1- Fact, the Shia cities were fighting even after baghdad and all the Sunni cities surrendered to the Americans.
2- we had no incentive of fighting, suppose we "won" (which is impossible considering the circumstances) and Saddam stayed in power, life would become even more horrible, there was already extreme poverty, the Americans would have destroyed everything if they encounter too much resistance anyway.
3- for the millionth time , The US forces came from the countries of their Sunni allies
4- The sunni Kurds did not put up ANY resistance against the US, there is even a video of a party where there are Sunni women dancing to Americans on YouTube in Mosul.*
5- Shia Arabs are 80% of Iraqs Arab population whether you agree or not.
6- yes Shia are a minority, but have you ever read*( كَمْ مِنْ فِئَةٍ قَلِيلَةٍ غَلَبَتْ فِئَةً كَثِيرَةً بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ
7- the population of Shias and Sunnis in the middle east is equal, the Shias In Iraq are more than the population of the entire KSA, *the Shias in Iran are more than all the gulf and levant countries combined.
8- where is this claimed majority from the Palestinians who have been crying for help for over 6 decades.
9- you said Assad will fall in December last year, I told you he won't and that I'll mind you later, now I am reminding you and telling you that he is not going to fall this year.
10- get over it, You guys tried to take over Iraq in 2004-2007, tens of thousand of Sunni fighters flooded into Iraq to fight the Shias, this ended up in a major defeat for the Sunnis although the Shias were not organized. Now you Are dreaming of taking over Iraq after reorganizing and training the Army...? Beside the world powers will never allow it since they do not want to disrupt the flow of oil. If "you" decide to attack Iraq, all the world would turn against you. China and India are the biggest consumers for Iraqi oil. The US and Russia have their largest oil companies operating in Iraq. *Jordan will become a major Iraqi ally once the Basrah-Aqaba oil pipeline is complete regardless of its sect or religion.* So I suggest you stay away for the Shias because the innocent Sunnis in majority Shia areas (Baghdad especially) south Iraq, diyalah, although it has 60% Sunni it is in full military control of the Shias.
11- The Shias were able to remove the US forces with politics, while the Sunni states of Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Oman ALL have US bases. *A ***** should not speak about honor.*
12- the Syrian government has made some radical changes in the government in order to appease the demands, but apparently the "revolution" was not for demands at all.
You speak so happily and proudly about what's going on while Syria is being destroyed into pieces, I'm sure you wouldn't speak with that tone would it have been your country.
Anyways, I would like to end with a prayer.
اللهم إنا نشكو إليك فقد نبينا ، وغيبة ولينا ، وشدة الزمان علينا ووقوع الفتن [ بنا ] ، وتظاهر الأعداء علينا، وكثرة عدونا ، وقلة عددنا . اللهم فافرج ذلك بفتح منك تعجله وبصبر منك تيسره ، وإمام عدل تظهره إله الحق رب العالمين*