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Why Pakistan is an Overmatch for India

That is impressive.

Where, and with whom, did you do your military service?

What tactical manoeuvering would you suggest that improves on the tactical manoeuvering used by the PA in 1991, in 1971, in 1965 and in 1947-48? In specific terms, please.

What is the time frame? given your military background, do you remember the available stocks of ammunition in terms of weeks of usage at present? Would your time frame fit within these inventories?

Your help in understanding these will be valued.

Why you taking comparison from some outdated engagements over half century ago where you lost two of them to a country with only 20m ppl.. Losing a territory the size of austria on top of that still held by them..

My time frame will fit the ammo stocks which will be increased obviously.

My calculation is to come down hard on the north and create tough ground situation that is unbearable to the toughest of men before launching a multi prone blitz that is post nuclear fall-out reaching first a completely flatten Delhi in ash with no humans or animals in it.. Once the push reaches around the deccan central-south will surrender unconditionally. Even you know its basically Pak vs North
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Pravin is over worried about the defense preparation of India.
My liking is deepened and extended.

Just quibbling with words, I; does the strategic not matter? Is there no difference between tactically outmanoeuvring the Indian Army at
  1. Tangdhar
  2. Uri
  3. Poonch
  4. Chhamb
  5. Gurdaspur
  6. Amritsar
  7. Khem Karan
  8. Sri Ganganagar
  9. Jaisalmer
  10. The Rann of Kutch

So in 75 years, there has been one general who displayed this 'cunningness'?
Overmatch? was it before or after '71?

So you admit that india needs over 1 million bangladeshi militia men with over 600,000 heavily-armed indian troops to take on 45,000 lightly armed Pakistani soldiers who are cut off from their mainland by nearly 3000 kms of hostile enemy territory?............ :disagree:.............:lol:
A country that is 4x our size and we are an over-match for her?

I respect Swahini sahib for his analysis, but let the concerned quarters be extremely conservative in their own assessment of the threat from across the border.
My calculation is to come down hard on the north and create tough ground situation that is unbearable to the toughest of men
Has this not been tried before? Was it successful? Are you aware of the change of hands of Haji Pir Pass in 1965, reversed at Tashkent, and of Turtuk in 1971?
before launching a multi prone blitz that is post nuclear fall-out reaching first a completely flatten Delhi in ash with no humans or animals in it..
...and meanwhile there will be no consequences, I take it.
Once the push reaches around the deccan central-south will surrender unconditionally. Even you know its basically Pak vs North
What push? Who will make this push, since you are considering an all-out nuclear war?

As for your sneers about the people of the south, you should read the famous Indian military authority Major Agha Humayun Amin, on the record of the Madras Regiment at Basantar. Or you may consult people on this forum who know a bit about the military, such as PanzerKiel.
No. A new military authority has appeared in the sky, and I am eager to sit at his lotus feet and imbibe military wisdom.
Has this not been tried before? Was it successful? Are you aware of the change of hands of Haji Pir Pass in 1965, reversed at Tashkent, and of Turtuk in 1971?

...and meanwhile there will be no consequences, I take it.

What push? Who will make this push, since you are considering an all-out nuclear war?

As for your sneers about the people of the south, you should read the famous Indian military authority Major Agha Humayun Amin, on the record of the Madras Regiment at Basantar. Or you may consult people on this forum who know a bit about the military, such as PanzerKiel.

No. A new military authority has appeared in the sky, and I am eager to sit at his lotus feet and imbibe military wisdom.

You are just repeating yourself about an outdated world scenario.. There has never been made an attempt to conquer all of India in the last 74 years skirmishes happened which you obviously lost 2 of them against barely 20m pak..

I am just the guy telling you these ragtag bharat will fold againgst any sustained
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You are just repeating yourself about an outdated world scenario.. There has never been made an attempt to conquer all of India in the last 74 years skirmishes happened which you obviously lost 2 of them against barely 20m pak..
Barely 20 m. Pakistanis? Where were they, all in the Army? What actually were the plans of PA 1st Armoured Division and 11th Infantry Division in 1965, with 264 tanks and a full Infantry Division? A skirmish?

I am very keen to learn about your updated world scenario, and your proposed plan to conquer all of India, with several elements not clear. If there is a nuclear attack on Delhi, is it your thinking that this will be one-sided? If there is a nuclear attack on Delhi, how will your army units get past the nuclear wasteland? What happens to the Indian XIV Corps, XV Corps and XVI Corps, that are not in the Delhi Area at all? What happens to the entire order of battle in the Indian Southern Command?
Barely 20 m. Pakistanis? Where were they, all in the Army? What actually were the plans of PA 1st Armoured Division and 11th Infantry Division in 1965, with 264 tanks and a full Infantry Division? A skirmish?

I am very keen to learn about your updated world scenario, and your proposed plan to conquer all of India, with several elements not clear. If there is a nuclear attack on Delhi, is it your thinking that this will be one-sided? If there is a nuclear attack on Delhi, how will your army units get past the nuclear wasteland? What happens to the Indian XIV Corps, XV Corps and XVI Corps, that are not in the Delhi Area at all? What happens to the entire order of battle in the Indian Southern Command?

Sir Jee: Lagta hae, aaj kal kaafi faraghat hae. :lol: :lol:
Pravin is over worried about the defense preparation of India.

You are right. It even shows on his face. And I also think the Indian establishment allows him a free run because they think peddling a narrative about under preparedness is probably good.

I am not into the field of interpretation of dreams, like "Ghazwa e Hind". :p:

Long time back there used to be a maulvi type on Youtube who used to keep making videos on "Ghazwa e Hind". He was very fat and it was obvious that if push came to shove (literally) he would roll over like a ball. Now that matka biryani has become popular I always remember maulvi sahab when I see the matka.

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