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Will India catch up with China’s Brahmaputra strategies?

when I said you, i mean India, you don't seem to know that China-India are in distrust each other since India welcome Dalai Lama in 1959 and following 1962 war...and nothing will change that unless there is miracle. China need water as much as India, why should we just let the water free flow into India and not benefit us at all? and don't you guy do the same with Bangladesh with other tributary rivers?

I am not talking about trust no just in context to India and china,but China in general,,,,show me where we are diverting rivers and depriving BD ?
As i said in my earlier post, it might effect us,but we will find a way,but the guys effected the most will be BD,
And no one said china dsnt need water all i was said was ,all these years you guys kept on saying you wont divert river,but suddenly you realised you need water,just tells you how trust worthy you are.
I am not talking about trust no just in context to India and china,but China in general,,,,show me where we are diverting rivers and depriving BD ?
As i said in my earlier post, it might effect us,but we will find a way,but the guys effected the most will be BD,
And no one said china dsnt need water all i was said was ,all these years you guys kept on saying you wont divert river,but suddenly you realised you need water,just tells you how trust worthy you are.

Did you watch video from post #15? and I will let BD people to clarify how Indian water policy have affected them...and this one

As for China,in the past years, we don't need Tibet water so we promised India that we wont divert the river but now the situation is different. And if China gonna divert the river, doesn't mean to keep India's side dry.
Did you watch video from post #15? and I will let BD people to clarify how Indian water policy have affected them...and this one

As for China,in the past years, we don't need Tibet water so we promised India that we wont divert the river but now the situation is different. And if China gonna divert the river, doesn't mean to keep India's side dry.

i know you cannt stop the whole river from flowing to India,all i have been saying from the begining is china wants to be a power and dont blame others when they dont trust you ,when you keep changing your stance.

You wrote "China need water as much as India, why should we just let the water free flow into India and not benefit us at all?"
yet in another post I saw you writing that if north eastern states join China they will never have to worry about water of Brahmaputra. Isn't this contrary to the statement you made above?

I think the fundamental question is why do you hate India so much? For centuries India and China have lived peacefully...before the sino-sikh war there was hardly any military conflict between the two nations.

There have been many chineese travellers who visited India and have contributed towards peace between our two nations. Like Xuanzang,Faxian etc.

I am an Indian and I can tell you we have a great deal of respect and admiration for the work you have done in brining out so many people out of poverty, in making Asia stand on the world forum,the contribution you have made to the science and technolofy [like your space program], your spending and focus on research and develepment...the list is endless. We lookup to it and want to make sure we also give the same level of oppertunity and prosperity to our countrymen.

However when I read your comment on this post I was very disspointed. You talk about stopping all river flow to India......can you do it? Probably....but....my question is why would you want to do such a thing? You want to stop the flow of water which support live to more then 600 million living in north India and feel pleased about it?

If it is because we give Shelter to Dalia Lama then I would invite you to my country to visit the monestries in spiti/arunachal/leh.....the people are really peace loving and only want to preserve there culture. We [and as far as I know even Dalia lama has said] agree that Tibet is an integral part of China,period.

I hope you stick to the question I have posted and give a reply in good spirit.
then you are the country with out any national language ..
i must say
" jo aik mulk ma rah kay aik zaban nahi bol saktay un ma apas ma kiya yakjehti (unity) hogi "

Hindi is not our "national Language"..we've some 1652 Languages spoken in India.its not important to speak a "Single Language" or a "Single Culture" to unite us.see,in Pakistan,even "Same Religion People who specks same tongue" are killing each other.if one can't co exist with another person,any excuse is more than enough.
then you are the country with out any national language ..
i must say
" jo aik mulk ma rah kay aik zaban nahi bol saktay un ma apas ma kiya yakjehti (unity) hogi "

I can't tolerate some illiterate is destroying the beauty of my beautiful Hindustani language by speaking half baked form. :pissed:

As for China,in the past years, we don't need Tibet water so we promised India that we wont divert the river but now the situation is different. And if China gonna divert the river, doesn't mean to keep India's side dry.

