forum has lost its soul to these fake infidels and sold their morale. It is ironic to see a few us of highlight the plight of moslems across the world.

I am always reminded of my esteemed A. Iqbal - "you have sold your soul for a mere pennies".

Qasim marched through to help a muslim woman held in in now Pakistan region, and here millions are being incarcerated for what? - even observing Ramadhan is akin to a crime, attending mosque, or even reading the koran.

The paid agents on this forum will bombard it with fake and paid/staged youtubes. But, have they even understood that in ramadhan, we get kids to finish the koran. Do we see that? No - instead all about people having fun time.

Let us make duaa to the Almighty for God to give Xi and his goons to have the light of our prophets and accept our faiths.

God tests all the believers. THis is one test, Xi and his goons will leave this world and face the almighty in the here after.
You do know these curses cut no ice with the 1.4 billion Chinese population, don't you?
Bro, you are going against the wind.

This forum has lost its soul to these fake infidels and sold their morale. It is ironic to see a few us of highlight the plight of moslems across the world.

I am always reminded of my esteemed A. Iqbal - "you have sold your soul for a mere pennies".

Qasim marched through to help a muslim woman held in in now Pakistan region, and here millions are being incarcerated for what? - even observing Ramadhan is akin to a crime, attending mosque, or even reading the koran.

The paid agents on this forum will bombard it with fake and paid/staged youtubes. But, have they even understood that in ramadhan, we get kids to finish the koran. Do we see that? No - instead all about people having fun time.

Let us make duaa to the Almighty for God to give Xi and his goons to have the light of our prophets and accept our faiths.

God tests all the believers. THis is one test, Xi and his goons will leave this world and face the almighty in the here after.

I was expecting I may read the name of Adrian Zenz somewhere, his name appeared in the 1st page itself :rofl:
What a waste of bandwidth!
Because of business, they hide the truth. And that's disservice they are doing and that exactly is the topic of the OP. Muslim countries not acknowledging and condemning Chinese treatment of the Uyghurs is NOT a proof of that there is no problem in Xinjiang. There is hard evidence and more will come out and the fact is being established regardless of Muslim countries admitting it or not.

You and other Chinese members here have a vested interest to lie about this issue, so there is no point in discussing this with you and your fellow Chinese members. I will not respond further.
Thank you - the faith has been under attack since Mao's time but now it has gone to another level of extremity.

Regretfully, the fake narratives by the paid propaganda brigade here bombards spams, fake videos, peddles, down right racists attacks then the threads disappear like they do with the Uighurs.

We pray for all Uighurs brothers and sisters; God's word is supreme.

I invite these paid propaganda bridages to the message of God and for them to accept the GOd almighty to save their akhirahat. Xi is not God.
Thank you - the faith has been under attack since Mao's time but now it has gone to another level of extremity.

Regretfully, the fake narratives by the paid propaganda brigade here bombards spams, fake videos, peddles, down right racists attacks then the threads disappear like they do with the Uighurs.

We pray for all Uighurs brothers and sisters; God's word is supreme.

I invite these paid propaganda bridages to the message of God and for them to accept the GOd almighty to save their akhirahat. Xi is not God.

Leave it bro, the invitation to Islam and the likes. These kuffar are the worst kind among the kuffar. Christians and even idolaters may pay some attention to this because they believe in an idea of god, monotheistic or polytheistic, but this variety is a special one who believe in nothing. You are just opening yourself up to ridicule.

I am more worried about the Muslims who know well the truth but feign ignorance because of their interest in worldly gains. They are the bigger problem/hindrance than the oppressors themselves. Unfortunately we have too many of them. Also unfortunate that we see no solution to the problem, we are likely living in the prophesied times when we are the "froth of the sea".
Leave it bro, the invitation to Islam and the likes. These kuffar are the worst kind among the kuffar. Christians and even idolaters may pay some attention to this because they believe in an idea of god, monotheistic or polytheistic, but this variety is a special one who believe in nothing. You are just opening yourself up to ridicule.

I am more worried about the Muslims who know well the truth but feign ignorance because of their interest in worldly gains. They are the bigger problem/hindrance than the oppressors themselves. Unfortunately we have too many of them. Also unfortunate that we see no solution to the problem, we are likely living in the prophesied times when we are the "froth of the sea".
Absolutely bro.

These kaffirs are a totally different league whose heart God almighty has sealed.

