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WOW:Syria militants attack Hezbollah positions in Lebanon: FSA

You all Asadis , Fasadis ( FSA) and their backend supporters ( Turkey , Iran, Arabs , Russia and America) carry the weight of excessive pain of many Fathers who had to carry their dead child , many mothers whose happiness and smile have forever been stolen away , many men who are just concerned about putting food on the table of his family and don't gives a shyt who is controlling everything .

All these war of regime control won't benefit people who are only concerned about putting food on the tables of their families and give them best education they can afford for better lives of their kids .

in 5 decades you could not do a shyt about Palestinians , and now are ruining the lives of syrians .

Karma is a Bytch and for all the blood shed by all your rulers , dictators , kings and government , they will pay . If not in this world then in other world . There is someone up above who keep records of all your doings .

I thought you don't believe in existance of GOD . :what: , You are an athiest or not?
So sad to see all these crimes because Turkey, KSA, Qatar and the west decided they wanted to spread "democracy and freedom" in Syria. They were living so much better without foreign sponsored "democracy".
Why is everyone crying about Assad killing innocent civilians now?, why wasn't Assad not killing innocent civilians before this so called "revolution". What surprises me even more is the call to arm the rebels and achieve a military victory, either they are too stupid to realize that Assad will not fall via force and the fighting will stop even after Assad OR (that is the true intention) they want to Destroy Syria and keep the bloodshed ongoing.

If anyone is to be blamed for what I'd going on in Syria it is the countries who encourage and support the fighting in Syria.
I thought you don't believe in existance of GOD . :what: , You are an athiest or not?

Karma is not god . its like you are responsible for your the choices you take . Plus i am border line atheist , more of an agnostic though i reject the concept of religions completely .
iran Syria Hezbollah All of these Guys are fighting against terrorism and and their survivals fight i say If they unit can beat the **** of these bloody free syrian army @$$.Hls lol some one even posted video of their leader who was having ....... with a girl ON SKYPE lol low life people
I know, girls! He should do the proper thing and get a goat.

i dont agree, but that may be your opinion of it

i dont know their budget; but they are a defensive force not an offensive force per se. They did manage to defend Southern Lebanon from any major invasion. Aerial threats they couldnt do too much about --- especially when israelis have LGBs and night vision capability (FLIR)

Hezbollah is not fighting in Syria; it's a Lebanese resistance group. So why would they need to capture Syrian territory? I think thus far theyve been cautious not to get embroiled just yet.

Hezbollah did capture israeli soldiers bro; that's one reason why the war began in the first place!!!

no they arent......though FSA also does draw some of its senior leadership from defected Syrian army individuals (regulars, officers)

it is a possibility, for sure. . .

i think the israelis have calculated that while FSA could be a med-long term threat, they just want to see a major thorn in their side taken care of (Hezbollah-Lebanon-Iran)

Whether that actually happens, we'll have to see.

it already is a civil war, too late.

and israel? :laugh:

Syria is an ancient phenomenon my dear friend -- just google "Al Sham"

it existed long before anyone was talking about tel aviv or zionist-motivated immigration to the middle east
And Isreal is ancient too. You guys even put a mosque on the site of their old temple. Ever seen the reliefs on the arch of Titus?
Karma is not god . its like you are responsible for your the choices you take . Plus i am border line atheist , more of an agnostic though i reject the concept of religions completely .
There is someone up above who keep records of all your doings .
I were referring to this point , sometimes you behave like athiest and sometimes you become agnostic , Why your behaviour depend on momentum of conditions ? Are you confused in your basics?:what:
I were referring to this point , sometimes you behave like athiest and sometimes you become agnostic , Why your behaviour depend on momentum of conditions ? Are you confused in your basics?:what:

That statement was used more as a colloquial term to ring the bells and rustle the jimmies of believers as almost everyone on this thread is a firm believer of their religion and God .

I thought you were asking in generic terms . Sorry to confuse you .

HAHA. I guess you said the same when Saddam was removed right? Oh, I guess the melody was different back then. You Shias welcomed the Americans and their allies with flowers and alcohol and were their true servants for 10 years while the Sunnis fought against a illegal occupier. Just like you are the servants of Iran today as the only Arab country (Al-Asad and his regime will be gone - just a matter of time so I won't include them). I guess this happens when there are only 4 Shia majority countries in the whole world - tiny Bahrain (who will always be a extension of KSA), Iraq (only 60 percent), Azerbaijan (most secular Muslim country and a little country) and then Iran.:lol:

Also you might read up a little about Al-Asad and his regime. The country has been ruled by Ba'athists and the same family and it's heretic sect members for 50 years and thousands of Syrian have been killed by their hands since that time. Many massacres. Syria is/was one of the most oppressing regimes before the brave Syrian population awaked and started to remove the Iranian sponsored regime once and for all.

