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Why so much hate for America lately?

and now USA is pushing to enter india in NSG and making paksitan a rouge state as they did in MTCR .

you have to bring facts, Not evidence against Pakistan.
Does Pakistan deserve to be in NSG? India has never been accused of selling Nukes to a third country( since 1974). If Pakistan does the Same for another 30 years then we can talk about that it deserves to be in the NSG legitimately). So yes, Pakistan has been acting like a rogue state .

I want clarify a little. Any country has categorical relations with other countries.

belligerents ( At War)
Animosity ( India and Pakistan )
neutral ( Pakistan and Azerbijan / Thailand )
friendly ( Pakistan and Iran )
treaty friends ( Pakistan and Saudi Arabia )
treaty Partners. ( NATO Countries or Five Eyes Groups)

Pakistan and America have Traditionaly been in the realm of treaty friends to friendly. I am confused as to where its changed?
If America opposed that , do you think Canada would have brought that . Also a lot of times Japan aided Pakistan, that was also because America aided Pakistan( sort of like Saudi Arabia gives Aid to a country when America nods ).
so you mean we worship USA that they did not oppose us ?:lol:man try to breath a freedom once in your life :rolleyes:



you have to bring facts, Not evidence against Pakistan.
Does Pakistan deserve to be in NSG? India has never been accused of selling Nukes to a third country( since 1974). If Pakistan does the Same for another 30 years then we can talk about that it deserves to be in the NSG legitimately). So yes, Pakistan has been acting like a rogue state .

I want clarify a little. Any country has categorical relations with other countries.

belligerents ( At War)
Animosity ( India and Pakistan )
neutral ( Pakistan and Azerbijan / Thailand )
friendly ( Pakistan and Iran )
treaty friends ( Pakistan and Saudi Arabia )
treaty Partners. ( NATO Countries or Five Eyes Groups)

Pakistan and America have Traditionaly been in the realm of treaty friends to friendly. I am confused as to where its changed?


USA did not helped they sale us or even sometime they take 100s of millions of $ and refuse to deliver .
suparco is under US sanctions
f-16s 111 were orginol order and was not delivered even fully paid
sabers were not gift paksitna paid for them .in fact US sale us 2nd 3rd grade tech
KANUPP? it was GE Canada project and letter chines project USA has nothing to do with it . in fact USA blocked nuclear tech of paksitan always .

now tell me about
1965 sanction
U2 flights form paksita
bridge between chin -USA
operation cyclone
6th fleet in bengal
presseler amendments
1991 sanction
post afghan war issues
P3 orians sanctions
1998 sanctions
threatening of 9/11
afghan refuges
drone atatcks
shamsi base
salala attack
blame game of do more

today USA is trying as much as hard to push paksitan aside and arm india with latest tech witch will be used against paksitan .USA did not help paksitan but both sides used each other .

Pakistan could have asked for the money back ?

* in 1965 , both India and Pakistan were sanctioned. Not just Pakistan. That is pretty standard when you go to war. Most countries will put sanctions on you fro weapons. Only rougue states will sell weapons to countries who are at war. The reason is that for war to be over quickly , the supply of weapons has to dry out quickly.

The exception to this rule is when you have Treaty relations with another country.

* U2 flights from Pakistan. How is that an indication of animousity towards pakistan I fail to see.
* Bridge between Chin and US. I dont know what that means.
* Operation cyclone was not against Pakistan. again we are talking about Pakistan . Infact Pakistan very much benefited by Operation Cyclone.
* 6th fleet in Bengal.. By that I think you mean the perceived aid fleet that was supposed to arrive in Bengal? No such thing was ever supposed to happen . Everyone knew that. If they didnt they should have.
* Pressler Amendment is the result of Nuclear proliferation. It is equally applicable to any country that does Nuclear proliferation. Some countries got even worse treatment. Pressler amendment just meant Pakistan wasn't Considered a "Special friend " anymore. But in itself it was never a indication of hostility. If you Think America ever really Sanctioned Pakistan. Ask Iran.
* in 1965 , both India and Pakistan were sanctioned. Not just Pakistan. That is pretty standard when you go to war. Most countries will put sanctions on you fro weapons. Only rougue states will sell weapons to countries who are at war. The reason is that for war to be over quickly , the supply of weapons has to dry out quickly.

The exception to this rule is when you have Treaty relations with another country.

