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Will India send its soldiers to Afghanistan?

Well India does not need to send troops. We can just buy taliban fighters. India is not America, we don't have to show our military/air power to the world.
These taliban fighter are fighting for money and power. They are not fighting for nationalism. They just go to the highest bidders. I foresee lot of trouble and problem for pakistan going forward. America can just throw few billion dollars as Afghan stability fund. That will be nightmare far pakistan. Pakistan is bankrupt and can't financially outbid taliban fighters.

You are completely wrong, these Talibans were fighting US because they were occupying their country. The people that joined the US called ANA were doing it for the money and are now surrendering in droves. Pakistan had no problems from Taliban when they were in power last time, so why would they be any different this time.

As for America throwing a few billion, they have already wasted over $1Trillion, and have nothing to show for it, what makes you think that a few more $billions will make any difference.
You are completely wrong, these Talibans were fighting US because they were occupying their country. The people that joined the US called ANA were doing it for the money and are now surrendering in droves. Pakistan had no problems from Taliban when they were in power last time, so why would they be any different this time.

As for America throwing a few billion, they have already wasted over $1Trillion, and have nothing to show for it, what makes you think that a few more $billions will make any difference.

This time is completely different than 90's Taliban. At that time, they had leadership, command structure and backing off America. Where will they get money/ammunition to fight for few months?
This time is completely different than 90's Taliban. At that time, they had leadership, command structure and backing off America. Where will they get money/ammunition to fight for few months?

You are completely clueless, they make their own weapons and have been doing it for decades. ever heard of darra. As for the money, why do you think they are capturing the border posts first?

Anyway please send your troops, my people on the other side of the border are eagerly waiting for their arrival.
Indian generals are smart and they know that sending troops inside Afghanistan will only make things worse back home hence they won't send any. The next thing is that they either pay Taliban or stop paying Kabul regime otherwise Indian interests in Afghanistan will be effected.
This time is completely different than 90's Taliban. At that time, they had leadership, command structure and backing off America. Where will they get money/ammunition to fight for few months?
Where are they getting weapons and money from these past 20 years? 8-)
All zombies in the delusion of Chadar gupt Morya and his empire.
MEA remains mum on the issue
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India doesn't seem to be in any mood to send troops to Afghanistan, but it is hesitant to say this outright.

At the weekly media briefing today, MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi spoke in a roundabout manner about India's commitment to Afghanistan's future, but managed not to say anything about troop deployment.

Afghanistan's army chief General Wali Mohammad Ahmedzai is expected to visit India on a three-day tour later this month, and the possibility of sending Indian soldiers to take on the Taliban is expected to pop up at the talks.

India has steadfastly refused to send its soldiers into the Afghan war, and has concentrated instead on infrastructure and capacity building in the country. With the withdrawal of western forces, there is increased international pressure on India to take part in the fighting.

Bagchi said that India and Afghanistan's relationship was fixed by the strategic partnership agreement of 2011 and India is committed in the long term to Afghanistan. He said as a contiguous neighbour, India supports the government and people of Afghanistan in realising their dream of a peaceful, democratic country where interests of all groups, inclusion women and minorities are protected.

Bagchi said he was not aware of any invitation to India to join either the Russia-US-China grouping of Afghanistan, or the US led connectivity initiative through Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Pakistan.

why would india send troops to someone else’s war?

PK claims ttp reside in Afghanistan yet pk never sent its army into Afghanistan to take out the ttp. In pk situation it had an excuse to enter no?
Well India does not need to send troops. We can just buy taliban fighters. India is not America, we don't have to show our military/air power to the world.
These taliban fighter are fighting for money and power. They are not fighting for nationalism. They just go to the highest bidders. I foresee lot of trouble and problem for pakistan going forward. America can just throw few billion dollars as Afghan stability fund. That will be nightmare far pakistan. Pakistan is bankrupt and can't financially outbid taliban fighters.
so my ugly turdy mituurrr america couldn't buy them but for some reason siri Modi g can?

mitttuur do you only look like a baboon or also posses brain of a baboon?

itna chotya hai kamal hai;
why would india send troops to someone else’s war?

PK claims ttp reside in Afghanistan yet pk never sent its army into Afghanistan to take out the ttp. In pk situation it had an excuse to enter no?
because banya is supppaaaa and Afghanistan may mandir banna hai!
LOL, for what reasons?? Buy taliban they will turn out to be better assets..

AS if mother india didn't try ...
she hed her thighs spread north and south ... and the only buyers were the northern alliance members who defiled and are now up for sale for the next...
LOL, for what reasons?? Buy taliban they will turn out to be better assets..

LOL your papa tried to buy out the Taliban for 20 years. Ask them how they failed.
This time is completely different than 90's Taliban. At that time, they had leadership, command structure and backing off America. Where will they get money/ammunition to fight for few months?

LOL all these Indians keep repeating this favorite line of theirs. The Taliban are different. The Taliban are different. The Taliban are different. Yeah keep hoping...

LOL you don't worry about the ammo pajeet. That will be available in good quantity.

You just worry about your investment and your own assets that have no more future in Afghanistan.
Indian fraands, you just have to ask. GHQ might even consider giving you a safe one way corridor to Kabul from Wahgah. We promise we won't shoot at you guys. Pleej saar. Pleej for bob and vegene sake. Phul sapport saar. We'll just be watching the show from sidelines :pop:
AS if mother india didn't try ...
she hed her thighs spread north and south ... and the only buyers were the northern alliance members who defiled and are now up for sale for the next...

Yeah, taliban is in deep love with mother pakistan thighs :tup:
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