Apart from that Al-Asad and his gang were useful when they were sending freedom fighters into Iraq. I will give him credit for that but you might not like it.:laugh:
You really must be rather thick if you believe that Al-Asad will ever rule Syria again. He only has the support of sect members and less than 15-20 percent of the population. He does not even control most of Syria and have not done that for over a year now. His days are numbered with or without Irani/Russian supply of weapons and support.

The FSA are already winning most battles despite having insufficient weapons and no air force which is the only thing that is keeping his regime alive. You can't fight justice or people who are not afraid of death and people who have the support of 80 percent of all Syrians.
The disgusting Syrian regime have deliberately taken control of many hospitals and do not allow Sunnis to be treated whether civilian or not. They have deliberately poisoned the water supply in Homs and many villages which killed entire families.

Ultimately all the sect members who support him and servants of Iran will get what they deserve and know their place again as the tiny insignificant minority they are.
Apart from that all Iranian-backed regimes who interfere in the Arab world will be removed one after one. Syria is just the beginning. The two remaining chapters will be Hezbollah and Shia militias in Iraq.
1- Fact, the Shia cities were fighting even after baghdad and all the Sunni cities surrendered to the Americans.
2- we had no incentive of fighting, suppose we "won" (which is impossible considering the circumstances) and Saddam stayed in power, life would become even more horrible, there was already extreme poverty, the Americans would have destroyed everything if they encounter too much resistance anyway.
3- for the millionth time , The US forces came from the countries of their Sunni allies
4- The sunni Kurds did not put up ANY resistance against the US, there is even a video of a party where there are Sunni women dancing to Americans on YouTube in Mosul.*
5- Shia Arabs are 80% of Iraqs Arab population whether you agree or not.
6- yes Shia are a minority, but have you ever read*( كَمْ مِنْ فِئَةٍ قَلِيلَةٍ غَلَبَتْ فِئَةً كَثِيرَةً بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ)
7- the population of Shias and Sunnis in the middle east is equal, the Shias In Iraq are more than the population of the entire KSA, *the Shias in Iran are more than all the gulf and levant countries combined.
8- where is this claimed majority from the Palestinians who have been crying for help for over 6 decades.
9- you said Assad will fall in December last year, I told you he won't and that I'll mind you later, now I am reminding you and telling you that he is not going to fall this year.
10- get over it, You guys tried to take over Iraq in 2004-2007, tens of thousand of Sunni fighters flooded into Iraq to fight the Shias, this ended up in a major defeat for the Sunnis although the Shias were not organized. Now you Are dreaming of taking over Iraq after reorganizing and training the Army...? Beside the world powers will never allow it since they do not want to disrupt the flow of oil. If "you" decide to attack Iraq, all the world would turn against you. China and India are the biggest consumers for Iraqi oil. The US and Russia have their largest oil companies operating in Iraq. *Jordan will become a major Iraqi ally once the Basrah-Aqaba oil pipeline is complete regardless of its sect or religion.* So I suggest you stay away for the Shias because the innocent Sunnis in majority Shia areas (Baghdad especially) south Iraq, diyalah, although it has 60% Sunni it is in full military control of the Shias.
11- The Shias were able to remove the US forces with politics, while the Sunni states of Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Oman ALL have US bases. *A ***** should not speak about honor.*
12- the Syrian government has made some radical changes in the government in order to appease the demands, but apparently the "revolution" was not for demands at all.

You speak so happily and proudly about what's going on while Syria is being destroyed into pieces, I'm sure you wouldn't speak with that tone would it have been your country.

Anyways, I would like to end with a prayer.
اللهم إنا نشكو إليك فقد نبينا ، وغيبة ولينا ، وشدة الزمان علينا ووقوع الفتن [ بنا ] ، وتظاهر الأعداء علينا، وكثرة عدونا ، وقلة عددنا . اللهم فافرج ذلك بفتح منك تعجله وبصبر منك تيسره ، وإمام عدل تظهره إله الحق رب العالمين*
I don't know where you have your statistics from but virtually all statistics (international and Arabic) point to the fact that AT LEAST 85 percent of all Muslims (1.6-1.8 BILLION overall) are Sunnis. In the Middle East and Arab world 80 percent are Sunnis. Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt (there are nearly 100 million Sunnis in Egypt alone and Egypt is very much the center of the Arab world/MENA region/Middle East, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, KSA, Yemen, The Gulf region etc.

