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WOW:Syria militants attack Hezbollah positions in Lebanon: FSA

As expected you were not able to disprove any of my points Alshawi1234. Well, it's hard arguing against recognized facts so that must be why.

It's very easy. Name me one single Shia that is against Iranian interference in the Arab world/that does NOT support the Mullah's and their fight against Islam (Sunni Islam the main and most important branch that is followed by 85 percent of all Muslims worldwide). There won't be one. That is why we Sunni Arabs and Sunnis overall must realize that we cannot trust them. They would rather sell themselves to Iran than staying truth to the Arab world. This is a tendency that I hear from non-Arabs as well who are complaining about the Shia minorities in their countries who are conspiring against the integrity of their homelands in favor of Iran. But the most tragicomically thing is that they will always be a minority and that there are only 4 majority Shia countries in the world one of which is tiny Bahrain that will forever be under KSA control. In fact I am a supporter of us annexing it likewise Qatar in the future since those two countries sometimes act above their weight and could be vulnerable against a possible Iranian attack - GCC or no GCC. Same people basically as well.

Yes, most of the Iranian Sadah are not genuine but we all know that.

To the Shia Pakistani troll r3alist I only have this to say:


The Arabian Peninsula is one of the most beautiful and historical regions in the world and is the area of the world that was first inhabited outside of Africa if we are to believe science. Yemen's history alone is older than that of any Iranian. Recently a ancient town in Yemen was discovered in a valley in the mountains that was found to be nearly 15.000 years old. Arabs who are Semitic people have the oldest cultures anyway and all Semitic people are originally from the Arabian Peninsula including all the ancient Semitic civilizations/peoples. Moreover Hejaz is one of the oldest regions that is situated perfectly between Arabia Felix (Southern Arabia), Africa and Levant. Large parts of the Levant have been traditionally inhabited by ancient Arab civilizations.

The irony is you should be bragging about this yemeni history to the saoudis "brothers" who don't even treat yemeni as an equal. It's a perfect case of tribe mentality. Saoudi treat yemenis as sc*m. I am laughing at how confused you are
The irony is you should be bragging about this yemeni history to the saoudis "brothers" who don't even treat yemeni as an equal. It's a perfect case of tribe mentality. Saoudi treat yemenis as sc*m. I am laughing at how confused you are

multiple account are against PDF rules and regulation Mr @Ceylal.
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Just a correction, one does not HAVE to be a "sayid" to become an ayatollah(simply a person who has the authority of issuing a fatwa, unlike Sunnis, issueing fatwas is exclusive to ayatollahs and not just any shiek) That is the secret of Shia success.

Secret of Shia success? Then you better read why and how Emam Khomeini stripped Ayatollah Ali Al Muntazari .......
Secret of Shia success? Then you better read why and how Emam Khomeini stripped Ayatollah Ali Al Muntazari .......

First of all I am Iraqi and the majority of Iraqis don't believe in "wilayat al Faqih" (ayatollah in politics). But still Shias don't have the same fatwa issuing problems like or Muslim sects. Everyday we hear fatwas about children, little girls, raping from unknown shieks and the public do not know who to follow.

Second Shias are open to differences in terms of minor religious issues, being different doesn't always being wrong, it is just a point of view.
They have a military base in Sevastopol from where they could send help.The could also help just by rearming Assad. As i have said , Assad is their only chip in middle east.It depends how desperate they are and the price USA could offer to buy their acquiescence. The outcome of this war would depend on many factors the most important of it would be whether NATO has an stomach for regime change or not and after that the desperation of SA ,Iran and Russia.



Note: Dardanelles and bosphorous straits are International waterways under treaty of lausanne and International waterway under UNCLOS.So turkey could not block Russian ships without declaring war on Russia.


Most of the territory that is in FSA today is Sunni dominated.As they would push forward they would face much stiffer resistance than they had faced on their home turf where locals supported them.Also capturing of airfields would not count for much as Assad ensured that his airforce was dominated by alawites. And being a well armed minority faced with annihilation they are going to fight desperately.

Apart from Russia,Assad is the ace card for Iran also.While Russia may probably lose just a base,Iran would lose everything it has desired and worked for since 1979.It's dream of dominating Muslim world would come to naught. Hizbullah,isolated and embroiled in their own little sectarian war in Lebanon would wither away and perish and Iran's influence would just parry down to 1-2 countries.Worse would be a loss of face in it's identity war against Sunnis which ayatollah seem to be waging since 1979 even if not openly at least psychologically by calling GCC as western puppet and less of a muslims.Defeat of Assad would be a tacit defeat for Iran.

