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WikiLeaks: Pakistani airmen sabotaging F-16s

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Guys, NDTV is making it all up. Pakistanis should sleep tight and it will be a new morning tomorrow.

P.S: Go Pakistan go...
Guys, NDTV is making it all up. Pakistanis should sleep tight and it will be a new morning tomorrow.

P.S: Go Pakistan go...

We are gonna sleep tight anyways :P.. Its Indian's sleep which has always been prone to "boogieman" :P..
hmmmm.. Oh really?? how about timings of these "leaks"?? and isn't WikiLeaks responsible of security breach or hacking of US and Pakistani Govt's Private information?? ...

The information does not come from Pakistani Govt.
WikiLeaks should be considered as bits of information rather than absolute truth. They are leaked cables that originated from US Embassies, Consulates and the State Dept.
As far as I know, there is a strong probability that the cables were leaked by insider(s), whether in accordance with US policies or not is another matter.
The information does not come from Pakistani Govt.
WikiLeaks should be considered as bits of information rather than absolute truth. They are leaked cables that originated from US Embassies, Consulates and the State Dept.
As far as I know, there is a strong probability that the cables were leaked by insider(s), whether in accordance with US policies or not is another matter.

Exactly my point, the timing of leaks, and mostly it is "leaks" from US embassies and departments..

So it means that there are security leaks every other week in USA, i really hope they don't lose their "nukes" to terrorists working under cover in wikileaks..

fingers crossed..
absolutely baseless, malicious report that lacks any truth or merit

the F-16s are the creme-de-la-crop of the PAF incidentally; they are under constant watch.....even a scratch on the paint would be noticed, and action would be taken
absolutely baseless, malicious report that lacks any truth or merit

the F-16s are the creme-de-la-crop of the PAF incidentally; they are under constant watch.....even a scratch on the paint would be noticed, and action would be taken

its really sad this "creme-de-la-crop" are becoming a bunch of extremist mullahs then......
New Delhi: A WikiLeaks cable, which NDTV has exclusive access to, says Pakistan's airmen were being radicalised and were sabotaging Pakistani F-16s deployed for security operations along the Afghan border.

The cable, sent in March 2006 from the US embassy to Washington, quotes Pakistan's then Deputy Chief of Air Staff for Operations, Air Vice Marshal (AVM) Khalid Chaudhry, as saying that the airmen, most of whom came from rural villages, were being radicalised by extremist Islamic clerics. The cable quotes AVM Chaudhry as saying, "You can't imagine what a hard time we have trying to get to trim their beards." The cable notes that, "This last comment refers to the tradition of conservative Muslims to grow full beards as a sign of piety."

The cable also says that Chaudhry claimed "to receive reports monthly of acts of petty sabotage, which he interpreted as an effort by Islamists amongst the enlisted ranks to prevent PAF aircraft from being deployed in support of security operations in the Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA) along the Afghan border."

Chaudhry was briefing visiting US officials at the Pakistan Air Force Headquarters and impressing upon them the need to ensure "the F-16 deal has enough sweeteners to appeal to the public - a complete squadron of new F-16s, with JDAM and night-vision capability - but not to offer the PAF things that it cannot afford." Pakistan was in talks with the US to buy F-16 fighter aircraft and the US had voiced security concerns.

The cable quotes Chaudhry as telling the delegation, "off the record", that PAF aircraft were regularly called to provide air support to military and security forces when they get into tight spots in the FATA... "dryly adding that Army brass and the ground forces commanders would deny it."

WikiLeaks: Pakistani airmen sabotaging F-16s

Foolish if even source is truly Wikileaks.
Airmen of PAF are redicalized but Army soliders which are 100 times more in number and are in the war zone are not???:taz:
even if they are mullahs (purely hypothetical) --- as long as they can continue to keep the enemy to the east in check --that's all that really matters

they have a sacred duty to protect the motherland

but i don't buy the report; it's just an attempt to malign the image of PAF and it's a failed strategy I think; it wont change anything.

If they were radicalized, then I wonder why Lockheed Martin under Pentagon's directives allows Pakistani '''radicalized'' airmen to do conversion courses for the F-16s in Texas; why they do joint training exercises with them, etc.

They (indian and some mischievous tabloids in the west) have talked about radical ISI spooks, radicalized workers at our nuclear facilities and now this. Next they will say that PN personnel are radicalized and jihadis at sea. :smokin::woot:

Makes no difference at all in the end. We get a good laugh from these reports before casually chucking them in the dustbin where they belong and have a place. :pop:
even if they are mullahs (purely hypothetical) --- as long as they can continue to keep the enemy to the east in check --that's all that really matters

they have a sacred duty to protect the motherland

but i don't buy the report; it's just an attempt to malign the image of PAF and it's a failed strategy I think; it wont change anything.

If they were radicalized, then I wonder why Lockheed Martin under Pentagon's directives allows Pakistani '''radicalized'' airmen to do conversion courses for the F-16s in Texas; why they do joint training exercises with them, etc.

They (indian and some mischievous tabloids in the west) have talked about radical ISI spooks, radicalized workers at our nuclear facilities and now this. Next they will say that PN personnel are radicalized and jihadis at sea. :smokin::woot:

Makes no difference at all in the end. We get a good laugh from these reports before casually chucking them in the dustbin. :pop:
wikileaks is cia leaks
watch this all 3
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Exactly my point, the timing of leaks, and mostly it is "leaks" from US embassies and departments..

So it means that there are security leaks every other week in USA, i really hope they don't lose their "nukes" to terrorists working under cover in wikileaks..

fingers crossed..

The "leaks" from the USA State Department database occurred all at one time sometime last year. The Wikileaks organization and the press outlets that Wikileaks are "favoring" with the material are determining the timing. Supposedly the cache of USA State Department cables is so vast that Wikileaks limited staff is taking months, and, perhaps, years, to decide what to leak and when. The timing of these constantly new secret materials leaking into the press, all over the world, is not coming from USA entities, but from Wikileaks. Who knows what is the agenda of Wikileaks people?
The "leaks" from the USA State Department database occurred all at one time sometime last year. The Wikileaks organization and the press outlets that Wikileaks are "favoring" with the material are determining the timing. Supposedly the cache of USA State Department cables is so vast that Wikileaks limited staff is taking months, and, perhaps, years, to decide what to leak and when. The timing of these constantly new secret materials leaking into the press, all over the world, is not coming from USA entities, but from Wikileaks. Who knows what is the agenda of Wikileaks people?

well that actually proves my point even further ---that for some time (apparently) our airmen are ''radicalized'' and sabotaging Pakistani state property. Well given that ''revelation'' then why is it that months after these documents were leaked, we still have ''radicalized airmen'' in Texas pursuing and/or completing their conversion courses for the brand new F16s we are inducting?

what gives?

it is so easy to see right through these lies; just a malicious propaganda and hot masala story. Doesnt change anything though, except for those naiive and/or stupid enough to believe every word --especially from all these ''Wiki-somethings''
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