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Why so much hate for America lately?

America has had casualties in times of war even on its own troops( i,e its fired on its own troops in times of war (i,e friendly Fire) . Do people know that America has apologized for Salalala incident?
I thought you were asking about Pakistan's grievances. Plus the pumpkin wipped a tweet for no reason. Did he intend or even remotely believe anything good coming out of it?
America has had casualties in times of war even on its own troops( i,e its fired on its own troops in times of war (i,e friendly Fire) . Do people know that America has apologized for Salalala incident?

Do you work extremely hard at being an ignorant lumpenproletariat or does this come naturally to you? The drivel and diarrhoea that you profusely utter here on defence PK forum suggests this or maybe you're a dastardly wiley zionist hindu dressed in a sheeps clothing as your comments seem very pro US and anti Pakistan.

I'm WATCHING you baapu, I'm here to inculcate some meaning to your meaningless empty pathetic thought process undoubtedly caused by a serious disease known as envy and malice - a clear and apparent sign oozing from zionist hindus.
I'm WATCHING you baapu, I'm here to inculcate some meaning to your meaningless empty pathetic thought process undoubtedly caused by a serious disease known as envy and malice - a clear and apparent sign oozing from zionist hindus.
OOooh, isn't hate-mongering conspiracism terrific for terrifying the populace? You can make any claim you like and any proof otherwise is merely dismissed as part of the conspiracy, so those who bring facts and context to the table had better WATCH OUT for the secret police who can make them disappear in the middle of the night!

(And @baapu? If this guy scares you, just imagine what he looks like in his underpants.)
I thought you were asking about Pakistan's grievances. Plus the pumpkin wipped a tweet for no reason. Did he intend or even remotely believe anything good coming out of it?

I am. Which tweet are you refering to ?

Do you work extremely hard at being an ignorant lumpenproletariat or does this come naturally to you? The drivel and diarrhoea that you profusely utter here on defence PK forum suggests this or maybe you're a dastardly wiley zionist hindu dressed in a sheeps clothing as your comments seem very pro US and anti Pakistan.

I'm WATCHING you baapu, I'm here to inculcate some meaning to your meaningless empty pathetic thought process undoubtedly caused by a serious disease known as envy and malice - a clear and apparent sign oozing from zionist hindus.

Thank you. So shall we begin. whats your POV on Pakistan's Hate towards America? Also please point out my Anti Pakistani comments, as I seem to have missed them?
Any theory of being American must explain one salient and striking fact: cruelty. America is the most cruel nation among its peers — even among most poor countries today. It is something like a new Rome. It has little, if any, functioning healthcare, education, transport, media, no safety nets, no stability, security. The middle class is collapsing, and life expectancy is falling.Young people die for a lack of insulin they cannot crowdfund. Elderly middle-class people live and die in their cars. Kids massacre each other in schools — when they’re not self-medicating the pain of it all away. The combination of these pathologies happens nowhere else — not a single place — in the world. Not even Pakistan, Costa Rica, or Rwanda. Hence, the world is aghast daily at the depths of American cruelty — yet somehow, they seem bottomless.

America was a strange, improbable combination of things, singular in history. A Promised Land —but one for the despised. Waves upon waves of them washed up on its shores. First, the Puritans, mocked and loathed in England. Then peasants and farmers and outlaws from across Europe. Then Chinese, Japanese, Latinos, and today, Muslims.

These emigrants all tended to share a common trait. They were at the very bottom, the lowest rung, of social and economic heirarchies in their own countries. All of them. That has changed a little recently — but America was founded by and for the despised, loathed, hated. People referred to as trash, nobodies, serfs, exiles, outcasts — who were never given an ounce of respect, dignity, or even belonging, in their societies of origin.

Let me make that clearer. We did not see nobles and landed gentry emigrate to America. British Lords and German Counts and Italians Barons. We saw German peasant, Irish villagers, Swedish farmers, the dwellers of Italian slums. People from the very lowest of heirarchies elsewhere, the oppressed and the subjugated, came to this Promised Land.