Unless Russia withdraws it's support the war is destined to end in bloody stalemate.Another possibility would be Iran somehow forging an alliance with Iraqi shias to run some kind of Arm and fighter train to supply Assad but it's effectiveness should be doubted as it could face resistance from Iraqi sunnis.

The willingness of NATO to intervene in situation could change the tide of conflict drastically but it looks pretty far fetched that they would do anything substantial in absence of Security council mandate which is not coming due to russian veto and chinese nonchalance.

Regarding Russian military,a comparison with NK would be blasphemous.Russia is 2/3 strongest military in world and apart from US(alone) or NATO,nobody could overcome it.And this demographic threat is overblown.Islam lose more people to conversion in Russia then it gains by higher birth rates.

Here: A Islamic source as a witness to its desperate plight
Islam in Russia: 2 Million Ethnic Muslims Leave Islam For Russian Orthodox*Christianity | 1 MUSLIM NATION

And the point related to West,science and India,China and Russia:Unless these countries embrace the western outlook in dealing with knowledge especially science,the higher degree of moral and materialistic development is impossible.The only country that would ever replace west would be nearly it's replica in core values (not superficial ones which are denoted by length of garments but more fundamental ones like tolerance to dissent).Countries are embracing western outlook because it works best among the system known to men currently.

Very realistic analysis, cheers :tup:

As a part russian myself, i'd like Russia to withdraw from supporting Assad. Already, Russian citizens in Syria are being evacuated.
First of all I am Iraqi and the majority of Iraqis don't believe in "wilayat al Faqih" (ayatollah in politics). But still Shias don't have the same fatwa issuing problems like or Muslim sects. Everyday we hear fatwas about children, little girls, raping from unknown shieks and the public do not know who to follow.

Second Shias are open to differences in terms of minor religious issues, being different doesn't always being wrong, it is just a point of view.

Not as easy as you defined, differences amongst Iraqi Ayatolahs viz Sistani, Hassouni and Bourjourdi are open for public consumption and supporters of all the sides have killed each other. The differences of Imamat led to splitting up in to Zaidi, Ismaili & Ithna Ashari and further disintegrations with in. The many offshoots, Alewi, Nusayri, Beqthashi and Ahle haq even Bahai are for the same reason.

According to Pew research, global Shiets are between 9 to 13 % of overall Muslim population of the world. The small block of Shiet Muslim population is deeply divided since it is a small minority amongst huge Muslim population the differences do not come to surface because of its micro categorization by social and religious scholars.

The concept of Fatwas in Sunnite is extremely different from Shiets; it is only the advice of scholar on given issue keeping in mind the circumstances furthermore it is not binding for all. This provides the cushions for large and versatile Sunnite population from Saudi Arabia to Siberia and from Brunei to Bosnia as a coherent unit.

Sunnites are majorly in four School of thoughts and all of them are equally respected by all. Modern day Sunnite scholars use there references to decide the complex issues.
Are Iranians not Arabs? At least their rulers are. To be an Ayatollah, one has to trace ancestry to Quraysh, an Arabian tribe.

Also I do not think it is wise to try to solve 1000 year old disputes now. Ideally, shias and sunnis should try to reconcile differences. Both Shias and Sunnis should maintain good friendship with US and other world powers, like Saudi Arabia has done which has resulted in the modernisation of their country.

There is no such thing.
It does not necessarily indicate allegiance to anyone, they have a tendency to commit unnecessary conflicts.
The irony is you should be bragging about this yemeni history to the saoudis "brothers" who don't even treat yemeni as an equal. It's a perfect case of tribe mentality. Saoudi treat yemenis as sc*m. I am laughing at how confused you are

That's a complete lie. Many Saudis are from Yemen originally and many Yemenis are from Hejaz and Najd likewise. We are both brotherly nations and being both Hejazi and Yemeni is as common as anything gets. You will know this Berber (Ceylal) but since you don't even speak Arabic or have stepped a foot in the Arabian Peninsula I doubt that you would know this.

The newest arrivals from Yemen to KSA (from the early foundation of the modern KSA state until a few decades ago) have all been hugely successful. Osama bin Laden's father was a poor Yemeni (Hadrami) illiterate man who emigrated like thousands of others to Hejaz and successfully established himself. Today the Saudi Binladin Group is one of the most wealthy and influential architectural firms. There are thousands of "Bin Ladin family cases" all over KSA. In fact Yemenis are known as hard workers and very skilled businessmen. This is a ancient trait among them that goes back to thousands of years. They share that with Hejazis hence why both groups always have blended well which my parents are a good example of.

