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why Turkey support the Muslims Brotherhood

Seems like your proud of it, otherwise you wouldnt mention it without a reason...

Just a reply to Atatwolf's trolling. I gave him the reason for the existence of the 5-6 million Afro-Arabs in the Arab world. That was due to the Arab Slave trade which there is a lot information about since it was a major slave trade.

Arab slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In hindsight this was wrong behavior but at that time every major power and elite used slaves. Turks or at least Ottomans used slaves as well.

That was the reality not long ago. Even the West that we both live in used slaves 150 years ago. (USA)

I am not a slave! I am a conqueror!
When I was in Istanbul I saw a lot of Arabs. I think they were from Saudi or Egypt. They were Arabs who looked like nigros with women in burka walking behind them.

About Turkic union. It is only matter of time. Arabs will never come to our level of civilization where things are solved with talking. Soon gas and oil pipelines will be ready from Turkemistan-Kazakhstan-Azerbaijan-Turkey. With the money from there, it will jump start.

That is why I believe Arabs should be left out. They will always cause instability and there is always danger of you turning into 5th collumn. I think Syrian and Iraqi Arabs should be exception. From personal experience they have very different attitude than house of Saud. They also look like Turks and have similar lifestyle.

The Syrians and Iraqis are not real Arabs they are Arabized Assyrians they speak Arabic but are not Arab by blood i remember even Al-Hasani said that.

Arab slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also google the meaning of the Arabic word "Mamluk".

This is not trolling. Arabs used Africans, Iranians, Turks, Europeans as slaves. Widely well-known.

ahah tell us the whole the story please.. Mamluks were soldiers they become the rulers and kings after a while..


I am not a slave! I am a conqueror!

Mamluks were soldiers.. soldiers arent exactly the same thing as slaves right?
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Wrong. Most are Arabs. Never said such a thing. Genetic studies also prove the closeness and such genetic tests don't lie. Arabs lived in what is now Syria and Iraq 3000 years ago. In fact the word Arab was first mentioned in an Assyrian scripture about 3000 years ago. Several leaders of million strong Arab tribes live in Iraq and Syria. The same families, clans, tribes etc. live across those borders. Most of the cities were founded by Arabs. Arab migrations have taken place 1500 years before Islam and continued until the 1950's. From both areas. North and South. There were mutual migrations.

Also most importantly all those people were fellow Semitic people. Semitic people equals Turkic people. So long before any Arabs existed and 99,9% of all ethnic groups known today we were all Semitic people. ME Is our ancient homeland.

Anyway my rule is not to discuss Arab issues with people that have no clue about them and foreigners unless those are knowledgeable foreigners which there are not a lot of on this forum when it comes to Arabs and the ancient ME.

Yet, Arabs used Turkish and Turkic slaves which was the point. Actually most of the Mamluks were Caucasians especially Georgians.

Mamluk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the word's Arabic origin and meaning should give a hint and proof my point.
Also most importantly all those people were fellow Semitic people. Semitic people equals Turkic people. So long before any Arabs existed and 99,9% of all ethnic groups known today we were all Semitic people. ME Is our ancient homeland.
Well, we all have our roots in the African Continent if you wanna go even more back, but sayin all races are from semitic root is wrong.
Its true that the Homo Sapiens came out of Africa, then throught ME but there is no racial classification from this time.
Most Arabs have this trolling anti-Turkish attitude. From my experience only Syrian Arabs and other levant Arabs who don't have afro-Arab gene are friendly to Turks. I know a lot of Arabs from south Turkey, they are most friendliest people ever. They identify with being Turk first but acknowledge Arab roots. Turkey should focus on Levant, Balkans, and Turkistan. Gulf Arabs just have different culture. They even can't get along with each other.
I agree, the only arrogant ones are mainly from the Gulf, mostly from KSA.

Levantes and Northern Africans are much better than the Western controlled oil land.
we Turk must focus selling more Turkish products to Arabs..we should keep stay quite in political matters like germany japon etc..
why would i care who rule Egypt? ( i deleted it was not nice) ?
we dont need Turks influence or ottoman ... all bullshit...
realyt is money. you got money you got power!
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we Turk must focus selling more Turkish products to Arabs..we should keep stay quite in political matters like germany japon etc..
why would i care who rule Egypt? why would we care how many Egyptien killed?
we dont need Turks influence or ottoman ... all bullshit...
realyt is money. you got money you got power!
I agree with you except of the bold part.
The greatest fighters of islam hiting Mosque with F16.

Female F-16 Pilot Hits Mosque | Military.com

Ha ha you dont even know the story behind that.

@xenon54 they did have turki slaves. They were POW's used as soldiers in the Armies of the Caliphate. Many Turks also served as mercenaries. In the end it actually worked out that some Turks were slaves because we got alot of political, and military power in the islamic world. Besides its not like they were treated like crap or anything.
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Its a nice change of pace that for once, Iranians are not involved in dogfight, but rather Turks and Arabs turn their swords against each other. lol
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