As I said before only tiny Bahrain is majority Shia and it's like 500.000 people we are talking about. It's virtually nothing in the greater picture. Apart from that there is only Iraq which is only 60 percent Shia. And it's population is 30 million of which 3-5 million are Kurds who probably will break loose sone. KSA has a local population close to 30 million of which 95 percent are Sunnis mainly of the Hanbali and Shafi'i fiqh.

Iran is not a Arab country so why include them? I might include Pakistan alone. They have more Sunnis alone than all Shia's combined in the Middle East. Or what about Bangladesh that is 90 percent Sunni? That's nearly 150 million people.

To quickly counter your points.

1: We all know which areas resisted the Americans the most and which areas are uncontrollable by outsiders. The Sunni areas. To claim otherwise is not being serious.

2. Yes, thanks for confirming the hypocrisy I replied to in the first place.

3. So what? You yourself have claimed on this forum that you would like USA to invest more in Iraq. The truth is that this Anti-American propaganda is the empty talk of the same extremists you claim to oppose. I guess it is different when we are talking about Shia extremists (Hezbollah and the state of Iran). The allies of USA and NATO are the most modern, rich, prosperous and stable countries in the region. And I rather want to be a ally of NATO (aside from fellow Arab countries - ever heard about GCC or the Arab League?) than being a puppet of foreigners likewise (Iran = non-Arabs) who are a failed state in comparison....I am sure, regardless of the empty talk here that most Iraqi Shia's would the same had they had the choice...

4. I am not talking about Sunni Kurds but Sunni Arabs although Kurds have 1-2 groups who resisted the Americans but their regional government - likewise like the US-backed Iraqi government favored the invasion. Anyway talk about hypocrisy again. First crying about American bases in small Sunni countries in the Arabian Gulf and then openly admitting that you welcomed American INVASION and occupation for 10 years. That's quite funny, sorry. I know what I would prefer.

5. All sources say that the Sunnis in Iraq number AT LEAST 33 percent but most sources say 40 percent. There are probably more than that. Anyway they are a tiny drop in the ocean in the bigger picture everywhere outside of Iraq.

6. Yes, but that does not equal Shia's by any means who are not a coherent group anyway. The Shias in Yemen who are a minority are closer to Sunnis of that same country who belong to the Shafi'i fiqh than Shia Twelvers in Iran, Iraq and Lebanon....

7. This issue have already been addressed above.

8. You might realize which countries are donating the most. Yes, KSA and UAE. Two Sunni countries on the Arabian Peninsula.

9. I don't know what you are talking about but I never gave any predictions on this forum I just said that it's a question of time and not if. Even the Russians have realized this so you must live with the fact that the Sunni population of Syria (80 percent) will not forget Iraq's stance or the Shia militias from Iraq who have and operate within Syria.

10: Iraq is not that important. Already 60 percent of it's territory is inhabited by Sunnis mostly. They will succeed if they will be targeted/governed from Iran and will declare independence/autonomy like the Kurds have done. Iraq is as fragmented as it's gets in the Middle East so I am not sure what you are boosting about. KSA, UAE and Qatar alone could supply the whole world with oil and gas for years to come. KSA has no problem supplying the world with oil now when Iran is under sanctions.

KSA has excellent relations with India and China. Likewise the Gulf. It's after all the most lucrative market for foreigners. KSA is the biggest Arab economy in the world and only growing since the population growth is the biggest in the Middle East. The Basra-Aqba pipeline is insignificant in the wider picture. Jordan is largely dependent on KSA and will always be it's greatest ally.

11. Already addressed this issue.

12. Yeah, and pigs can fly. Al-Assad is a child murderer and dictator that has killed 70.000 people. Had the same Al-Asad been Iraqi and a Sunni Arab and ruled Iraq you would be crying about him like you do with Saddam Hussein. Once again hypocrisy at it's best.

