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Would Urdu become extinct ??


May 3, 2009
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Hello fellows.

Time to Save Urdu ?

English in Pakistan has now become a status symbol , people specially our young fellows take pride in speaking fluent English which is admireable considering the English is an International Language and a wider source to communicate to each other over the internet and sharing knowledge.

But what about our National language ???
I see my fellows speak a considerable amount of english words while speaking Urdu or as we refer to it the term "Gulabi urdu" & they when asked about the Urdu equallent of that English term , all you hear is a giggle isn't it a shame really !

Many of our students are quite bad at Urdu and score minimum marks in this subject and consider urdu as a useless subject to study.

Moreover to make things even worse , our national media has adopted this culture and now no one speaks clear urdu on news neither on urdu talk shows.

Everyone tends to speak english even in Urdu programs for some unknown reasons , ain't we going into a state of inferiority complex ?

Some internet sources rate urdu as the 19th biggest language in the world even when Pakistan is the 6th Biggest country in the world.

It shows that our national language is not safe, considering that the 3rd largest source of islamic knowledge is in urdu it becomes much important and urgent to take timely massures to help our National language.

This is a dillema faced by many other countries ie Germany here is an example.

Conservatives Want German Language Protected in Constitution | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 02.12.2008

Members please give suggessions on how we can save our national language.:pakistan:

"Be Pakistani , speak Urdu."

Thanks: BB
Urdu cannot become extinct for as long as the people of Pakistan cannot speak English. The other alternate is for one regional language to become all pervasive. Since neither of these are a possibility, Urdu will remain.
Urdu cannot become extinct for as long as the people of Pakistan cannot speak English. The other alternate is for one regional language to become all pervasive. Since neither of these are a possibility, Urdu will remain.

Agreed but we are supposed to take urdu upwards not downwards aint we ?

We are the 6th greatest nation in the world but our National language is sitting like a duck on no 19 !!

We do need some massures to bring it back to life & don't get me wrong i do not oppose English.

All i want is "Speak proper English & proper Urdu and dont abuse your National Language."
How is the official day to day dealings? it is in Urdo or not?Letter writtings etc. if not then the prospect of Urdo wont be good. Because the language will not have a bright future without official support.
How is the official day to day dealings? it is in Urdo or not?Letter writtings etc. if not then the prospect of Urdo wont be good. Because the language will not have a bright future without official support.

Most of the office work on higher level is done in English which is a shame.

I think it should be made a law to print both languages.
english should be eliminated in pakistan

where as the title is funny, but concerns are urdu is not getting respect as a national language, english is a foreign language and it is treated like it is more important than urdu
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oh man this cant happen ..Urdu should be made compulsory of undergrad curriculum of every discplin, be it the Engineering, IT,Sciences or Humanities ..!!!
Not only in school/college levels, but very importantly in Universities.
english should be eliminated in pakistan

where as the title is funny, but concerns are urdu is not getting respect as a national language, english is a foreign language and it is treated like it is more important than urdu

No i have a disagreement with eliminating the English language.

English is very important but not morethan our National language , our elders have fought for the survival of Urdu and so will i.

Urdu must be a language of common use and we are the people who can make it happen.
Learn as many foreign language as you can and take benefit from it, but never let down your own language.
O Come on guys! Lets be BRUTALLY HONEST

We need to have a command in English for reasons that I donot have to explain.

As far as urdu is concerned, I donot care even if it becomes extinct perhaps in 100 to 150 years from now.

For me, language has no PATRIOTIC DIMENSION to it. Language is used for communication and people will communicate in a language that suits them, whether this is URDU, ENGLISH or a language of ALIENS from another planet.
As far as culture is concerned, I quote HERMANN GOERING

"Whenever I hear the word culture, I reach for my Browning" (a single-action, 9mm semi-automatic handgun).


to me its not a big deal if the official language in Pakistan is English instead of Urdu. I won't give example of India, or talk about india because Indians mosty took things from others in history (no offense) like they merged Urdu and Sunskrit (or whatever it spelled lol) and tried their best to make it renounced as Hindi. If fact by doing this, they even damaged the grace of Urdu. I think they are afraid or just shy to accept it as Urdu, just to call it Hindi, they disturbed the structure and spellings of words and named this modified, damanged urdu language as Hindi.

Coming back towards the point, if we look at history, Britans also learned other languages centuries ago for sake of knowledge. Everyone knows they've stolen the books from Muslims and then learned their languages to explore these books. Remember at that time, they were way behind then Muslims. Today things are almost similar for us, we are way behind them, and they are pretty much dominating in all the fields of Science and Technology. We to learn from them, we need to master their things, and for this English should be the first step forward.

Its really ridiculous, when ppl say that English should be removed from Pakistan and we must do everything in Urdu. Well here is an example. Back in early 90's Govt decided to translate few of courses in Urdu so that students can learn these modern subjects in Urdu with greater ease. Thus text books of Economics, Statistics etc were translated into urdu which gave choice to Students about Medium of language for these courses. Now as Urdu is mixture of languages, and thus it lakes with number of words. For example, we have several words in English which represent "Covering Distance" like Travel, Journy, Voyage, Adventure etc. but we have only 1 in urdu for this "Safar karna". So this made the translated courses more difficult to understand for students even though they were in Urdu.

So over the passage of time, today, almost 80% of students prefer to study these subject in English instead of Urdu, the use of ver difficult undu words in these subjects have made it way more difficult to understand as compared to english.

Just an example how they defined Linear Programming :

خطی یا سطری پروگرام یا خطی/ سطری طور پر پروگرام کرنا


What is "پروگرام" ? we don't have any word in Urdu to Translate it, that's why even the subject is in Urdu, we mostly have to study the terms in english but with greater problems and efforts. Also how many of us use these terms (خطی/ سطری) in our normal day life..? I think no one.

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