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Why the army will have to go into North Waziristan

Why the army will have to go into North Waziristan

By Imtiaz Gul
Published: July 15, 2011

Entire American establishment believes Haqqani network exports terror to Afghan and needs to be crushed by Pakistan Army.

Shortly before leaving Kabul, General David Petraeus, the outgoing chief commander of the US-Isaf troops, referred to Pakistan Army’s long-overdue operation in Kurram and the trans-border movement by Afghan militants and their TTP affiliates as “North Waziristan in Reverse.”

He tossed the phrase in the presence of other Isaf representatives, suggesting that North Waziristan would have to be the Pakistan Army’s next destination – a place that the US abhors due to the presence of an al Qaeda-inspired militant conglomerate, presumably protected by the Haqqani network. The entire American establishment believes this network exports terror to the Afghan soil and thus needs to be crushed by the Pakistan Army – something that the latter has thus far resisted. American exhortations in this regard have been shunned using multiple, and at times incomprehensible, reasons embedded in issues such as ‘capacity’ and ‘social milieu’.

But, over 10 weeks since the surprise termination of Osama bin Laden and relations with the United States appearing to have hit rock-bottom, the narrative on North Waziristan seems to be changing. The situation in Kurram and the cross-border attacks on security posts in Bajaur and Dir in the last two weeks necessitated a “geographical military activity” in North Waziristan.

Highly-placed military officials now tell us that the recently-launched operation in the embattled and isolated Kurram Agency was a move to “plug all the holes” before taking on militants of all hue holed up in North Waziristan.

The initial target of the “geographical operation” is the area around the mountains that separate North and South Waziristan. Initial targets include Shawal and Makeen, where the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the avowed enemy number one of the state of Pakistan, took refuge after the army dislocated them from the Mehsud regions of Laddha, Makeen and Sararogha in October/November 2009. Other obvious targets include Miramshah, the administrative headquarters of North Waziristan, Dattakhel and particularly Mirali, considered to be a bee-hive housing the TTP, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, usually referred to as the Punjabi Taliban.

Apparently opposed to a full-scale military offensive in North Waziristan, and prisoner of a bloated ego, the military, under the burden of circumstances, has opted to call its activity in Shawal “geographical operation”, rather than a full-scale or even a selective operation.

But let us face reality: Whatever spin and name, the American pressure and the countrywide censure of the military in the aftermath of the Bin Laden affair, has finally done the trick. The much-awaited military movement against radical, al Qaeda-linked militants is now under way – albeit without a major declaration to the effect.

However selective, the military is now gradually on the move in North Waziristan to hunt the enemy, and this deserves appreciation rather than scorn and scepticism. But, based on the ground realities in North Waziristan, which adjoins the entire greater Paktia region – home to the Haqqanis’ Zadran tribe – the belated crackdown also requires a national consensus, plenty of patience and understanding for several reasons.

Firstly, while the decision to embark on a selective offensive against al Qaeda marks a clear attempt to mend the fractured relationship with the United States, it, hopefully, also underscores a new realism within the military establishment: The refusal to crackdown on all Arab-African, Afghan and Pakistani affiliates of the Haqqani network – in fact the network itself – holds no water any more. The circumstances surrounding Pakistan simply demand a definite move against all those elements that are – directly or otherwise – a source of attacks on the interests of the state of Pakistan.

Secondly, any direct assault on the Haqqanis and affiliates in North Waziristan means stoking a bee-hive of all those who are already filled with a sense of betrayal by the erstwhile security institutions, and who, by implication, have become foot-soldiers for al Qaeda and are more than eager to peddle and promote the kind of terrorism that Bin Laden and Ayman Al Zawahiri stand for.

Any assault – or even limited confrontation with some or all of these militant outfits – will almost certainly trigger a reaction in mainland Pakistan – meaning cities such as Peshawar, Mardan, some southern districts of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa such as DI Khan and Kohat, as well as Rawalpindi and Lahore. By implication, we should all anticipate, and be ready for, the kind of violence that Pakistanis suffered in the aftermath of the Lal Masjid operation in 2007, or the terror attacks in the last half of 2009. Thirdly, and this point flows from the second element which had held the army back from a crackdown in North Waziristan, the ensuing violence is likely to herald a new wave of uncertainty and instability across the country. The military establishment was already unsure, given the wobbly political landscape, whether the civilian government would be able to absorb shockwaves produced by an al Qaeda-inspired onslaught.

Security agencies fear that supporters of al Qaeda and its Pakistani auxiliaries might set off a new wave of terror if their mentors in North Waziristan were attacked.

Fourthly, the Haqqanis enjoy the reputation of being “strategic assets” of the Pakistani military establishment.

Fifth, a peace accord, signed on February 17, 2008, still holds true for North Waziristan, where people like Hafiz Gul Bahadur and Maulvi Sadiq Noor – both close friends of the Haqqanis – act as guarantors. Any unilateral action by the army would amount to a breach and thus might even result in adverse reactions by Bahadur and Noor.

As a whole, the advance on North Waziristan is fraught with risks. But what is obvious is that, sooner or later, Pakistan will have to face up to them for its long-term interest. History suggests that short-term pains must be taken to preempt long-term socio-political disasters. The antidote for the conglomerate of religiously-driven militants is a conclusive official campaign – free of fear or favour. Therein lies the long-term salvation of Pakistan and this is why a military advance in North Waziristan is inevitable – regardless of how the security establishment characterises it.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 15th, 2011.