If you cared about Syria you would not support a dictator and child-murderer who is only interest in staying in power despite the majority of Syrians wanting him sentenced to death for crimes against humanity. Right now you and his supporters in Syria are using the excuse of foreign "terrorists" (who only form 5 % of the opposition) as a excuse to counter 80 percent of the population (Sunnis) and their cities/regions while the Alawi regions are left untouched. Really says it all. If you actually care to read independent Syrian reports from a wide range of people (secularists, islamists, Christians, Sunnis, leftists/right, public figures, political commentators, famous Syrians etc. all call for Al-Assad to step down. Syria is/was no different than Saddam's Iraq. All you and his supporters arguments about him enjoying 90 percent popular support is a big lie like once in Iraq and this was only happening due to severe oppression, no freedom of speech, rule by fear and brutality etc.

What touched me the most was seeing a interview with a girl my age who was a victim of the recent bomb in Damascus and who could barely speak due to head injuries. Her mother and one sister were interviewed by a foreign journalist who asked them what they thought about the regime and they were clearly afraid and said that Allah (swt) could only tell about them and the future of Syria. The hospital like all hospitals in government controlled areas are heavily patrolled by Asad thugs who threaten people not to talk about politics and who kill/kidnap people who are Sunnis/don't support the child-murderer. But despite this the girl, heavily wounded spoke barely and said that Al-Asad must step down and collapsed on the bed. You could see that other patients right next to hear wanted to scream the same message but were afraid like most Syrians have been since the heretic sect members and their family gained the control.

At the end injustice will be defeated and Asad and his thugs will be defeated. I am sad that his supporters have blind faith in him and worship him and commit the most horrible crimes in his name but somehow I will not feel sorry for them if they will be subjected to the same behavior or worse when they will be defeated/caught. As the saying goes - don't play with fire.

I am not going to reply before tomorrow evening (Eastern Time) because I have to make homework.
Are Iranians not Arabs? At least their rulers are. To be an Ayatollah, one has to trace ancestry to Quraysh, an Arabian tribe.

Also I do not think it is wise to try to solve 1000 year old disputes now. Ideally, shias and sunnis should try to reconcile differences. Both Shias and Sunnis should maintain good friendship with US and other world powers, like Saudi Arabia has done which has resulted in the modernisation of their country.
After reading the posts of Al-Hassani and Al-Shawi I have decided to write these lines regarding the ongoing turmoil in MENA region and its impact on the future geopolitics of the region. The region is Further divided in regions and is populated by the Shiet-Sunnite invariably .The entire Levant is about 80% Sunnite, the entire Peninsula Arab is almost 70 % Sunnite the Entire Anatolia is again 80% Sunnite and the entire Arab Maghreb is totally Sunnite. The only region that are predominantly Shiet is Persia (90%) & south Caucasus (Azerbaijan region 75 %) and Mesopotamia, where Shiets are numerically superior around 60% (% may wary, I took the data from pew global Shiet –Sunnite Population).

Both the Shiets & Sunnites have been living in the region from centuries and will live in the same region for centuries to come. The important point is that who will lead the region, since the advent of late Ayatollah Khomeini and his revolution, Iran has consolidated the Shiet power in the region but now it seems that it is in declining phase. The Syrian civil war and its settlement is of tremendously important to decide that who will be the master of the region, it seems that the fall of Shiet crescent is aligned with the fall of Al-Assad in Syria and latter is inevitable . After consolidating their power in Damascus the Sunnite forces will march towards Baghdad either with gun or with diplomacy and politics to diminish the Persian Shiet influence in the region.

The ongoing conflict in the region is a war of attrition and will take its own time to settle down. The outcome of war will decide that who will rule the region in decades and centuries to come with almost, the same composition of ethnic/religious mix. Suffice to say that the continuing conflict in the region is relentless war of supremacy between the Shiet/Sunnite power brokers and it will finally settle down with the resolution of Palestinian (Jerusalem) issue.

Regional Division :
Levant- Syria,Lebanon,Jordan,Palestine,Israel
Mesopotamia- Iraq, Kuwait
Peninsula Arab – Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain
Arab Maghreb- North African region
This is not a insult I am just wondering why your government insists on keeping Al-Asad for geopolitical reasons and because the sect members (Al-Asad family) have had ties to Russia for 50 years.

It is your last bastion. Russia and Russians are not getting good publicity after the Libya and now Syria affairs in the Arab world. You are making huge mistakes if you ever want friendly relations/cooperation with Arab countries.

Instead of supporting Al-Asad you should renounce him and instead seek normal relations with Arab countries on other fields. Maybe this way there would be beneficial cooperation between both sides.

Instead you want to defend 1 out of 22 Arab countries and their regime instead of letting a hopeless case go and try establish a good cooperation with all 22 or AT LEAST more than just 1 country.

