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Would Urdu become extinct ??

english is the global language, i agree, but why just english we can learn many other languages like spanish, german etc, english should not be taught as language of science subjects, it should be taught but a separate subject like what americans do in their high school.
English should not be dumped.The whole IT Industry depends on it.Just because your job does not depend on it does not mean you should **** with others.What the **** is so great about Urdu anyways that we should forget english...?Its just hurts your ego even though nearly millions of Pakistanis speak urdu.Don't be so paranoid.Why the hell do you people want to move to 15th century..?English is a global language.It is this reason India got so many IT Bussiness in the early 2000's.

dear ....realy me surprised but i think Japan, Korea, China, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, etc etc.. they don't speak English and don't even use English for their Official or business need but they are still developed nations so please just speaking or using English does not guarante development... and great nations always remember and guard their identity, culture, languages.....
The dynmaic languages create new words for new things. Persian language creates new words even in this century and thus will survive. Even though the Urdu words exists but people substitute them with English words and phrases. On TV you hear half Urdu and half English sentences. The title for morning program on TV is "Good Morning Pakistan" what about "Subh Nau Pakistan" ? The people themselves are destroying Urdu. Can Pakistanis speak Urdu without using English word in two minute conversation ?

I like Nihari and Gulab Jamun but eat in seperate plates. I dont mix them in one plate eat them together. Then why not speak English and Urdu seperately and don't mix them. You are having Nihari mix with Gulab Jamun on TV everyday.

Does it matter what the language is called?

It matters why not, does it matter if I call India as Germany?

Of course those are the reasons. But so what? My point is that even English had to evolve!!! If English was stuck at the Shakespearean level, it would not have influenced the amount of people that it did.

Evolving in a positve way is something, but losing the status of a langauge and leading it to a wrong direction is something else, please dont mix these 2 things up. English have been travelling in the right direction, thats why it has become so popular, but in case of urdo or hindi, i think they are being led not in the right direction. off course any language needs changes during the course of time, but you dont need to destroy it, it needs planning and long term and precise decisions to secure a proper futuure for it.

Really? How many Indians have you spoken to? I personally have a hard time understanding some of my pakistani friends. But then again, I am from delhi and I have trouble understanding pure Punjabi, Bihari, Haryanavi, Gujarati, Rajasthani ..............

I have seen many pakistanis and indians where i live and they communicating quite well in Hindi(Urdo) with each other.

I repeat. Language is just the means to communicate. Leave it at that.

Langauge is a tool for communication, yes, but it is also part of your identity.
For me, language has no PATRIOTIC DIMENSION to it. Language is used for communication and people will communicate in a language that suits them, whether this is URDU, ENGLISH or a language of ALIENS from another planet.

Its about promoting our national language its our product and heritage""...... its a pakistanis business to protect and promote urdu language , if the lingo is implemented on a large scale ( esp in the IT sector ) it can help rural pakistanis (who are the real masses )communicate big time. And why cant this be done When chinese can implement as difficult language as theirs than. :pakistan:
It matters why not, does it matter if I call India as Germany?

Why call it something controversial? Lets call it Hakunamatata. :taz::taz:

Evolving in a positve way is something, but losing the status of a langauge and leading it to a wrong direction is something else, please dont mix these 2 things up. English have been travelling in the right direction, thats why it has become so popular, but in case of urdo or hindi, i think they are being led not in the right direction. off course any language needs changes during the course of time, but you dont need to destroy it, it needs planning and long term and precise decisions to secure a proper futuure for it.

Langauge is a tool for communication, yes, but it is also part of your identity.

I guess you give more importance to language than I do. Lets agree to Disagree. :cheers:
dont worry man, Urdu wont go extinct, theres just too many people speaking it. The real problem is the inferior complex that is present amongst nearly all citezans of post colonial states. You go to Tunisia or Lebanon and they will speak French to show of their upper class status and the same way here in the subcontinent we have english to deal with. The day we stop feeling inferior to the gora, that day the language itself will start growing again.
dear ....realy me surprised but i think Japan, Korea, China, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, etc etc.. they don't speak English and don't even use English for their Official or business need but they are still developed nations so please just speaking or using English does not guarante development... and great nations always remember and guard their identity, culture, languages.....

Identity / culture / language keep evolving.

For example, Urdu itself is an adopted language in Pakistan, but today I bet most Pakistanis feel their identity linked to it.

So no point worrying about it.

Why call it something controversial? Lets call it Hakunamatata. :taz::taz:

Lets keep jokes to one side and engage in proper and construciton discussion. What do you think the reaction would be in India if it is proposed to call the country Hakunamatata?

I guess you give more importance to language than I do. Lets agree to Disagree. :cheers:

Yes, langauge is very important to me, i gave you the reasons as well.
Lets keep jokes to one side and engage in proper and construciton discussion. What do you think the reaction would be in India if it is proposed to call the country Hakunamatata?

Yes, langauge is very important to me, i gave you the reasons as well.

If every country in the world decided to mix together and call themselves Hakunamatata, I wouldn't give a damn. Sure, there would be extreme reactions at first, but gradually people everywhere would understand the usefulness of one country instead of many smaller different countries.

I guess I have clearly explained my stance on language. I am purely concerned with it's utility and function, not it's heritage or cultural aspects.

If every country in the world decided to mix together and call themselves Hakunamatata, I wouldn't give a damn. Sure, there would be extreme reactions at first, but gradually people everywhere would understand the usefulness of one country instead of many smaller different countries.

Do you think it is possible to have one country, one system all over the world? with one name, one values, one strategy, etc? i dont even bother to talk about it.

I guess I have clearly explained my stance on language. I am purely concerned with it's utility and function, not it's heritage or cultural aspects.

There wont and shouldnt be a problem or concern if it functions or not. if a foreign language can finds its place in your country, what makes you think your own language doesnt have the capacity to function? it is well functioning in Iran(for example), why not else where?
Its almost 6 or 7 years I didn’t even write a single word in Urdu…….just few days back I started writing to refresh my Urdu skills……and guess what…..after every 2-3 words I have to think “yar ya word kasay likhtay hain.”

Speaking Urdu will never vanish, but written and classic Urdu speaking has already become a “collector’s item.”…………!!!!

Solution part of the problem is very simple; first you have to identify the reasons causing extinction, like:
Reason #1: Govt.’s documentation in English.
Reason #2: Bank forms, admission forms in universities and colleges all in English.
Reason #3: Selection forms of armed forces and even of private sector in English.
Reason #4: English medium culture of our education system…...few years back, students must have to write in Urdu for three subjects (Islamist, social studies and Urdu itself) and now our “English is a symbol of status” mentality left only Urdu in this category.
Reason #5: Almost everything on net is in English, primary source of time spending for our young generation.
Reason #6: Lack of interest in reading books especially Urdu.

These are some reasons in my view causing extinction of Urdu………..now do I need to mention how to improve Urdu….?????
Honestly this is meaningless thread..there is no danger to Urdu Language.If you are born are raised in Pakistan then there is no doubt you can speak Urdu.Punjab is heavily dominated with urdu and people are still worried about Urdu.English is a language which we can use a platform to perform business on world stage.Domestic we should speak Urdu (I always speak urdu) but some people just like to show off if they are UK Pakistani or Pakistanis from abroad although they can speak Urdu they still would not just to show off their english speaking skills.
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