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why Turkey support the Muslims Brotherhood

The Muslim Brotherhood didn't respect democracy, so people had to act and they did. Democracy is not just a ballot box.

Turkey and Qatar support the Muslim Brotherhood because it is a way to gain influence over Egypt since the Muslim Brotherhood don't believe in borders and nationality and all that stuff. It is very easy to work with them as long as you show them $$$.

You want to tell me KSA support the military because they love Egypt? :lol:
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Nothing more to add. Anyway keep crying and spreading nonsense. The Turkish supported MB is gone and now most Egyptians have a very negative view of your government while they are grateful to KSA. Just look at the Egyptian members here or more importantly the Egyptian public.

We are once again on the right side of history.

why should i cry about a matter that doesnt benefit or affect me in anyway i hate and normally dont even care about politics but if you treat people like dirt and also attack Turkey i will come to defend them thats natural.
What made you say that ???

Because it's what I see, one side takes the approach of the western world, adopts the policies of the western world when it comes to securing interests and those interests go abroad and are expanding. They also adopt western measures to introduce secular lifestyle and adopt a globalist economical system where they won't be self sufficient. This is what is wanted by the western world from Arabic nations, because they secure economic and political interests.

The other side wants to mix things up, become more self sufficient in foreign policy and militarily. They seek to listen to the people of their nations and challenge the status quo in this region and they also have ideas to make their resources more valuable and allow them to independently make decisions which have an impact on the region. These people can raise prices on oil, transfer control of society to civilian institutions rather than corrupt ones. They seek to form a chain with others like them to feed off each other if one is going through a struggle. They want to organize their people and increase religious activity which will make the people strong minded and willed. Western interests would be way more difficult to secure without corrupt monarchies and military dictatorships, western military resources would be at risk. Of course all of this would take time though. The west would lose its grip on the Middle East and Africa and these people would seek greater goals which threaten Israel.

MB is a political party. That's all. I don't think that MB is needed for the changes that the entire Muslim world need to make. Those challenges were present long before MB even came into existence.

Also this is not about religion. I know many very religious people who do not participate in politics but who are against the MB because they regard them as nothing more than a power hungry political organization that uses Islam to gain power.

As of now KSA is a Islamic society while Turkey is secular. The same Turkey is even a big trading partner of Israel. Do I really need to say more than this?

KSA hosted MB members 30-40 years ago and longer before as well when they were mass-murdered in Syria, persecuted in Egypt and banned there. It's fair to say that they did not always contribute positively to the society. We never had a problem with them until they actively started to plot against our countries in order to gain power.

It cannot be denied that the main goal of MB is to spread and rule every Muslim country if possible. Such organizations are always a danger due to such an approach.

Oh, I don't agree with the ban on the MB but on the other hand other groups were banned too that can be discussed too.

Also the US and the West were backing the MB.

Also all this are internal Arab matters. Non-Arabs should really mind their own business if possible. They don't have a clue about such issues due to the language barrier and lack of cultural and historical knowledge about the ancient ME region. We see it in every thread so I am ignoring their opinions from now on unless I see knowledgeable users around.
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So why is your Turkish friend that was bullshitting as well before trying to play the "Islam card"?

As I said before all this are internal Arab matters. Non-Arabs should really mind their own business if possible. They don't have a clue about such issues due to the language barrier and lack of cultural and historical knowledge about the ancient ME region. We see it in every thread so I am ignoring their opinions from now on unless I see knowledgeable users around.

I doubt that even 10% of the non-Arabs commenting here have even visited Egypt once or spoken with Egyptians in Egypt that lived through this crisis in the last 3-4 years or so.

You're back my brother. :)

I believe they are an ideology, because there MB members in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Gaza, Yemen, Syria, elsewhere. Except in gulf arab nations basically because they're banned from any activities.

So it's not merely a political party, had they been a political party they couldn't solve our problems but they're a social idea which just needs to be implemented and that alone could have much influence on the region.

I know they threaten rule(not through violence) of some rulers and leaderships in the Middle East which is why such measures are being taken. However, we have some people trying to attribute this measures with the 'rogue' activities of the MB which are hold no truth to them.

I told you before, I don't sympathize with any organization based on it being an organization, I sympathize with the meanings of those organizations. For example: Hamas is not about being Hamas, it's about self determination and moderate Islam which many Muslims seek. The core driving force of Hamas is Islamic and justful in a world where we see elite elements shaping the world and opposing those elite elements it's what makes Hamas what it is. When people say Hamas they don't mean it from a perspective of it being an organization. It's an popular driving force all around the Muslim world.

So me and you know that we have many things to resolve in our Muslim world and no party can change it, it's an join effort of multiple societies, organizations, etc..whom seek mutual goals. Of course the problem here is these people are contained from the freedom to operate or have any significant impact on the region. That's my sole problem, if people believe they're about power even though id dispute that with the fact alone that they've been persecuted in post colonial Syria, in Egypt, etc...then okay we will see if they're power hungry but we've never given them a chance. They've been restrained by foreign and local elements for decades. One year is not enough, monarchies and military dictatorships have existed for almost a century or more in our region so how are we applying this trial against people who've yet to been even allowed to seek change?
Basically all of them in this thread when one reads the debate. That's hilarious knowing the ground realities that I have mentioned and those users own personal views.
Nobody is playing the Islam card, we are all muslims believe it or not, our country is secular and we are fine with this...
@al-Hasani we are allowed to say what we want regarding arab issues.We dont have to be arab. besides there are turks in egypt also but thats not what we care about. Just because you dont go into the Turkish sections and comment on our stuff doesn't mean we cant comment here. Your own rules dont apply to the whole forum.