Secondly a few unfortunate incidents does not mean anything. There are unfortunate examples among full-blooded Najdi vs Najdi and Hejazi vs Hejazi. You could have mentioned basically ANY other group of people other than Yemenis who are the most tied with Saudis overall.

Basically your post is nonsense.

EDIT: Realized that he was banned again.
Not as easy as you defined, differences amongst Iraqi Ayatolahs viz Sistani, Hassouni and Bourjourdi are open for public consumption and supporters of all the sides have killed each other. The differences of Imamat led to splitting up in to Zaidi, Ismaili & Ithna Ashari and further disintegrations with in. The many offshoots, Alewi, Nusayri, Beqthashi and Ahle haq even Bahai are for the same reason.

According to Pew research, global Shiets are between 9 to 13 % of overall Muslim population of the world. The small block of Shiet Muslim population is deeply divided since it is a small minority amongst huge Muslim population the differences do not come to surface because of its micro categorization by social and religious scholars.

The concept of Fatwas in Sunnite is extremely different from Shiets; it is only the advice of scholar on given issue keeping in mind the circumstances furthermore it is not binding for all. This provides the cushions for large and versatile Sunnite population from Saudi Arabia to Siberia and from Brunei to Bosnia as a coherent unit.

Sunnites are majorly in four School of thoughts and all of them are equally respected by all. Modern day Sunnite scholars use there references to decide the complex issues.

Perfectly put. Let me also remind that nobody takes those self-proclaimed clerics serious and their fatwas. This is mostly something new converts/non-Arabic speakers and people with a lack of Islamic knowledge believe in. Also the Shi'as who form 9-13 percent are the most divided sect given it's small members. And they have plenty of clerics and self-proclaimed Ayatollah's and Sadah (especially common to claim that falsely in Iran) who are making fatwas left and right and absurd religious claims.

I know some really pious and religious people and they never take those fatwas or self-proclaimed clerics serious in the first place. Also such fatwas are not common on the Arabian Peninsula at all but mostly found outside of it. Imagine such individuals from Makkah and Madinah making such absurd claims. It would not only be embarrassing but people would discredit them immediately since they are VERY familiar and knowledgeable about Islam for obvious reasons in general.
After reading the posts of Al-Hassani and Al-Shawi I have decided to write these lines regarding the ongoing turmoil in MENA region and its impact on the future geopolitics of the region. The region is Further divided in regions and is populated by the Shiet-Sunnite invariably .The entire Levant is about 80% Sunnite, the entire Peninsula Arab is almost 70 % Sunnite the Entire Anatolia is again 80% Sunnite and the entire Arab Maghreb is totally Sunnite. The only region that are predominantly Shiet is Persia (90%) & south Caucasus (Azerbaijan region 75 %) and Mesopotamia, where Shiets are numerically superior around 60% (% may wary, I took the data from pew global Shiet –Sunnite Population).

Both the Shiets & Sunnites have been living in the region from centuries and will live in the same region for centuries to come. The important point is that who will lead the region, since the advent of late Ayatollah Khomeini and his revolution, Iran has consolidated the Shiet power in the region but now it seems that it is in declining phase. The Syrian civil war and its settlement is of tremendously important to decide that who will be the master of the region, it seems that the fall of Shiet crescent is aligned with the fall of Al-Assad in Syria and latter is inevitable . After consolidating their power in Damascus the Sunnite forces will march towards Baghdad either with gun or with diplomacy and politics to diminish the Persian Shiet influence in the region.

The ongoing conflict in the region is a war of attrition and will take its own time to settle down. The outcome of war will decide that who will rule the region in decades and centuries to come with almost, the same composition of ethnic/religious mix. Suffice to say that the continuing conflict in the region is relentless war of supremacy between the Shiet/Sunnite power brokers and it will finally settle down with the resolution of Palestinian (Jerusalem) issue.