So first the English and French settlers supposed that this New World was theirs (and began a kind of genocide against its natives, of course). But it wasn’t just the natives that they came to hate, for threatening their natural right to this Promised Land. It was the next waves of settlers, too. The English settlers hated the French. The French hated the Germans. They all hated the Irish. The Irish hated the Italians. And so on. That much is historical fact. Do you see the pattern forming yet?

This is very abstract, so let me make it concrete. Here came one wave of settlers — English. They dominated their way to the top of a hierarchy, above natives and blacks. Then came a new wave — German. They were punched down too — and began punching down — to bitterly establish themselves in this hierarchy, as high up as they could. Then another wave — Irish. Punched, punching down. All desperately vying for relative dominance among the rest.

You see, the crucial fact is that this didn’t happen elsewhere in the world — waves of settlers, all desperately trying to establish themselves above the next, last, most recent, in a hierarchy, all the more so, because they were despised, at the bottom, to begin with. In Europe, Asia, South America, heirarchies were long established — and broken only by revolution. America was the only nation where this constant reconstruction of hierarchy happened to such a degree, over and over again. Hence, the establishment of cruelty as a way of life — how else but to establish one’s self above the next wave of migrants?

Each new tribe that came to this Promised Land brought the burden of being despised, subjugated, oppressed, with them. They were finally above someone else in a social hierarchy. They were not at the bottom anymore. But to be above requires somone else to be below. And so there was a constant battle for relative position within a growing hierarchy — hence, dominance, competition, conquest soon became the prized cultural values, norms, and institutional goals. Cruelty as a way of life was born.
You said it right bro.

USA was made by the rejects of Europe. lol.
Similar to the story of Australia.

The educated and well-off Europeans did not go to USA and settle there.
es and it is entangled in conflicts from Afghanistan to Sudan, and its meddling in many past conflicts has opened a can of worms and further exacerbated the situation.
Map shows which countries are the biggest threats to peace
Different countries have a lurking fear that peace and stability of the world is threatened by those countries that either have a long history of armed intervention, warfare, or those that have wobbly regimes and are rife with widespread turbulence, or the countries that are in their neighborhood and with whom they have long-standing rivalries, border disputes and animosity due to social, cultural and historical reasons.

A map has been created by Joe Hammer, based on WIN/Gallup International survey that asked people across the globe that which country is the greatest threat to peace as per them.

The Americans, Canadians, and Brits viewed Iran as the biggest threat to peace. This is not surprising as the US holds Iran responsible for instability and violence in the Middle East and has imposed crippling sanctions and embargo against it in the past.

Regional rivalries were also marked on the map, with Indians viewing Pakistan as the biggest threat and South Koreans viewing their nuclear-powered and isolated northern neighbor as the biggest threat. But surprisingly, for Pakistanis, USA, which has been its ally for many decades, is the biggest threat to peace and not its arch-rival India, as per this survey.

Japanese, Filipinos and Vietnamese view China as the biggest threat to peace, while China views USA as the most daunting threat. Poles view Russia as the biggest threat, while Russians reserve the spot for USA, which seems to be an extension of the cold war era hostility and escalating tensions between USA and Russia after Russian annexation of Crimea.

Vietnam is wary of Chinese quest for regional hegemony and there is a history of colonial occupation and atrocities that have marred the relations between Japan and China.

Among other countries, Bangladeshis think Israel is the biggest threat to peace; Italians think conflict-ridden and volatile Afghanistan is the biggest threat and Afghans think of Pakistan as the biggest threat to world peace, which is on expected lines as Pakistan for years aided, trained and funded insurgent groups that damaged Afghanistan and was the most important sponsor and ally of its rogue Taliban regime that oppressed its own citizens.

Most of the map is still draped with stars and stripes of the American flag as the USA has over 800 military bases overseas in 70 countries and it is entangled in conflicts from Afghanistan to Sudan, and its meddling in many past conflicts has opened a can of worms and further exacerbated the situation.


why 85% Americans hate Pakistan?
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I can assure you , 85% of Americans dont hate Pakistan. they really dont give Pakistan any thought at all except in the context of Afganistan. When it come to foreign policy , in the government there are some people who view Pakistan with concern. But again its not Hate, rather lets say its other words.

