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WikiLeaks: Pakistani airmen sabotaging F-16s

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Yes, I am vey misinformed by this article:


Just 40 some Israelis were deported right after 911.

Pak Sher, Sir, this link is not a reputable source. Really, I follow the anti-American behavior of Israel as much as anyone. Jonathan Pollard, YES! The USS Liberty, YES! Two AIPAC officials a couple of years ago, YES! But not 40 deportations after 9/11. Israel has no respect for it's "ally", the USA, I totally believe that. So we are not arguing about the "principle", only the provable details. I believe that Israel will spy on and use the USA as much as it can get away with. I believe that Israel only cares about itself. That said, making such wild extrapolations (70 or 40 spies deported) only hurts your credibility, because it isn't true. So believeith this TruthSeeker.
Actually I am not correct, according to the Fox News Video I posted on the previous page just now, it is 140 Israelis not 70, I stand corrected. Why don't you view the Fox News Video. Please view the video and then share the truth.
if this news is true then it is another humiliation for Pakistan.

but the obvious question is why did these airmen sabotaged f 16s?my opinion is they were bribed to do so. again question is who gave them money ?

p.s> these f 16s were on afghan border. the tells lot.

New Delhi: A WikiLeaks cable says Pakistan’s airmen were being radicalised and were sabotaging Pakistani F-16s deployed for security operations along the Afghan border. (Read Cable: Pakistan cable on visiting US officials being briefed on F-16s)
The cable, sent in March 2006 from the US embassy to Washington, quotes Pakistan’s then Deputy Chief of Air Staff for Operations, Air Vice Marshal (AVM) Khalid Chaudhry, as saying that the airmen, most of whom came from rural villages, were being radicalised by extremist Islamic clerics. The cable quotes AVM Chaudhry as saying,"You can’t imagine what a hard time we have trying to get to trim their beards.” The cable notes that, “This last comment refers to the tradition of conservative Muslims to grow full beards as a sign of piety.
The cable also says that Chaudhry claimed “to receive reports monthly of acts of petty sabotage, which he interpreted as an effort by Islamists amongst the enlisted ranks to prevent PAF aircraft from being deployed in support of security operations in the Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA) along the Afghan border.”
Chaudhry was briefing visiting US officials at the Pakistan Air Force Headquarters and impressing upon them the need to ensure “the F-16 deal has enough sweeteners to appeal to the public – a complete squadron of new F-16s, with JDAM and night-vision capability – but not to offer the PAF things that it cannot afford.” Pakistan was in talks with the US to buy F-16 fighter aircraft and the US had voiced security concerns.
The cable quotes Chaudhry as telling the delegation, “off the record”, that PAF aircraft were regularly called to provide air support to military and security forces when they get into tight spots in the FATA… “dryly adding that Army brass and the ground forces commanders would deny it.”

WikiLeaks: Pakistani airmen sabotaging F-16s | ThetimesofPakistan.com

dont forget to drop thanks friends! :)
Actually I am not correct, according to the Fox News Video I posted on the previous page just now, it is 140 Israelis not 70, I stand corrected. Why don't you view the Fox News Video. Please view the video and then share the truth.

I did listen to the Fox video. I stand corrected and apologize for doubting your statement. A must have missed that story when it was presented. And, of course, any story of Israeli spying in the US will not be covered extensively in our Jewish-controlled media. So, again, I apologize for my ignorance. Really, I am sincere about that. I personally think that our support of Israel has cost my nation 3 trillions $$ and ten's of thousands of American lives, for no benefit. I wish that my fellow Americans could understand that Israel does not deserve the sacrifice we are making for them.
I did listen to the Fox video. I stand corrected and apologize for doubting your statement. A must have missed that story when it was presented. And, of course, any story of Israeli spying in the US will not be covered extensively in our Jewish-controlled media. So, again, I apologize for my ignorance. Really, I am sincere about that. I personally think that our support of Israel has cost my nation 3 trillions $$ and ten's of thousands of American lives, for no benefit. I wish that my fellow Americans could understand that Israel does not deserve the sacrifice we are making for them.

I recall as a kid when there was a few bomb explosions in Karachi, which was traced by the ISI to an apartment in Karachi and then traced to an Indian Muslim expat working in the Indian Consulate in Jeddha, Saudi Arabia, which lead to an Indian Muslim in another Saudi City and another Indian Muslim in Bombay, but in the end it was being run by 2 Hindus from a RAW Cell in Pune India.

Though all of the front men from Karachi to Saudi City to Saudi City to Bomaby were Indian muslims, the actual planners were Indian Hindus.

I do not doubt that 9-11 was done by Al-Qaeda, but I do see the sophistication of the 911 that they may have had some non-Al-Qaeda help. And then the question remains until this day that how Israelis knew about the 9-11 in advance? and why the Jewish Conevntion for 4000+ Jews at the World Trade Center to be held on September 11th was cancelled 32 days before the event? Just too many investigations crushed by influential people in the US.
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