Turks in Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@al-Hasani we are allowed to say what we want regarding arab issues.We dont have to be arab. besides there are turks in egypt also but thats not what we care about. Just because you dont go into the Turkish sections and comment on our stuff doesn't mean we cant comment here. Your own rules dont apply to the whole forum.

Turks in Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The whole threads purpose is trolling, you just need to read the OP...
@al-Hasani we are allowed to say what we want regarding arab issues.We dont have to be arab. besides there are turks in egypt also but thats not what we care about. Just because you dont go into the Turkish sections and comment on our stuff doesn't mean we cant comment here. Your own rules dont apply to the whole forum.

Turks in Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOL. A few hundred thousand. More Arabs in Turkey. Big deal. Anyway I am not making any rules just stating my opinion and I know that I am right anyway since I know my world and countries better than outsiders just like Turks know about Turkish issues better than your regular foreigner. That includes me. Most here don't know the language, culture, history and have never visited Egypt or any Arab country. We see the usual bullshitting in most threads here that deal with Arab issues and most threads on this ME section deals with Arabs one way or another. This is undeniable.


You're back my brother. :)

I believe they are an ideology, because there MB members in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Gaza, Yemen, Syria, elsewhere. Except in gulf arab nations basically because they're banned from any activities.

So it's not merely a political party, had they been a political party they couldn't solve our problems but they're a social idea which just needs to be implemented and that alone could have much influence on the region.

I know they threaten rule(not through violence) of some rulers and leaderships in the Middle East which is why such measures are being taken. However, we have some people trying to attribute this measures with the 'rogue' activities of the MB which are hold no truth to them.

I told you before, I don't sympathize with any organization based on it being an organization, I sympathize with the meanings of those organizations. For example: Hamas is not about being Hamas, it's about self determination and moderate Islam which many Muslims seek. The core driving force of Hamas is Islamic and justful in a world where we see elite elements shaping the world and opposing those elite elements it's what makes Hamas what it is. When people say Hamas they don't mean it from a perspective of it being an organization. It's an popular driving force all around the Muslim world.

So me and you know that we have many things to resolve in our Muslim world and no party can change it, it's an join effort of multiple societies, organizations, etc..whom seek mutual goals. Of course the problem here is these people are contained from the freedom to operate or have any significant impact on the region. That's my sole problem, if people believe they're about power even though id dispute that with the fact alone that they've been persecuted in post colonial Syria, in Egypt, etc...then okay we will see if they're power hungry but we've never given them a chance. They've been restrained by foreign and local elements for decades. One year is not enough, monarchies and military dictatorships have existed for almost a century or more in our region so how are we applying this trial against people who've yet to been even allowed to seek change?

Thank you brother and good to see you all well.:cheers:

Let's move this to the Arab section for an serious debate. The non-Arabs largely have no clue as usual when our internal matters are discussed.

All I can say is this. The MB Is not all bad but neither all good. I don't agree in banning them. Even if they were behind those attacks in Egypt. Yes, that might sound controversial but I think that we have discussed this issue many times before.

As I see all this then none Islamic political partiest that are in existence today are dealing with the real problems that our world faces by large. All of them are mostly all about the words but rarely real changes on the ground. Basically they are no mature enough. We need another generation. This current one and its faults are well-known so I am not going to discuss that.

What I see in Egypt is an Egypt that made a choice. Whether it will be correct or not only time will tell.

MB are present in Oman and Qatar. The later being their biggest financial backers. Both GCC countries.

Yes, apparently they do use violence or have threatened to do so. That's not the way for dialogue.

You need to understand this. The people of the GCC are not living in a perfect world but when it comes to most issues they are better off than 99,9% of Muslims worldwide. You know that most, especially those living in the smaller GCC states do not lack anything else other than political freedom. When an political organization not native to the region but only Egypt that has no experience of ruling is threatening their life indirectly and their stability they will be against it.

Instead if MB did all the good work they have done in Egypt among the poor people they would probably be popular for instance in KSA where not every native is wealthy unlike in Kuwait, Qatar and UAE.
I have no problem with Hamas whatsoever and support their fight no matter if they call themselves MB or Mickey Mouse.

But don't you agree that the MB left a bad image in Egypt? I mean looking at it from a distance. We are both two young Arab Muslims that are living in the West and have lived there for a long time. Having ties to it as well. In my case familiar and ancestral as well. We are not people unaware of both world's as an poor Egyptian peasant is for instance.

The MB must reform in my view. I would not rule them out and as I said to you I am against banning them which will now make my 3 Egyptian brothers mad at me and probably some Saudi Arabian users as well.:agree: I will tell latter why I do not agree with this verdict. Anyway I always had my own views here as everyone knows so I am not bound by any allegiance here nor is my aim to please anybody whether they are Arab, Papuan or Eskimos.

The whole threads purpose is trolling, you just need to read the OP...

Maybe it was trolling. But it was also a genuine question I assume. I was not part of it.

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