Around the world , I am well aware that Americans are blamed for all sorts of wars but nowhere is the attitude what its in Pakistan. I think it can be said to be "American has been plucking grapes from his neighbors garden again" vs in Pakistan its like "I want to make America walk on a bed of nails till the nails are soaked in blood and come thru the top.". Sorry for the graphic words.

But IMHO rest of the world see that there is utility in what America does sometimes and sometimes America does only for its own Interests. Thats what the difference is Pakistan is
I am. Which tweet are you refering to ?

The first of this year.

Either way, just flip Salala around and make Pakistan the aggressor and I think we'd have had a total different response. Besides friendly fire happens everywhere and doesn't amount to much. But when gunships kill around 4 dozen one side better be blind!
Anti-American sentiments exist almost everywhere even in certain parts of Europe. I can only speak for Pakistan why it exists there. Reason 1: Islamaphobia 2:Foreign policies 3:Hate-mongering media

I'd like to point out that racist islamaphobe dipshits are the real minority here and Most Pakistanis accomplished things here they never could have back home.
The first of this year.

Either way, just flip Salala around and make Pakistan the aggressor and I think we'd have had a total different response. Besides friendly fire happens everywhere and doesn't amount to much. But when gunships kill around 4 dozen one side better be blind!

you know that ( Trump's tweet) ;
1) It not a new Position. ( read this from 2009 Robert Gates, Pakistan The Pressler Amendment ) Obama refused to visit Pakistan. Did anyone from Pakistan try to figure out why ? He came to India, but refused to come to Pakistan. That should tell you a lot. Something in the foreign policy of Pakistan was seriosly wrong at that point.

2) Pakistan Has been taking Billions of $ and yet Talibans keep their Families in Baluchistan and Obama Bin Laden Gets fingered in Pakistan right under Army's nose. So what does that tell you ?
Hamid Gul Openly expresses that Pakistan supports Taliban.

I never said anything about Salala being Pakistan's fault. I said America apologized for it. Which means America agreed what they did there was their fault. I also said that even Americas have died from friendly fire .

So what would you rather have the American president see you as. This is a real question . So please give a real answer.
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you know that ( Trump's tweet) ;
1) It not a new Position. ( read this from 2009 Robert Gates, Pakistan The Pressler Amendment ) Obama refused to visit Pakistan. Did anyone from Pakistan try to figure out why ? He came to India, but refused to come to Pakistan. That should tell you a lot. Something in the foreign policy of Pakistan was seriosly wrong at that point.

2) Pakistan Has been taking Billions of $ and yet Talibans keep their Families in Baluchistan and Obama Bin Laden Gets fingered in Pakistan right under Army's nose. So what does that tell you ?
Hamid Gul Openly expresses that Pakistan supports Taliban.

I never said anything about Salala being Pakistan's fault. I said America apologized for it. Which means America agreed what they did there was their fault. I also said that even Americas have died from friendly fire .

So what would you rather have the American president see you as. This is a real question . So please give a real answer.
I think I have a right to my opinion just like a pumpkin has its... to your first pointer it is very simple... Is Pakistan a banana Republic or more correctly does it hold it's own foreign policy? I think with money paid as rent you can only get so much... U.S. and Pakistan have different priorities and for some odd reason they coincide with that of India's and it is very natural that Pakistan will have qualms about what India does in Afghanistan and to your second part as I said above as long as you pay rent you get things done that ultimately Pakistan was unwilling to do... which brings me back to the tweet... no good could've come from it so why put your foot in the mouth? Pakistan has been coerced or bribed to do what it did doesn't it tell you that the two don't see eye to eye and they have every right to do so.
I think I have a right to my opinion just like a pumpkin has its... to your first pointer it is very simple... Is Pakistan a banana Republic or more correctly does it hold it's own foreign policy? I think with money paid as rent you can only get so much... U.S. and Pakistan have different priorities and for some odd reason they coincide with that of India's and it is very natural that Pakistan will have qualms about what India does in Afghanistan and to your second part as I said above as long as you pay rent you get things done that ultimately Pakistan was unwilling to do... which brings me back to the tweet... no good could've come from it so why put your foot in the mouth? Pakistan has been coerced or bribed to do what it did doesn't it tell you that the two don't see eye to eye and they have every right to do so.

