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Will India send its soldiers to Afghanistan?

Well India does not need to send troops. We can just buy taliban fighters. India is not America, we don't have to show our military/air power to the world.
These taliban fighter are fighting for money and power. They are not fighting for nationalism. They just go to the highest bidders. I foresee lot of trouble and problem for pakistan going forward. America can just throw few billion dollars as Afghan stability fund. That will be nightmare far pakistan. Pakistan is bankrupt and can't financially outbid taliban fighters.

China will outspend the US in Afghanistan. You Indians have nowhere to hide. :agree:
The video was of a speech made by Lawrence Wilkerson, chief of staff to former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell, at the Ron Paul Institute's Washington Conference in August 2018.
Why did the United States invade Afghanistan?
Toy soldiers: Yes
Real soldiers: No

India should.

Atleast 4 squadrons of IAF : mig 21 or tejas. As a matter of fact, sending tejas would be best as afghanistan will prove to be an excellent combat testing ground for tejas. India will be able to showcase the tejas to the world and market the aircraft.

On the ground atleast 2 brigades to shore up the defenses of kabul . and a 2 commando battalions to help the ANA.

Hopefully After 75 years of talking big about becoming a superpower, india steps up to back her words with action, begining the gharwapsi of Afghania ( apna nagar) otherwise its just noise coming from an empty vessel.
Afghanistan is not contiguous to India. Perhaps the indian writer needs to look up the definition.
Pakistan should not hinder indian military intervention on the behalf of puppet Kabul regime.
It's time to test indian false bravado, and inflated ego. Let them put their money, where their mouth is.
However, then we reserve the right to take appropriate actions to raise the cost so high for India that they will not even think about interfering in another country for next one hundred years.
World only took notice of Nazis when it was too late. Now fascist India is being coddled like Nazis were before they set out to conquer the world.

India should.

Atleast 4 squadrons of IAF : mig 21 or tejas. As a matter of fact, sending tejas would be best as afghanistan will prove to be an excellent combat testing ground for tejas. India will be able to showcase the tejas to the world and market the aircraft.

On the ground atleast 2 brigades to shore up the defenses of kabul . and a 2 commando battalions to help the ANA.

Hopefully After 75 years of talking big about becoming a superpower, india steps up to back her words with action, begining the gharwapsi of Afghania ( apna nagar) otherwise its just noise coming from an empty vessel.
Yes india should try it
Send all of mentioned and even more
But chicken do not fight , do they?
they occupieed their country and tried to bribe them...doesnot work like that..we will remote bribe
You dont think uncle sam thought about remote bribing? 😃
Yes india should try it
Send all of mentioned and even more
But chicken do not fight , do they?
Forget fighting .

The morons dont even have enough money to build toilets in their own country but builds dams in afghanistan.

Priorities i tell you..
He said as a contiguous neighbour, India supports the government and people of Afghanistan in realising their dream of a peaceful, democratic country where interests of all groups, inclusion women and minorities are protected.

Don't make me take on this one. We all know how protected women and minorities are in India. Genocide of Muslims, slaughter of Sikhs, burning of Christians and so on so forth is almost a norm in India.

Women...not even foreign women whose govt are powerful and have embassies in India are safe, forget about Indian women and worst for minority women especially Muslims.

As for Indian troops in Afghanistan. They are welcome, "aajao magar khishboo laga Kar"
Don't make me take on this one. We all know how protected women and minorities are in India. Genocide of Muslims, slaughter of Sikhs, burning of Christians and so on so forth is almost a norm in India.

Women...not even foreign women whose govt are powerful and have embassies in India are safe, forget about Indian women and worst for minority women especially Muslims.

As for Indian troops in Afghanistan. They are welcome, "aajao magar khishboo laga Kar"
Thats what i am saying though. Indians have the perfect opurtunity to become global superpower AND take the first steps of akhand bharat. Be sending soldiers to afghanistan.
You dont think uncle sam thought about remote bribing? 😃

Forget fighting .

The morons dont even have enough money to build toilets in their own country but builds dams in afghanistan.

Priorities i tell you..

they occupied we didnot..big differnce....we have treendous goodwill with the Afghan people...all I see is Taliban will reconquer the Durand line
If India is sending working equipment, expect them to send engineers (to maintain the aircraft and the experimental Indian weapons) and for a small security detachment to guard them and their embassy. Should they announce or confirm or even hint at sending forces to Kabul, the risk of kidnapping also escalated for any Indians in Afghanistan in general and Kabul in particular.

Doubtful any limited Indian equipment or troop presence will turn the tide (consider all the actual neighbors have come to accept Taliban as at least part of the next government), but only drag out the stalemate (which is the Indian’s current best option).

Even so, as equipment faces attrition upon heavy use or bad repairs, the Indian will just have to sink more and more money, men and machines into the futile pursuit of supporting the current setup in Kabul. But if they want to make it their funeral as well, so be it.

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If India is sending working equipment, expect them to send engineers (to maintain the aircraft and the experimental Indian weapons) and for a small security detachment to guard them and their embassy. Should they announce or confirm or even hint at sending forces to Kabul, the risk of kidnapping also escalated for any Indians in Afghanistan in general and Kabul in particular.

Doubtful any limited Indian equipment or troop presence will turn the tide (consider all the actual neighbors have come to accept Taliban as at least part of the next government), but only drag out the stalemate (which is the Indian’s current best option).

Even so, as equipment faces attrition upon heavy use or bad repairs, the Indian will just have to sink more and more money, men and machines into the futile pursuit of supporting the current setup in Kabul. But if they want to make it their funeral as well, so be it.

If Americans/NATO with its vast resources, military might and diplomatic prowess couldn't untangle the Gordian Knot that is Afghanistan in two decades then India with its meagre resources stands no chance.

India can only act as a spoiler and destabilise Afghanistan, which I suspect is India's end goal as it bogs down Pakistan and diverts pressure away from Kashmir.

Beyond the dangers that lurk on the ground, which you laid out, there is a broader geopolitical reality that will check Indian expansionism. Who is to say Iran, China or Russia want Indian presence, a quad member, in Afghanistan?

The Iranian-backed Hazara Shia militias shot down ANA Mi-17 in Wardak a few months ago. Any equipment given to Kabul from India will face similar threat from Iranian-backed militias.

The Russians and Chinese similarly view Indian expansionism as inimical to their influence.

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