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Why so much hate for America lately?

The hate is because of backstabbing an ally who has sacrificed its civilians , military and economy in 17 years journey of war on terror. In the last ,the ally sacrificed everything, labeled a terrorist supporter.
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If America opposed that , do you think Canada would have brought that . Also a lot of times Japan aided Pakistan, that was also because America aided Pakistan( sort of like Saudi Arabia gives Aid to a country when America nods ).
A bunch of assumptions
Why so much bullying and bombing of the world lately? Folks living there truly deserve the existent policing model they hate the most.
There has always been some hate for America, even tho I dont know of a a single incident with facts where America deserves the hate. Can someone ( even a certified loon like pathfinder or one of his creed ) provide some help.

what are the facts of hate?
specific facts please. No "generic" statements.

There is no hate. It's a natural reaction to the USA dictatorial policies and ever evolving tyrrany spearheaded by psychologically disturbed zionist yehud affiliates and supporters, all propogating the agenda of the illegal state of zionist yehud. Eventual result to bring about one world dictatorial government led by the zionist dajjali yehud to control and enslave mankind in a way humanity has never witnessed such inhumanity.

Invading countries with any pretext and thus killing, looting and then branding those invaded as extremists and terrorist by the zionist US government is clear for all to see, yet you fail to notice myriad of aggressive acts committed by the USA? The USA has committed various acts of aggression against myriad of countries in the last century, mainly those which are weak in military power but high in natural resources, which are stolen by these pale faced, fork tongued yellowbellies.

And what are you anyway? Some kind of a moron high on drugs and alcohol? The US and zionists are evil in every sense of the word and yet you have had the audacity to question 'why so much hate for the USA?' Evidently you have not had the experience of losing a family member or much more besides by the US weapons of mass destruction, and it is clear you are lacking in humanity and feelings of altruism and pain being experienced by others. I'd lke to suggest that either you awaken from the deep slumber you're in and make mental amends - seek psychologocal help - otherwise go stick your head in an oven. Clearly you're a shallow minded, inhumane low life who ought to stick his head up the pale faced invaders-aggressors rear end, since you seem to have so much sympathy and feelings for them.
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Map shows which countries are the biggest threats to peace
Different countries have a lurking fear that peace and stability of the world is threatened by those countries that either have a long history of armed intervention, warfare, or those that have wobbly regimes and are rife with widespread turbulence, or the countries that are in their neighborhood and with whom they have long-standing rivalries, border disputes and animosity due to social, cultural and historical reasons.

A map has been created by Joe Hammer, based on WIN/Gallup International survey that asked people across the globe that which country is the greatest threat to peace as per them.

The Americans, Canadians, and Brits viewed Iran as the biggest threat to peace. This is not surprising as the US holds Iran responsible for instability and violence in the Middle East and has imposed crippling sanctions and embargo against it in the past.

Regional rivalries were also marked on the map, with Indians viewing Pakistan as the biggest threat and South Koreans viewing their nuclear-powered and isolated northern neighbor as the biggest threat. But surprisingly, for Pakistanis, USA, which has been its ally for many decades, is the biggest threat to peace and not its arch-rival India, as per this survey.

Japanese, Filipinos and Vietnamese view China as the biggest threat to peace, while China views USA as the most daunting threat. Poles view Russia as the biggest threat, while Russians reserve the spot for USA, which seems to be an extension of the cold war era hostility and escalating tensions between USA and Russia after Russian annexation of Crimea.

Vietnam is wary of Chinese quest for regional hegemony and there is a history of colonial occupation and atrocities that have marred the relations between Japan and China.

Among other countries, Bangladeshis think Israel is the biggest threat to peace; Italians think conflict-ridden and volatile Afghanistan is the biggest threat and Afghans think of Pakistan as the biggest threat to world peace, which is on expected lines as Pakistan for years aided, trained and funded insurgent groups that damaged Afghanistan and was the most important sponsor and ally of its rogue Taliban regime that oppressed its own citizens.

Most of the map is still draped with stars and stripes of the American flag as the USA has over 800 military bases overseas in 70 countries and it is entangled in conflicts from Afghanistan to Sudan, and its meddling in many past conflicts has opened a can of worms and further exacerbated the situation.


why 85% Americans hate Pakistan?

I hate America or American people , but i don't like American Govt and its policies towards other countries specially the weak ones .
There has always been some hate for America, even tho I dont know of a a single incident with facts where America deserves the hate. Can someone ( even a certified loon like pathfinder or one of his creed ) provide some help.

what are the facts of hate?
specific facts please. No "generic" statements.
From my perspective:

1. Inadequate people-to-people contact
2. F-16 supply issues: http://www.stratagem.pk/setting-the-record-straight/pakistan-air-force-love-f-16/
3. Pressler sanctions
4. War On Terror
5. American interventions in Iraq and Libya
6. Islamic eschatological conditioning of the masses with sophisticated interplay of hadith and current-age geopolitical structures by well-known anchors (e.g. The Hidden Truth)
7. Anti-American narrative-building in Pakistani Talk Shows
8. Lack of respect for Pakistani contributions to War On Terror within US

I would say that there are both rational and irrational causes of Anti-US sentiments within Pakistan.

Pakistani public is not into introspection, bias-correction, and overlooks the history of Pakistani establishment in mis-managing relations with US. Whenever relations turned sour, Pakistani establishment conveniently pinned the blame on US to escape public scrutiny at home.