Army Should not go in North Waziristan it will not prove futile and it will increase terrorism in Pakistan
You should go and preach this to your taliban, both pakistani and afghan taliban and see how they react to your message. Make sure you don't end up headless. Where were you when swati taliban was killing and attacking fellow muslims and breaking even peace treaties? The true nature of talibani islam!
Sir for your kind information you Army attacked them first on the orders of America in the time of Musharraf

But your taliban is free to not only give in to pressure from arabs, chechans, uzbeks, even german jihadis all in the name of Islam. Do you think thes foreign terrorists care about Pakistanis? They are the most brutal of a the lot and until the Pakistani state does not have sovereign control over all the areas, there will be an operation in one form or another, no matter American or PTI/JI pressure to save their prized assets.

I think Pakistanis are in a dire need to boost their self-esteem. If a foreign country says, our people lost 3,000 lives so now you should lose 30,000 lives we Pakistanis should say our Pakistanis lost 30,000 lives now you should lose 300,000 lives. 1 Pakistani life = 10,000 non-pakistani lives.
You need to boost your self worth, where you can watch the brutal murder of Pakistanis security forces, read news of the brutal attacks on Pakistanis civilians and still you want to wear bangles on your arms and sit at home in a state of fear of these taliban kuttays. Tohora to hossla rakho. Itnay darnay ki zarwat nahi hain. Taliban say itna math darro.

The slogan of Pakistan as stated by Qauid-e-Azam is Unity, Faith and Discipline. Zia era sloganeering is part of the problem.

No of course not, Arabs are your gods, which is why you run after them just in the slightly hope that they will one day consider yourself as equal Muslims. Too bad it will never happen, just like the failed and decaying concept of ummah and khilafat. Keep on dreaming that arabs respect you.

Be a Pakistani army, not arab's or afghans pets. Also, stop living in kuffar lands of America while you're preaching to others. You are the worst kind of pet, as you do not even realize you are a mental slave to others.
kion bahi sach qarhwa ha? he is saying what is bitter truth and reality. now please ban him or label him anti pakistani because he speaks against the majority secular fascists here.
Kill your own innocent people, make them refugees in their own country, make life miserable for them just because you need US aid. sell your own countrymen for few million dollars.
Our own millitary establishment has destroyed our country.

My brother why are you angry on me??? i am also against those who are selling Pakistan for dollars but i think politicians are responsible for it not the ARMY!!!
kion bahi sach qarhwa ha? he is saying what is bitter truth and reality. now please ban him or label him anti pakistani because he speaks against the majority secular fascists here.
Kill your own innocent people, make them refugees in their own country, make life miserable for them just because you need US aid. sell your own countrymen for few million dollars.
Our own millitary establishment has destroyed our country.
So those who demand action against people who behead/blow up others are secular fascists?Gotta love your analogy.
So those who demand action against people who behead/blow up others are secular fascists?Gotta love your analogy.

i will also suggest demand actions on faridkot the home of ajmal kasab, on such grounds
those who support killing, from which ever side...go and kill and get killed !!! donot waste the opportunity to behead as saviour or beheaded as Martyr ! :pop:

do tell your family to inform me about your kul sharif... :pop:

P.S. hey dont bring your freaking war to my lands !!
selective offensive against al Qaeda
Now what does that mean?

Secondly, the raison d'etre of helping the Taliban (Haqqani) is to establish a pliable pro Pakistan Taliban government in Afghanistan by the PA for Strategic Depth against India. The question therefore is why would the PA attack the Taliban (Haqqani/Omar)? Apart from the backlash in Pakistan, the PAs entire doctrine of Strategic Depth will come to naught. Have they lost thousands of soldiers to achieve this objective, just to backtrack now under pressure of the Americans?

The Taliban (Haqqani/Omar) would never be touched! The offensive will be against the TTP only as it poses an existential threat to Pakistan.
taimikhan and other will not dare to go into war or send their children into war, they can pretend to be war generals from PDF only :lol::lol:

Well atleast we are better then you, atleast not trying to become generals by sitting in Sayreville, New Jersey and trying to show that we are in Karachi.

By the way we are already in the war affected area, had my 8 month old daughter injured by a bomb blast and have seen many bomb blasts right within a few meters of my ownself. Have helped people as well as given blood to help the victims.

So. don;t open your idiotic mouth without knowing about us by sitting in the very same country which is trying to destabilize us.

if you are that much of a Pakistani, then come here in Pakistan and open your mouth instead of sitting and shieting in USofA.

Well atleast we are better then you, atleast not trying to become generals by sitting in Sayreville, New Jersey and trying to show that we are in Karachi.

By the way we are already in the war affected area, had my 8 month old daughter injured by a bomb blast and have seen many bomb blasts right within a few meters of my ownself. Have helped people as well as given blood to help the victims.

So. don;t open your idiotic mouth without knowing about us by sitting in the very same country which is trying to destabilize us.

if you are that much of a Pakistani, then come here in Pakistan and open your mouth instead of sitting and shieting in USofA.


im sorry abt your daughter, i wish your daughter had seen a better pakistan, without any wars and destruction

but who started the war, you already have that knowledge, so curse those people who started all this mess

your daughter will one day will try to carry pakistan away from this mess we all are in, whether be it karachi, peshawar or waziristan
Now what does that mean?

Secondly, the raison d'etre of helping the Taliban (Haqqani) is to establish a pliable pro Pakistan Taliban government in Afghanistan by the PA for Strategic Depth against India. The question therefore is why would the PA attack the Taliban (Haqqani/Omar)? Apart from the backlash in Pakistan, the PAs entire doctrine of Strategic Depth will come to naught. Have they lost thousands of soldiers to achieve this objective, just to backtrack now under pressure of the Americans?

The Taliban (Haqqani/Omar) would never be touched! The offensive will be against the TTP only as it poses an existential threat to Pakistan.

Seriously, when will the Indians understand and how many times they are gonna be told.

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