I completely agree - when we try to highlight the plight of muslims - ignore the indian curry muncher trolls - they are in the same league..

This from the land of Iqbal. Iqbal is correct - His message is a wake up call for all. We are seeing Inqilab and stirring of the souls of muslim youth who will not be silenced and swayed by the establishments. This message was seen when central asian communists kuffar were thrown out. I dont not know if you ever remember, his verses became the anthem for the inqilab - Whether it is China or Palestine or Syria.... Iqbal's message for the Muslims is ever lasting.

Khudi by Allama is what stirs the our souls:

Ye Dour Apne Baraheem Ki Talash Mein Hai
Sanam Kudah Hai Jahan, La Ilaha Illallah

An Abraham by the age is sought to break the idols of this Hall:
The avowal of God's Oneness can make all these idols headlong fall.

Ye Naghma Fasl-e-Gul-o-Lala Ka Nahin Paband
Bahar Ho Ke Khazan, La Ilaha Illallah

These melodious songs are not confined to time when rose and tulip bloom
Whatever the season of year be "No god but He" must ring till doom.

This brings our present state of affairs ...... Allama (god rest his soul in heavan) - concludes.

Agarche But Hain Jamat Ki Astinon Mein
Mujhe Hai Hukm-e-Azan, La Ilaha Illallah

Many idols are still concealed in their sleeves by the Faithful Fold,
I am ordained by Almighty Allah to raise the call and be much bold.

This is what we are holding to - We need to raise the call of injustice for muslims irrespective of race, location or politics. God willing, the athetists will pay for their sins as well.
They had a reason to leave China, you were just talking to a very selected group , a foreign expats group, do you think the thought of overseas Pakistani expats thought represent the general public within Pakistan? People choose to leave cause they have things they don't like, this group doesn't represent the majority, like if you only talk to Talibans you think everyone is a Taliban.
I think if they talk to those HK freedom "figthers" or refugees in UK, they would believe HK police sexually assaulted and murdered those black rioters in 2019.
This time cia backed document forgery has been caught red-handed ,now US agents lost future credibility regarding any so called leaked documents.
How embarrassing for the people that went into a mode of hysteria, thinking they have finally got something...
Absolutely bro.

These kaffirs are a totally different league whose heart God almighty has sealed.

I completely agree - when we try to highlight the plight of muslims - ignore the indian curry muncher trolls - they are in the same league..

This from the land of Iqbal. Iqbal is correct - His message is a wake up call for all. We are seeing Inqilab and stirring of the souls of muslim youth who will not be silenced and swayed by the establishments. This message was seen when central asian communists kuffar were thrown out. I dont not know if you ever remember, his verses became the anthem for the inqilab - Whether it is China or Palestine or Syria.... Iqbal's message for the Muslims is ever lasting.

Khudi by Allama is what stirs the our souls:

Ye Dour Apne Baraheem Ki Talash Mein Hai
Sanam Kudah Hai Jahan, La Ilaha Illallah

An Abraham by the age is sought to break the idols of this Hall:
The avowal of God's Oneness can make all these idols headlong fall.

Ye Naghma Fasl-e-Gul-o-Lala Ka Nahin Paband
Bahar Ho Ke Khazan, La Ilaha Illallah

These melodious songs are not confined to time when rose and tulip bloom
Whatever the season of year be "No god but He" must ring till doom.

This brings our present state of affairs ...... Allama (god rest his soul in heavan) - concludes.

Agarche But Hain Jamat Ki Astinon Mein
Mujhe Hai Hukm-e-Azan, La Ilaha Illallah

Many idols are still concealed in their sleeves by the Faithful Fold,
I am ordained by Almighty Allah to raise the call and be much bold.

This is what we are holding to - We need to raise the call of injustice for muslims irrespective of race, location or politics. God willing, the athetists will pay for their sins as well.

Iqbal is well known in BD but not well read. I haven't read his works but have understanding of his works. He is good but we have better source of guidance and that's our lord and our leader. I don't want to deviate the discussion to a religious one as we need to focus on the real issues on the ground at this time. Unfortunately we don't seem to have a solution. The world I think is going through a transition period, global power and leadership is changing hands from west to the east, at least it appears so. This could have been a great opportunity for Muslims to ally with the emerging power and alleviate some of our problems. Unfortunately the new bloke in the town may even be more evil, we don't know yet. Probably demonstrates what's said in the scriptures that Muslims should not take the kuffar as friends, rather they are friends of each other. Basically we are on our own and will be till the end of the times. We simply have to get our acts together to realistically address any of our problems in a meaningful way.
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What is the point of this sort of argument ?

