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Will India send its soldiers to Afghanistan?

Yes ..we should provide land route to indian soldiers and facilitate them till Afghanistan border ...modi ha to mumkin ha 😃
Afghanistan is not contiguous to India. Perhaps the indian writer needs to look up the definition.
Pakistan should not hinder indian military intervention on the behalf of puppet Kabul regime.
It's time to test indian false bravado, and inflated ego. Let them put their money, where their mouth is.
However, then we reserve the right to take appropriate actions to raise the cost so high for India that they will not even think about interfering in another country for next one hundred years.
World only took notice of Nazis when it was too late. Now fascist India is being coddled like Nazis were before they set out to conquer the world.

What Pakistan should do, is to let them deploy troops.
After that let the Taliban take care of them. Train and finance Taliban to certain degree.

And make one policy issue, if Afghan forces try anything on our border, or Indian send terrorists, Pakistan do surgical strikes in Afghanistan hitting its military targets, terror infrastructure against Pakistan, without mercy or delay.

Mince meat Indians troops between rock and hard place. No mercy.
Well India does not need to send troops. We can just buy taliban fighters. India is not America, we don't have to show our military/air power to the world.
These taliban fighter are fighting for money and power. They are not fighting for nationalism. They just go to the highest bidders. I foresee lot of trouble and problem for pakistan going forward. America can just throw few billion dollars as Afghan stability fund. That will be nightmare far pakistan. Pakistan is bankrupt and can't financially outbid taliban fighters.

Indians like you are brilliant, USA never understood in 20 years they can buy talibans 🤣🤣🤣.

Good luck with that....
This time is completely different than 90's Taliban. At that time, they had leadership, command structure and backing off America. Where will they get money/ammunition to fight for few months?

Boy you have been spending too much listening to do takay ka defence strategist gaurav arya.
India will never send their forces to Afghanistan. They are already stretched from LAC to LOC. The ony thing left for India in Afghanistan is to bendover and let Taliban and Pak finish the Job.
Well India does not need to send troops. We can just buy taliban fighters. India is not America, we don't have to show our military/air power to the world.
These taliban fighter are fighting for money and power. They are not fighting for nationalism. They just go to the highest bidders. I foresee lot of trouble and problem for pakistan going forward. America can just throw few billion dollars as Afghan stability fund. That will be nightmare far pakistan. Pakistan is bankrupt and can't financially outbid taliban fighters.
Here comes another die hard fan of Major gobar Arya.
When you have strong ethics,morals , discipline and a cause which makes you fight ,then and only then you can defeat the super powers. Taliban had all those and they have no price.
You think a talib who has no problem dying for kicking the US out of afghanistan and to establish Islamic rule in his country will value money more than his life??
The US was not able to buy them with trillions of dollars budget and here a malnourished pajeet from his slum wants to buy Taliban fighters.
Thats the primary difference between ISIS,TTP etc and afghan taliban. You won't find corruption and hypocrisy among afghan taliban.
Yeah, taliban is in deep love with mother pakistan thighs :tup:

Here, let me spell this out for you in simple terms

There is Afghanistan, There is Pakistan. They border each other.
Mother india tried jumping in
Mother india is now back in Yuni Gufa Mandir.
Now mother india can get back to lamenting what Nadir Shah and Ghaznavi did to her,
and then ask what was it that mother india wanted, that led to her getting back there
Yeah, taliban is in deep love with mother pakistan thighs :tup:

Aren't these the same Indians that used to sing songs about ISI Taliban connection? LOL what an incredible U-turn. Today the tune has changed. LOL the Taliban are a different group. The Taliban are on our side. The Taliban are the best.

Indian wishful thinking knows no bound.
Aren't these the same Indians that used to sing songs about ISI Taliban connection? LOL what an incredible U-turn. Today the tune has changed. LOL the Taliban are a different group. The Taliban are on our side. The Taliban are the best.

Indian wishful thinking knows no bound.
Well this time when they captured spin boldak along with pakistan border they raised a pakistani flag inside afghanistan territory along with the Taliban flag. That put many bharti a$$es on fire :lol:
Indian Army has too much in its boots to tackle at the moment. Modi has the ability to do silly things just to win elections. Ideally, we would love him to do this last FATAL mistake.
Afghanistan is not contiguous to India
Its their wet dream
Pak doesn’t mind! In fact, she might provide the land route to carry living ones toward Afganistan and dead ones toward India….
We might even do antim sanskaar free of cost

(we will get free fuel for our power plants)
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