Good read: https://www.dawn.com/news/813631
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Well Salala, Raymond Davis and drones could be primary. As far as the state I'd say arm twisting, sanctions, undermining local authorities etc etc... U.S. calls this American exceptionalism other people may have their opinions... though I'd say other countries don't really use Twitter to vent either...
US interference, bullying, propaganda and negative role against Pakistan. They don't like progress of Pakistan. They don't like our partnership with China but not offer themselves any alternative. They already blocked our trade with Iran without offering anything but allowed their new Ally Bharat to trade freely. They are proping up lowly gangadeshis in Afghanistan to harm Pakistan since ages. Yet hypocritically ask us to deal with Taliban..

Others may have same or different issue.
Any theory of being American must explain one salient and striking fact: cruelty. America is the most cruel nation among its peers — even among most poor countries today. It is something like a new Rome. It has little, if any, functioning healthcare, education, transport, media, no safety nets, no stability, security. The middle class is collapsing, and life expectancy is falling.Young people die for a lack of insulin they cannot crowdfund. Elderly middle-class people live and die in their cars. Kids massacre each other in schools — when they’re not self-medicating the pain of it all away. The combination of these pathologies happens nowhere else — not a single place — in the world. Not even Pakistan, Costa Rica, or Rwanda. Hence, the world is aghast daily at the depths of American cruelty — yet somehow, they seem bottomless.

America was a strange, improbable combination of things, singular in history. A Promised Land —but one for the despised. Waves upon waves of them washed up on its shores. First, the Puritans, mocked and loathed in England. Then peasants and farmers and outlaws from across Europe. Then Chinese, Japanese, Latinos, and today, Muslims.

These emigrants all tended to share a common trait. They were at the very bottom, the lowest rung, of social and economic heirarchies in their own countries. All of them. That has changed a little recently — but America was founded by and for the despised, loathed, hated. People referred to as trash, nobodies, serfs, exiles, outcasts — who were never given an ounce of respect, dignity, or even belonging, in their societies of origin.

Let me make that clearer. We did not see nobles and landed gentry emigrate to America. British Lords and German Counts and Italians Barons. We saw German peasant, Irish villagers, Swedish farmers, the dwellers of Italian slums. People from the very lowest of heirarchies elsewhere, the oppressed and the subjugated, came to this Promised Land.

So first the English and French settlers supposed that this New World was theirs (and began a kind of genocide against its natives, of course). But it wasn’t just the natives that they came to hate, for threatening their natural right to this Promised Land. It was the next waves of settlers, too. The English settlers hated the French. The French hated the Germans. They all hated the Irish. The Irish hated the Italians. And so on. That much is historical fact. Do you see the pattern forming yet?

This is very abstract, so let me make it concrete. Here came one wave of settlers — English. They dominated their way to the top of a hierarchy, above natives and blacks. Then came a new wave — German. They were punched down too — and began punching down — to bitterly establish themselves in this hierarchy, as high up as they could. Then another wave — Irish. Punched, punching down. All desperately vying for relative dominance among the rest.

You see, the crucial fact is that this didn’t happen elsewhere in the world — waves of settlers, all desperately trying to establish themselves above the next, last, most recent, in a hierarchy, all the more so, because they were despised, at the bottom, to begin with. In Europe, Asia, South America, heirarchies were long established — and broken only by revolution. America was the only nation where this constant reconstruction of hierarchy happened to such a degree, over and over again. Hence, the establishment of cruelty as a way of life — how else but to establish one’s self above the next wave of migrants?

Each new tribe that came to this Promised Land brought the burden of being despised, subjugated, oppressed, with them. They were finally above someone else in a social hierarchy. They were not at the bottom anymore. But to be above requires somone else to be below. And so there was a constant battle for relative position within a growing hierarchy — hence, dominance, competition, conquest soon became the prized cultural values, norms, and institutional goals. Cruelty as a way of life was born.
tural reaction to the USA dictatorial policies and ever evolving tyrrany spearheaded by psychologically disturbed zionist yehud affiliates and supporters, all propogating the agenda of the illegal state of zionist yehud. Eventual result to bring about one world dictatorial government led by the zionist dajjali yehud to control and enslave in a way humanity has never witnessed such inhumanity.
Well Salala, Raymond Davis and drones could be primary. As far as the state I'd say arm twisting, sanctions, undermining local authorities etc etc... U.S. calls this American exceptionalism other people may have their opinions... though I'd say other countries don't really use Twitter to vent either...

America has had casualties in times of war even on its own troops( i,e its fired on its own troops in times of war (i,e friendly Fire) . Do people know that America has apologized for Salalala incident?
US interference, bullying, propaganda and negative role against Pakistan. They don't like progress of Pakistan. They don't like our partnership with China but not offer themselves any alternative. They already blocked our trade with Iran without offering anything but allowed their new Ally Bharat to trade freely. They are proping up lowly gangadeshis in Afghanistan to harm Pakistan since ages. Yet hypocritically ask us to deal with Taliban..

Others may have same or different issue.

I haven't seen any evidence of Americans trying to block Pakistan's progress. To the contrary they have always helped. But during this support often they do not provide Pakistan with exceptions to their current policies. (e,g Trade with Iran wasn't given an exception from the General Sanctions on Iran). CPEC was given importance in that it will be a roadmap for economic development of Pakistan. Yes , There has been a statement that it goes thru disputed territory, but thats a statement of fact. There has been no indication that the CPEC projects or port will be Sanctioned.

India does not get a exemption from trade on Iran, thats why India and Iran keep a (bank) account and they don't trade in US$ as the currency of Trade rather Indian Rupees. If you can get Iran to agree on that , I dont see How America can Object. Again, the Sanctions are on Iran. Not Pakistan .
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