Either what you are doing in Xinjian is legit , or it is not. What US is doing has nothing to do with it.

The difference is,

Torture in Guantanamo are FACTS, admitted and acknowledged worldwide.
Human right abuse in this thread in xinjiang is fake news.
This will change when facts become undeniable.

There you have it. Even the chinese posters here are able to call a spade a spade.

Everyone here knows this is real and it’s happening. There’s just way too much evidence at this point. The only question is when will Islamic countries and the likes of OIC stop feigning ignorance.
Spare the nonsenses. You could’ve easily figured out what I referred as “attention bit*ches” if you actually use your logic thinking for a bit. For god’s sake, give me a break.
Iqbal is well known in BD but not well read. I haven't read his works but have understanding of his works. He is good but we have better source of guidance and that's our lord and our leader. I don't want to deviate the discussion to a religious one as we need to focus on the real issues on the ground at this time. Unfortunately we don't seem to have a solution. The world I think is going through a transition period, global power and leadership is changing hands from west to the east, at least it appears so. This could have been a great opportunity for Muslims to ally with the emerging power and alleviate some of our problems. Unfortunately the new bloke in the town may even be more evil, we don't know yet. Probably demonstrates what's said in the scriptures that Muslims should not take the kuffar as friends, rather they are friends of each other. Basically we are on our own and will be till the end of the times. We simply have to get our acts together to realistically address any of our problems in a meaningful way.
Absolutely, we agree. The world is at a cross roads.

These are purely kuffars who want to eradicate the message of our lord in every way shape or form.

We must highlight the plights of muslims without fail on this forum; this is 3rd thread which these kuffars have tried to throw into upheavel - i thought iblis was later; but these are nothing less.
Bro, you are going against the wind.

This forum has lost its soul to these fake infidels and sold their morale. It is ironic to see a few us of highlight the plight of moslems across the world.

I am always reminded of my esteemed A. Iqbal - "you have sold your soul for a mere pennies".

Qasim marched through to help a muslim woman held in in now Pakistan region, and here millions are being incarcerated for what? - even observing Ramadhan is akin to a crime, attending mosque, or even reading the koran.

The paid agents on this forum will bombard it with fake and paid/staged youtubes. But, have they even understood that in ramadhan, we get kids to finish the koran. Do we see that? No - instead all about people having fun time.

Let us make duaa to the Almighty for God to give Xi and his goons to have the light of our prophets and accept our faiths.

God tests all the believers. THis is one test, Xi and his goons will leave this world and face the almighty in the here after.
Muslims were meant to go against the world. While the world follows falsehood we’re suppose to be on the path of Haqq. I will stand with Uyghur’s till my death.
These brain dead Chinese worshippers on the forum don’t even know the reality of our “iron brotherhood”. Where was the so called iron brother when their IPP’s were sucking our blood and won’t give us any relief. Or when they give us super high interest loans. Or how their literally basically stealing our gold and copper from sandak mine. Or how their fishing boats illegally steal fish from our water and destroy our ecosystem.
Chinese are businessmen their friendship with anyone is based on money and interests. Yet Pakistanis high on the iron friendship bs.
Our relations with Uyghurs is one of religion.
The same mods who censor posts about Uyghur’s are gonna speak about Kashmir. East Turkistan literally has a genocide going on and they ignore while claiming to support Kashmir. Hypocrites!
Our founders, Jinnah and Iqbal would be ashamed of Pakistan today for staying silent on Uyghur issue.
East Turkistan is literally Muslim lands ruled by mushriks and these people support it.
May Allah guide or destroy Xi and his minions. Ameen
Allah is with the oppressed and the duaa of the oppressed doesn’t go unanswered. They should fear Allah wrath.
Idk how a Muslim would be able to justify him self on the day of judgement for siding with Taghut over their oppressed Muslim brothers.

Also there’s no such thing as terrorism is East Turkistan:

United Nations resolution 37/43, dated 3 December 1982, “reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle.”

By UN resolution, Uyghur’s are fighting a war of independence against foreign occupation so it’s 100% legal as per UN law. So terrorism doesn’t exist at all in East Turkistan. They are rebels fighting for a independent state against a foreign occupiers which UN allows.
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