* U2 flights from Pakistan. How is that an indication of animousity towards pakistan I fail to see.
* Bridge between Chin and US. I dont know what that means.
* Operation cyclone was not against Pakistan. again we are talking about Pakistan . Infact Pakistan very much benefited by Operation Cyclone.
* 6th fleet in Bengal.. By that I think you mean the perceived aid fleet that was supposed to arrive in Bengal? No such thing was ever supposed to happen . Everyone knew that. If they didnt they should have.
* Pressler Amendment is the result of Nuclear proliferation. It is equally applicable to any country that does Nuclear proliferation. Some countries got even worse treatment. Pressler amendment just meant Pakistan wasn't Considered a "Special friend " anymore. But in itself it was never a indication of hostility. If you Think America ever really Sanctioned Pakistan. Ask Iran.
ohh bhai konsi sasti charas peety ho

in 1965 both india and pksitan were sanctions ok but who was ceto cento ally of USA india or paksitan ?
who was using heavy weapons of USA india or paksitan ?
who was effected really india or pakistan ?

you fail to see how U2 effect paksitan ?Khruschev threatened to nuke Peshawar in retaliation for U2
operation cyclone ws the cause of paksitnai destruction we face millions of refugees a war gun and drug culture .

so we loss a war loss our country for waiting our great ally will send 6th fleet and you mean it was nothing .
for you crow is white every damage done by US every wound we sustain from USA we just never mind and be a nice slave of USA .

please stop quoting me for you we are row materiel not a country
ohh bhai konsi sasti charas peety ho

in 1965 both india and pksitan were sanctions ok but who was ceto cento ally of USA india or paksitan ?
who was using heavy weapons of USA india or paksitan ?
who was effected really india or pakistan ?

you fail to see how U2 effect paksitan ?Khruschev threatened to nuke Peshawar in retaliation for U2
operation cyclone ws the cause of paksitnai destruction we face millions of refugees a war gun and drug culture .

so we loss a war loss our country for waiting our great ally will send 6th fleet and you mean it was nothing .
for you crow is white every damage done by US every wound we sustain from USA we just never mind and be a nice slave of USA .

please stop quoting me for you we are row materiel not a country

* CETO was effectively dissolved when Pakistan Failed to Join militarily in the ongoing operations in the Fareast.

* U2 incident . The Threat was not carried out was it? So its effectively a non issue.

* If someone told you there was a 6th fleet coming, he mislead you. read the documents I have already ( July 11 th document I think )posted. If America had already told China that it would not intervene militarily. dont you think it would also have told Pakistan also ? I am sure all the military knew there was no American fleet coming. Besides, East Pakistan was lost because of Other reasons. Everyone knows. India had a hand in it. But it was mostly Pakistan's own fault.
* CETO was effectively dissolved when Pakistan Failed to Join militarily in the ongoing operations in the Fareast.

* U2 incident . The Threat was not carried out was it? So its effectively a non issue.

* If someone told you there was a 6th fleet coming, he mislead you. read the documents I have already ( July 11 th document I think )posted. If America had already told China that it would not intervene militarily. dont you think it would also have told Pakistan also ? I am sure all the military knew there was no American fleet coming. Besides, East Pakistan was lost because of Other reasons. Everyone knows. India had a hand in it. But it was mostly Pakistan's own fault.

Very Alhumdulilah
hairat hai bhai 70 saal main humari G phat gai isko kuch maza bhi nhi aya :lol:

* My opinion is , If you really think America is against Pakistan , then those Sanctions would have been like Sanctions On Iran. and where would be Pakistan Now?

Again my opinion, America's stance has been Varying between "treaty friend to friendly" , its drifting to neutral territory now. If it does the Sanctions would be harder. much Harder. and those wouldn't be just Americans Sanctions at the time.
* CETO was effectively dissolved when Pakistan Failed to Join militarily in the ongoing operations in the Fareast.

* U2 incident . The Threat was not carried out was it? So its effectively a non issue.

* If someone told you there was a 6th fleet coming, he mislead you. read the documents I have already ( July 11 th document I think )posted. If America had already told China that it would not intervene militarily. dont you think it would also have told Pakistan also ? I am sure all the military knew there was no American fleet coming. Besides, East Pakistan was lost because of Other reasons. Everyone knows. India had a hand in it. But it was mostly Pakistan's own fault.
i send my servant to buy a US flag with a stature of liberty i will start worshiping USA from next morning
i send my servant to buy a US flag with a stature of liberty i will start worshiping USA from next morning

Nothing to do with worshiping. the thread is about animosity. Quite a difference.

You know Pakistan was the only country which didn't operate in the Far-east theater from the SEATO countries?
There has always been some hate for America, even tho I dont know of a a single incident with facts where America deserves the hate. Can someone ( even a certified loon like pathfinder or one of his creed ) provide some help.

what are the facts of hate?
specific facts please. No "generic" statements.
Iraq war Libya war Syrian war sporting Israel threatening Iran Pakistan Turkey Imposing his lifestyle on others and naming it democracy .....
In any business deal if partnership is succesfull everybody is happy. If the same partnership fails then both sides turn on each other. Examples of US partnerships that have largely succeeded are -

  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • Singapore
  • Turkey
  • Europe
  • Saudia Arabia
  • UAE
  • Bahrain
Pakistan failed though and you see the result.
There has always been an intense love-hate relationship with the US. People hate US policies, but they love to visit and even emigrate there. :D
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