You will finally make Pakistan and Bangladesh suffer.
Hindi is not our "national Language"..we've some 1652 Languages spoken in India.its not important to speak a "Single Language" or a "Single Culture" to unite us.see,in Pakistan,even "Same Religion People who specks same tongue" are killing each other.if one can't co exist with another person,any excuse is more than enough.
then how do you communicate with the peoples of different states?
then how do you communicate with the peoples of different states?

its never that hard,if you grow up in India.you might be thinking that these are just some 1652 languages,but these languages have dialects which are so different from each other that sometimes one might think its a complete different language.but common language is also there,like Hindi,English,Tamil,Telegu,Bengali,Urdu and others.most of the people do know at least 2-3 languages of above mentioned,atleast to do the job,if not very well.one of my friend can speck 6 languages without breaking any sweat.even in schools,they teach some 3-4 languages as mandatory syllabus.
its never that hard,if you grow up in India.you might be thinking that these are just some 1652 languages,but these languages have dialects which are so different from each other that sometimes one might think its a complete different language.but common language is also there,like Hindi,English,Tamil,Telegu,Bengali,Urdu and others.most of the people do know at least 2-3 languages of above mentioned,atleast to do the job,if not very well.one of my friend can speck 6 languages without breaking any sweat.even in schools,they teach some 3-4 languages as mandatory syllabus.
Hey i speak the languages you mentioned along with malayalam.
Do you think these Bangladeshi cheerleaders will ever criticize China. The cheerleaders are only worried about tiny rivers like Barak or Teesta but not the mighty Brahmaputra.

It really does not matter, as india runs Bangladesh foreign ministry, defense and all other other matters of illegitimate regime, what india is speaking only matters.
The water issues were created by India in the1950s. China needs to invest far more in the economy and defense of BD.China needs to engage more in politics of BD. NE FFs need more support from China.

China recently made some suspicious move where it sided with indian interference accepting illegitimate regime in Bangladesh for petty business interests. At the end China will not get anything from Indian controlled illegitimate regime as it did not get deep sea port, and other projects. Thinking China will do something bold and strategic are not practical anymore. Chinese members, if they have inside track of Chinese strategy around Bangladesh that can shed some light.

China is pushing for road connectivity (BCIM initiative) that make Bangladesh going through india rather than Myanmar raises another suspicion on how Bangladesh maps into Chinese strategic thinking in the region.

If China continues to sidestep Bangladesh core interest of sovereignty and independence, Bangladesh should look for partners who does not. But that will be because China is unwilling for its own reason and interest.
i know you cannt stop the whole river from flowing to India,all i have been saying from the begining is china wants to be a power and dont blame others when they dont trust you ,when you keep changing your stance.

Tell me, is there any relation between power and trust? earn India trust will make China more powerfull? What is China's interest to earn India's trust? try to answer yourself these questions.

In Indian's mind set China can't be trusted and we're well aware and we don't need to do any favor to earn India's trust, what we care is our interest same go for India.

You wrote "China need water as much as India, why should we just let the water free flow into India and not benefit us at all?"
yet in another post I saw you writing that if north eastern states join China they will never have to worry about water of Brahmaputra. Isn't this contrary to the statement you made above?

I think the fundamental question is why do you hate India so much? For centuries India and China have lived peacefully...before the sino-sikh war there was hardly any military conflict between the two nations.

There have been many chineese travellers who visited India and have contributed towards peace between our two nations. Like Xuanzang,Faxian etc.

I am an Indian and I can tell you we have a great deal of respect and admiration for the work you have done in brining out so many people out of poverty, in making Asia stand on the world forum,the contribution you have made to the science and technolofy [like your space program], your spending and focus on research and develepment...the list is endless. We lookup to it and want to make sure we also give the same level of oppertunity and prosperity to our countrymen.

However when I read your comment on this post I was very disspointed. You talk about stopping all river flow to India......can you do it? Probably....but....my question is why would you want to do such a thing? You want to stop the flow of water which support live to more then 600 million living in north India and feel pleased about it?

If it is because we give Shelter to Dalia Lama then I would invite you to my country to visit the monestries in spiti/arunachal/leh.....the people are really peace loving and only want to preserve there culture. We [and as far as I know even Dalia lama has said] agree that Tibet is an integral part of China,period.

I hope you stick to the question I have posted and give a reply in good spirit.

I'm not India hater, my best advise for you is just ignore me.
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