My point was, why complain about the tweet , when what he is saying has already been said By Hamid Gul.
OOooh, isn't hate-mongering conspiracism terrific for terrifying the populace? You can make any claim you like and any proof otherwise is merely dismissed as part of the conspiracy, so those who bring facts and context to the table had better WATCH OUT for the secret police who can make them disappear in the middle of the night!

(And @baapu? If this guy scares you, just imagine what he looks like in his underpants.)

Typical, a zionist American yehudi belonging to the killer race unable to control his fiendish and mischievous ways had to poke his nose and come running to the aid of a another low life. Keep trying, you'll never succeed as the zionist yehud peoples are born to lose despite their ugly cruel inhumane charateristics in fighting the lesser unarmed people of Palestine. USA/Illegal zionist yehud state and zionist hindu suffer from extreme amnesia. The fact is, the US and those who support its outlandish clandestine policies of mischief making the world over are unable to digest the fact that future upcoming powers are making head ways whereby these dastardly moronic states try to create trouble and propogate and perpetuate their evil designs - trade embargoes, invasions, looting of resources, wars etc - in turn why there is so much hate for the US and its feeble and degenerate leeches and vermin, zionist India and the illegal zionist state in the M.E., wouldn't survive a day should the arrogant and highly hypocritical zionist illuminati freemasonry bigots in Washington end their support for them. But hey, criminials always help and support criminals.

Once you've read and digested the above, best you take a long walk, rather then respond, it'll be far better for you. Unless of course you're unable to control your emotions and want to 'advertise' your pathetic feeble thoughts and arguments and make out you're intelligent, then do as you want. Either way, end of zionism - in the form of USA, zionist hindu India and illegal zionist yehud state - is a fact waiting to be written into the history books. And all will be hated for their evil moronic selfish inhumane ways.
If you see major issues since US was located by columbus is always usa poking its nose where it dosent fit USA role is always make divisions between side to make a way for war they are evils they dont like peace their only moto is violance threatning to entire globe we have ssen glimps if it in last UN meeting by hiley
I don't think I'd mind pumpkin tweeting as a private citizen. Just like everyone else mouthing off...

but its the truth. which Hamid Gul said out a loud. Hamid Gul used different words( Way back in 2005) , but said the same thing. You think America should still keep on pretending after 15 years that What Hamid Gul was saying was incorrect? Or that they didnt hear Hamid Gul?

Typical, a zionist American yehudi belonging to the killer race unable to control his fiendish and mischievous ways had to poke his nose and come running to the aid of a another low life. Keep trying, you'll never succeed as the zionist yehud peoples are born to lose despite their ugly cruel inhumane charateristics in fighting the lesser unarmed people of Palestine. USA/Illegal zionist yehud state and zionist hindu suffer from extreme amnesia. The fact is, the US and those who support its outlandish clandestine policies of mischief making the world over are unable to digest the fact that future upcoming powers are making head ways whereby these dastardly moronic states try to create trouble and propogate and perpetuate their evil designs - trade embargoes, invasions, looting of resources, wars etc - in turn why there is so much hate for the US and its feeble and degenerate leeches and vermin, zionist India and the illegal zionist state in the M.E., wouldn't survive a day should the arrogant and highly hypocritical zionist illuminati freemasonry bigots in Washington end their support for them. But hey, criminials always help and support criminals.

Once you've read and digested the above, best you take a long walk, rather then respond, it'll be far better for you. Unless of course you're unable to control your emotions and want to 'advertise' your pathetic feeble thoughts and arguments and make out you're intelligent, then do as you want. Either way, end of zionism - in the form of USA, zionist hindu India and illegal zionist yehud state - is a fact waiting to be written into the history books. And all will be hated for their evil moronic selfish inhumane ways.

Please keep taking the pills. You shouldnt alter the medication dosage without consulting a doctor.
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