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Why Pakistan is an Overmatch for India

I was not talking religion just region which is off topic but whatever floods your boat... You got the Phobia

You have also proven to be mentally ill and unstable you talk about few 1000s of ppl who are minorities as if it is glory expelling them. I could kill 50m buddhist tomorrow if i wanted but what would that make me mentally ill and deranged

His deluded and according to his own analogy he has checkmated himself by having some tiny minority that doesn't even reach 1m says they are his servants which means we have approx 50m-100m buddhist servants since they are our minorities according to his butched analogy..

Besides that Myanmmar was the vessal state of Bengal sultanate and he also said the other day we don't kneel..:rofl:

In 1430, Min Saw Mon regained control of Arakan with help from the Bengal Sultanate. He established his new capital in the city of Mrauk U. Arakan became a vassal state of the Bengal Sultanate and recognized Bengali sovereignty over some territory of northern Arakan. Arakanese kings adopted Islamic titles and struck the Bengali taka. Min Saw Mon was styled as Suleiman Shah. Bengalis settled in Arakan and formed their settlement
His deluded and according to his own analogy he has checkmated himself by having some tiny minority that doesn't even reach 1m says they are his servants which means we have approx 50m-100m buddhist servants since they are our minorities according to his butched analogy..

Besides that Myanmmar was the vessal state of Bengal sultanate and he also said the other day we don't kneel..:rofl:

In 1430, Min Saw Mon regained control of Arakan with help from the Bengal Sultanate. He established his new capital in the city of Mrauk U. Arakan became a vassal state of the Bengal Sultanate and recognized Bengali sovereignty over some territory of northern Arakan. Arakanese kings adopted Islamic titles and struck the Bengali taka. Min Saw Mon was styled as Suleiman Shah. Bengalis settled in Arakan and formed their settlement

Ouch ouch that is a complete KO :lol:
I agree with that analogy

It is only deluded people who think nowadays the Indians could technically hang with us in an all-out fight and the thought of it itself is blasphemy. I don't mean a way lower population version but this grown Pakistan. Some point out to their population which is absolutely laughable as if 1.4 bil will fight.. You only need to destroy the armed forces and India is entirely yours I know the drill and may way around it like I do the body of my Ex-girlfriend there is no room for surprises.

The view Pakistan has about India is different then the view others have about India. It is a country filled with pacifists and vegetarians you can't fake mental fortitude your true nature will always betray you at the moment of truth and when you have your back against the wall..


I am hardy and without bragging I am about this life but you ain't.. I just don't see how you could stand in my way and the only person who could stand in our way is ourselves
It is only deluded people who think nowadays the Indians could technically hang with us in an all-out fight and the thought of it itself is blasphemy. I don't mean a way lower population version but this grown Pakistan. Some point out to their population which is absolutely laughable as if 1.4 bil will fight.. You only need to destroy the armed forces and India is entirely yours I know the drill and may way around it like I do the body of my Ex-girlfriend there is no room for surprises.

The view Pakistan has about India is different then the view others have about India. It is a country filled with pacifists and vegetarians you can't fake mental fortitude your true nature will always betray you at the moment of truth and when you have your back against the wall..


I am hardy and without bragging I am about this life but you ain't.. I just don't see how you could stand in my way and the only person who could stand in our way is ourselves

You pretty much nailed it

The events of 5 August 2019 has strengthened Pakistan-China cooperation
he is the most hated ex military officer in india and yet, the only respected indian military analyst that the international think takes seriously. he is a sincere to india and as such, Pakistan MUST make sure that he remains the most hated person in india, people like him must never be taken seriously in india, only the "sab theek hay" and "india numbaaa vun supa pawa" type analysts should be taken seriously in india.
he is the most hated ex military officer in india and yet, the only respected indian military analyst that the international think takes seriously. he is a sincere to india and as such, Pakistan MUST make sure that he remains the most hated person in india, people like him must never be taken seriously in india, only the "sab theek hay" and "india numbaaa vun supa pawa" type analysts should be taken seriously in india.

The Indians should remain in bubbles and his the only guy who has basically said Pakistan can make quick work out of India
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he is the most hated ex military officer in india and yet, the only respected indian military analyst that the international think takes seriously. he is a sincere to india and as such, Pakistan MUST make sure that he remains the most hated person in india, people like him must never be taken seriously in india, only the "sab theek hay" and "india numbaaa vun supa pawa" type analysts should be taken seriously in india.

The biggest Pakistan hater analyst Christine Fair agrees with the fact that india is no match for pakistan


coming from a woman who has been hating on pakistan for decades
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The biggest Pakistan hater analyst Christine Fair agrees with the fact that india is no match for pakistan


coming from a woman who has been hating on pakistan for decades

lmao this had be cracked up big time she dislikes pakistan like the pest but she is not deluded about this part atleast
lmao this had be cracked up big time she dislikes pakistan like the pest but she is not deluded about this part atleast

Exactly it is only the deluded who thinks this vegeterians could actully engage us in high intensity affair we haven't had a conflict in over 52 years at a point where we were less then 50m against 600m-700m but not now we are big in size enough so their size won't matter..

In reality they won't even be our toughest fight but many other tougher once post them will occur. They are just the first stair of the mountain. War is based on cunningness we have plenty
If Pakistan really is an overmatch, what exactly is stopping Pakistan from liberating all of Kashmir?
or is this "overmatch" theory false and they know this.
If Pakistan really is an overmatch, what exactly is stopping Pakistan from liberating all of Kashmir?
or is this "overmatch" theory false and they know this.
My dear..
Just like Indian overwhelming power has stopped them from their claim on Notthern areas. Pakistan is in the same situation.

Additionally have you not seen videos of American generals saying base was Afghanistan and goal was Pakistan. When asked why they didn't invade. The answer was one word....nukes. so please apply the grey matter b4 posting
If Pakistan really is an overmatch, what exactly is stopping Pakistan from liberating all of Kashmir?
or is this "overmatch" theory false and they know this.

I always knew you were Indian.. But why hide take your flag out..

JK has never been ours just like Delhi and Agra just some territories taken by Muhammad of Ghor so why should we liberate what has never been ours and also no sane individual will start such conflict over a tiny irrelevant area and wars happen out of necessity they just don't happen because someone can but they happen when someone has nothing to lose meaning economic crash etc etc.. We will never fight for jammu but for all of India every single inch... All these territories were anyways under delhi Sultanate and mughals hence their is no exclusive claim on one area but all of it..

Some delude themselves thinking there is a claim on an specific area etc etc.. India holds no territories of ours period but they hold territories that has been taken from them before

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