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why Turkey support the Muslims Brotherhood

I'm so good looking that I want to f**k myself :P
Stop repeating yourself, you allways had anti Turkish undertone at your comments, dont act the innnocent guy now, nobody in Turkey cares about Egypt or other Arabic states only for Syrian refugees who live under our protection, Erdogan is talking big but he has other problems now.

Dont blame us for everything, now its better you go your own way and we go our own way.
Most Arabs have this trolling anti-Turkish attitude. From my experience only Syrian Arabs and other levant Arabs who don't have afro-Arab gene are friendly to Turks. I know a lot of Arabs from south Turkey, they are most friendliest people ever. They identify with being Turk first but acknowledge Arab roots. Turkey should focus on Levant, Balkans, and Turkistan. Gulf Arabs just have different culture. They even can't get along with each other.
Why would Saudi Arabia not support Egypt ? Saudi Arabia has been Egypt strongest ally for years, and the people of both countries have no problems with each other what so ever.

Exactly but the ignorant non-Arabs here are not worth wasting your time with when it comes to certain matters. In order for an serious discussion to take place they ought to have a minimal way of understanding the topics discussed.

Seriously, where is Mosa? Are you guys still in touch with him? He was a damn good poster

Yes, some are. Indeed.

Most Arabs have this trolling anti-Turkish attitude. From my experience only Syrian Arabs and other levant Arabs who don't have afro-Arab gene are friendly to Turks. I know a lot of Arabs from south Turkey, they are most friendliest people ever. They identify with being Turk first but acknowledge Arab roots. Turkey should focus on Levant, Balkans, and Turkistan. Gulf Arabs just have different culture. They even can't get along with each other.

Turkey has close to no politcal influence in the Arab world. Only business ties with mainly Iraq and a few other states. But no ability to influence any politics.

I find your hilarious sometimes. Just because Arabs used slaves for hundreds of years (African, Iranian, Turks, European), as did every big power and ruling class back then, Turks included, it does not mean anything. The Afro-Arabs in the Arab world can be counted in the few millions. 5 millions at most. There is nothing called Gulf Arab either. Saudi Arabians are not so-called Gulf Arabs and do not even speak Khaliji Arabic which is only spoken by a few million Arabs out of the nearly over 450 million Arabs. There is close to no African admixture in any Arabs. Genetic tests confirm this. People don't marry them. Many Arabs, especially in KSA, are still semi-tribal meaning that they mostly only marry other fellow Arabs for cultural reasons. This might sound racist but at least historically speaking marrying a foreigner let alone an African, which until not long ago was a slave, was considered a no-go. Today this has changed but marriages between Arabs and Afro-Arabs are still very, very low. Whether in Yemen, KSA, Iraq, Egypt or elsewhere.

You Turks don't even have a Turkic union with all of your 4-5 Turkic states that mostly do not even border each other. You don't even speak the same language and look completely different. So please.

Arabs in the GCC have absolutely no problem with each other. That's complete and utter bullshit. Same people basically.
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@Arabian Legend

Oh Turkey is againts your interest ? what is your fat king gonna do about that ? please tell her to do whatever she can :D


Oh please tell me how much worldwide influence your huge alliance of 22 countries have ? :D who cares about your useless alliance out of your lands ? you can't even solve your own problems you're allowing foreign powers to interfere
I find your hilarious sometimes. Just because Arabs used slaves for hundreds of years (African, Iranian, Turks, European), as did every big power and ruling class back then, Turks included, it does not mean anything. The Afro-Arabs in the Arab world can be counted in the millions. There is nothing called Gulf Arab either. Saudi Arabians are not Gulf Arabs and do not even speak Khaliji Arabic which is only spoken by a few million Arabs out of the nearly over 450 million Arabs. There is close to no African admixture in any Arabs. People don't marry them. Many Arabs, especially in KSA, are still semi-tribal meaning that they mostly only marry other fellow Arabs for cultural reasons. This might sound racist but at least historically speaking marrying a foreigner let alone an African, which until not long ago was a slave, was considered a no-go. Today this has changed but marriages between Arabs and Afro-Arabs are still very, very low. Whether in Yemen, KSA, Iraq, Egypt or elsewhere.

You Turks don't even have Turkic union with all of your 4-5 Turkic states that mostly do not even border each other. You don't even speak the same language and look completely different. So please.

Arabs in the GCC have absolutely no problem with each other. That's complete and utter bullshit. Same people basically.
When I was in Istanbul I saw a lot of Arabs. I think they were from Saudi or Egypt. They were Arabs who looked like nigros with women in burka walking behind them.

About Turkic union. It is only matter of time. Arabs will never come to our level of civilization where things are solved with talking. Soon gas and oil pipelines will be ready from Turkemistan-Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan-Turkey. With the money from there, it will jump start.

That is why I believe Arabs should be left out. They will always cause instability and there is always danger of you turning into 5th collumn. I think Syrian and Iraqi Arabs should be exception. From personal experience they have very different attitude than house of Saud. They also look like Turks and have similar lifestyle.
I know Arabs used mostly African slaves but not Turks...

That's not what the data says. Europeans, Iranians and Turks were also widely used for a time period.

As I said google the Arabic word Mamluk. The meaning of the word should give a few hints.

In hindsight this was wrong behavior but at that time every major power and elite used slaves.
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