Your government should drink less vodka because my youngest nephew at the age of 3 year could make more sensible decisions in terms of foreign politics....

Well @al-Hasani

Russians are playing wisely in my point of view.

Firstly,they have a naval base in Syria ie a perfect clientele in form of assad and they have little utility for sunni arab countries.Russia does not need your oil the have lots of energy resources themselves and are your rival in this field.You have nothing to offer to them in short term and they have very little chance of pulling sunni arab countries out of US orbit.

Secondly they could establish themselves as a firm protector of harangued dictatorships world over thus improving their geo-political influence.

Third, there is an old saying in economics by keynes-"In the long run,we are all dead".International relations are ephemeral.Iranians mob murdered Alexander Griboyedov, the czar’s ambassador to Persia, with his entire embassy staff in 1829 yet today Russia is biggest benefactor of Iran. Internetional relation depends upon zietgeist.It is in short and mid term interest of russians to support assad.
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Are Iranians not Arabs? At least their rulers are. To be an Ayatollah, one has to trace ancestry to Quraysh, an Arabian tribe.

Also I do not think it is wise to try to solve 1000 year old disputes now. Ideally, shias and sunnis should try to reconcile differences. Both Shias and Sunnis should maintain good friendship with US and other world powers, like Saudi Arabia has done which has resulted in the modernisation of their country.

Excuse me!!:hitwall:

1- I am, talking about the population in the middle east, not the rest of the world. Yes it is close to being equal. Since you have been bragging about being a majority ever since I would like to prove to you that being a majority means nothing.*
لَقَدْ حَقَّ الْقَوْلُ عَلَى أَكْثَرِهِمْ فَهُمْ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ

وقوله تعالة في هذه الآية الكريمة : *لَقَدْ حَقَّ القول على أَكْثَرِهِمْ *يدلّ على أن أكثر الناس من أهل جهنم ، كما دلّت على ذلك آيات كثيرة كقوله تعالى : *ولكن أَكْثَرَ الناس لاَ يُؤْمِنُونَ *[ هود : 17 ] و [ الرعد : 1 ] و [ غافر : 59 ] ، *وَمَآ أَكْثَرُ الناس وَلَوْ حَرَصْتَ بِمُؤْمِنِينَ *[ يوسف : 103 ] ، *وَلَقَدْ ضَلَّ قَبْلَهُمْ أَكْثَرُ الأولين *[ الصافات : 71 ] ، *إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لآيَةً وَمَا كَانَ أَكْثَرُهُمْ مُّؤْمِنِينَ .

المصدر: http://www.tafsir.net/vb/tafsir18176/#ixzz2LqbvauPY

2- resisted the Americans by killing over 300,000 civilians, congratulations. You forgot about the battle of Karbala, Najaf, basrah, Nassiryah... Anyways*

3- yes I would like for Iraq to have greater cooperation with the USA in terms of mutual interest, why is it ok that all the Sunni countries have good relations but it is not ok with Iraq?

4 obviously you know nothing about Iraq. There is a high concentration of Iraqi army in all the Sunni areas, they could enter wherever they want. They have a tight grip on all the Sunni provinces. * This is the Iraqi army in the one of neighborhood of the largest Sunni majority city in Iraq.*

5- Jordan has refused to arm the rebels, Jordan will earn $3 billion a year from the pipeline and be totally dependent on Iraqi oil. The KSAs oilfields are too far from Jordan to build a pipeline.*

6- *80% too bad, and we control the government and the army :lol:

8- Anbar is 60% of Iraqs territory, but the population of Sade city in Baghdad alone is more than double the population of Anbar, sketches on a map don't really mean anything.*
9- Iraq is not important? *You have a good sense of humor, Iraq has always been and always will be important, you need to go over some history lessons.*

Anyways I already know where this is going since I have had numerous conversations with you on SSC, this whole argument will keep going around in a loop so I will stop replying.
Are Iranians not Arabs? At least their rulers are. To be an Ayatollah, one has to trace ancestry to Quraysh, an Arabian tribe.

Also I do not think it is wise to try to solve 1000 year old disputes now. Ideally, shias and sunnis should try to reconcile differences. Both Shias and Sunnis should maintain good friendship with US and other world powers, like Saudi Arabia has done which has resulted in the modernisation of their country.

Just a correction, one does not HAVE to be a "sayid" to become an ayatollah(simply a person who has the authority of issuing a fatwa, unlike Sunnis, issueing fatwas is exclusive to ayatollahs and not just any shiek) That is the secret of Shia success.

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