Regional Division :
Levant- Syria,Lebanon,Jordan,Palestine,Israel
Mesopotamia- Iraq, Kuwait
Peninsula Arab – Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain
Arab Maghreb- North African region

All regional countries are affected by the Sunni-Shiate conflict, countries are undermining each others rather than cooperating. Iran has to understand that it's not welcomed in the region which is mainly Arab world, and it has to mind it's own business. It's true that Iran has messed up coexistence of Sunni and Shia but it will be the biggest loser. Shia Arabs will get to the point when they will realize that they have been being used to fulfill Iranian agenda. Inshallah Sunnah and Shia will get along someday after this Iranian regime is gone.
They have a military base in Sevastopol from where they could send help.The could also help just by rearming Assad. As i have said , Assad is their only chip in middle east.It depends how desperate they are and the price USA could offer to buy their acquiescence. The outcome of this war would depend on many factors the most important of it would be whether NATO has an stomach for regime change or not and after that the desperation of SA ,Iran and Russia.



Note: Dardanelles and bosphorous straits are International waterways under treaty of lausanne and International waterway under UNCLOS.So turkey could not block Russian ships without declaring war on Russia.


Most of the territory that is in FSA today is Sunni dominated.As they would push forward they would face much stiffer resistance than they had faced on their home turf where locals supported them.Also capturing of airfields would not count for much as Assad ensured that his airforce was dominated by alawites. And being a well armed minority faced with annihilation they are going to fight desperately.

Apart from Russia,Assad is the ace card for Iran also.While Russia may probably lose just a base,Iran would lose everything it has desired and worked for since 1979.It's dream of dominating Muslim world would come to naught. Hizbullah,isolated and embroiled in their own little sectarian war in Lebanon would wither away and perish and Iran's influence would just parry down to 1-2 countries.Worse would be a loss of face in it's identity war against Sunnis which ayatollah seem to be waging since 1979 even if not openly at least psychologically by calling GCC as western puppet and less of a muslims.Defeat of Assad would be a tacit defeat for Iran.

Unless Russia withdraws it's support the war is destined to end in bloody stalemate.Another possibility would be Iran somehow forging an alliance with Iraqi shias to run some kind of Arm and fighter train to supply Assad but it's effectiveness should be doubted as it could face resistance from Iraqi sunnis.

The willingness of NATO to intervene in situation could change the tide of conflict drastically but it looks pretty far fetched that they would do anything substantial in absence of Security council mandate which is not coming due to russian veto and chinese nonchalance.

Regarding Russian military,a comparison with NK would be blasphemous.Russia is 2/3 strongest military in world and apart from US(alone) or NATO,nobody could overcome it.And this demographic threat is overblown.Islam lose more people to conversion in Russia then it gains by higher birth rates.

Here: A Islamic source as a witness to its desperate plight
Islam in Russia: 2 Million Ethnic Muslims Leave Islam For Russian Orthodox*Christianity | 1 MUSLIM NATION

And the point related to West,science and India,China and Russia:Unless these countries embrace the western outlook in dealing with knowledge especially science,the higher degree of moral and materialistic development is impossible.The only country that would ever replace west would be nearly it's replica in core values (not superficial ones which are denoted by length of garments but more fundamental ones like tolerance to dissent).Countries are embracing western outlook because it works best among the system known to men currently.

Very well put and we seem in agreement. I was actually aware of the Russian fleet in Sevastopol (Crimea) but I doubt that they would cross Turkish and NATO waters (Greece) to interfere in Syria. The problem is that there are too many interests in Syria and if one of the big powers make a move then others will probably follow and this is holding them back. And it's not like Libya which is 99 % Sunni and 90 percent Arab and then some Berbers and Sub-African immigrants and which was easy to interfere in since it was divided in two parts (Pro-Qaddafi and the opposite). Syria is much more complex and it is located next to Israel/Palestine, KSA, Iraq, Turkey etc. Libya is much more isolated as such.

Oh, and let's be honest. NATO and the West and other parts (Russia and China) are only interested in geopolitical/financial gains and unlike Libya there is no oil in Syria. Yes, it might be a simplistic view but I doubt that it does not play any role in the decision making.

Anyway I would personally not have anything against greater Arab-Russian cooperation since I am convinced that we could benefit from each other. I really like the fact that KSA is trying to have friendly ties with not only USA/NATO/Europe but also China/India and to a smaller extent Russia. Obviously Pakistan and Turkey is already there but as with all diplomacy it's basically x against y no matter which countries we are talking about - more or less.
Yup clean up time.. Hizboallat in Lebanon, Mailki militias in Iraq till reach the mullas in Tehran. the way how we planed :pop:
You wish our Maliki is preparing for your pigs wait for first delivery of your pigs been hanged in Baghdad soon.

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