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Why Pakistan is an Overmatch for India

I am very keen to learn about your updated world scenario, and your proposed plan to conquer all of India, with several elements not clear. If there is a nuclear attack on Delhi, is it your thinking that this will be one-sided? If there is a nuclear attack on Delhi
It won't be one sided ofcourse this is part of the calculus.. Your populace are less resilient to disaster
It won't be one sided ofcourse this is part of the calculus.. Your populace are less resilient to disaster
And your populace (sic)?
It won't be one sided ofcourse this is part of the calculus.. Your populace are less resilient to disaster
What exactly will you order your populace to do? Shut their eyes, clench their buns and refuse to let radiation affect them?
Our populace has very high resilience hence making a carnage early on and making it living hell on earth is to our advantage... Creating sort of a doomsday atmosphere
You mean some humans will die due to the nuclear blast and to radiation, and others won't, being more resilient?

Did I understand correctly?
You mean some humans will die due to the nuclear blast and to radiation, and others won't, being more resilient?

Did I understand correctly?

We will charge forward in the amidst of the disaster once it sets in properly. The more exchanges the better with nuclear winter setting in there is 1.5b to feed with no food and besieged. Creating a doomsday atmosphere is to our advantage without a doubt... The vegetarians have no stomach for this kind of thing
We will charge forward in the amidst of the disaster once it sets in properly. The more exchanges the better with nuclear winter setting in there is 1.5b to feed with no food and besieged. Creating a doomsday atmosphere is to our advantage without a doubt... The vegetarians have no stomach for this kind of thing
And your cattle and livestock will survive?
My dear..
Just like Indian overwhelming power has stopped them from their claim on Notthern areas. Pakistan is in the same situation.
If so, then the word 'Overmatch" is factually incorrect. Pakistan and India would be roughly on par. Overmatch would make Pakistan more powerful militarily than their counterparts.
I always knew you were Indian.. But why hide take your flag out..
You should have stopped right there. I was unaware that being a Pakistani, I must believe what the man in the video says is a hadith and 100% true unconditionally.
JK has never been ours just like Delhi and Agra just some territories taken by Muhammad of Ghor so why should we liberate what has never been ours
Pakistan is the rightful heir to Muhammad of Ghor. Most of India (North of Deccan) is De Jure Pakistani territory. Kashmir is a casus belli for invasion. the liberation of the region is the only way forward for peace and prosperity, otherwise the continuing hostility and over expenditure on the military will continue.
no sane individual will start such conflict over a tiny irrelevant area and wars happen out of necessity
Climate Change, scarcity of water, and Indian construction of dams on Pakistani rivers makes war unavoidable. I have made peace with it. so should you.
I am fine with any strategy, technique etc so long as we can make the over-matched enemy surrender. Why didn't overmatched West Pakistan drub the puny India then when the vegetarian IA would have been just waiting to surrender ;)

So you admit that 7x bigger india needs the help of 1 million bangladeshis to try to take on Pakistan?............:lol:...........:rofl:..........how sad.... 8-)
So you admit that 7x bigger india needs the help of 1 million bangladeshis to try to take on Pakistan?............:lol:...........:rofl:..........how sad.... 8-)

We can take help of Bangladeshis, Nepalis, Ugandans we don't care as long as we are making the overmatch enemy surrender
Lol.. Losing a territory the size of Austria to an enemy that was only 20m vs 500m talk about overachivement while you taking credit for BD independence revolt and hard work is utter pathetic..

You will melt in front of a commited charge from us as usual. No initial charge has come in the last 74 years but if we knock on your door thats it.. Even if you fielded demons nothing will be able equal us in the subcontinent or able to stop.. We are the dominant force in the region for the last 5000 years.. What you think these southerners or central ones can rival me.. The bengals, marathas, punjabis will try to fend us off the remaining will melt as per usual
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So you admit that without foreign help, india cannot match or take on Pakistan despite being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan?..............:azn:

I said we don't mind foreign help, there was no foreign help during Kargil, why did the overmatch PA ran away from the fight?

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