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Why Pakistan is an Overmatch for India

You are talking delulu why didn't you fight when your planes was downed, pilot captured including attacked on board day light.. You stuck your tail behind your legs. You knew whos Alpha there

We carried out Balakot Airstrike inside 'Pakistan' (not even Pakistan side of Kashmir but Pakistan) and killed 300. You tried to reply but couldn't do anything and were being chased away when you shot one Mig of ours again inside your territory and captured the pilot. You were told to release our man or face the consequences and what you did is history. Not how overmatch enemy behaves, right?
We aren't discussing Kargil, I know PAF was outgunned etc etc. I am just pointing the said out to the OP who is stating PA just needs to initiate war and IA will surrender. When the war was there to be fought PA/PAF couldn't do nothing be it '71, Kargil, Abhinandan episode etc. Thankfully PA is not living in fool's paradise as the OP.
Who said that? Pakistan forever? He is an idiot.

Also PA/PAF doing nothing is such a stupid thing to say. Have you forgotten about 65 where the PAF literally ripped your air force a new one. Even in 71 the PAF still kicked the IAFs ***.

The PA has held it own like it always has. Why do you think the claims of having tea in lahore never came true? Because the PA was destroying your fighting forces alongside the Air Force.

65 and 71 never ended in a victory for india. The assaults on West Pakistan always ended in a Stalemate.
We carried out Balakot Airstrike inside 'Pakistan' (not even Pakistan side of Kashmir but Pakistan) and killed 300. You tried to reply but couldn't do anything and were being chased away when you shot one Mig of ours again inside your territory and captured the pilot. You were told to release our man or face the consequences and what you did is history. Not how overmatch enemy behaves, right?

You fired at trees and got humilited... The abhi was used for higher purpose his a meme and for media we could have killed him there during the civilian beat up instead of pak army saving him but it was done on purpose.. Yes you was attacked on board day light and humiliated..

You can't switch the narrative.. Besides a green light for a storm on the gangetic plain is all that needs to end your sorry azz. You really think these vegetarians and southernes could compete with us.. It would be a rude awakening
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We carried out Balakot Airstrike inside 'Pakistan' (not even Pakistan side of Kashmir but Pakistan) and killed 300. You tried to reply but couldn't do anything and were being chased away when you shot one Mig of ours again inside your territory and captured the pilot. You were told to release our man or face the consequences and what you did is history. Not how overmatch enemy behaves, right?
Killed 300.... trees

You killed more Indians than you did Pakistanis, shot down more Indian aircraft than Pakistani...

This was your response to Pulwama... get terrorised twice in a row
Cattle are our deterrence against Indian forces commanded by Modi ;p

I see you are back, my favourite Indian on the forum.
If I wasn't such a polite, well-behaved, well, Indian, I might have called you a sarcastic son of a - oh never mind!

Shooting down their own helicopters was hilarious
Oh, we're back to 75 years of no real effort? So sad.

Who said that? Pakistan forever? He is an idiot.
Now we can agree on one point at least. :azn:
Also PA/PAF doing nothing is such a stupid thing to say. Have you forgotten about 65 where the PAF literally ripped your air force a new one. Even in 71 the PAF still kicked the IAFs ***.
Not really, but this is not the thread. And I haven't bought Jaggi's book yet; it's expensive.
The PA has held it own like it always has. Why do you think the claims of having tea in lahore never came true? Because the PA was destroying your fighting forces alongside the Air Force.
BTW, there was never such a claim. Not now but ask me sometime about this, it's funny.
65 and 71 never ended in a victory for india. The assaults on West Pakistan always ended in a Stalemate.
You've just let the side down. The ISPR will be speaking to ISI soon.

You're supposed to say that the PA ground down the vast, badly-equipped, badly-led IA of three times (use the day of the week as a multiplier - so, Monday = 3, Tueday = 4, Wednesday = 5 and so on) its size, and has a museum filled with IA equipment.
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Indians didn't even fight and you vacated captured territory and ran away :lol: :lol:

FYI during Kargil most Pakistanis died while trying to run away. Check the above link your then PM states they didn't have food, water or weapons. Some fight your planners planned :lol: :lol:

Oh so you just release enemy soldiers in the middle of a conflict :lol: :lol:
I can see a fake smile behind your sad face. Don't talk about politics. If we go to the politics I can quote so many things about every Indian opposition saying governing body. Talk about facts. It was 7 times bigger in India whose soldiers got a shortage of coffins. And if I remember correctly that time also we shot your 2 jets. Talking about Feb 2019 conflict, that was NOt a war, although we inflicted some serious punches on you and you people did not dare to attack us back when our PM ''threatened'' you to give 3x response. I would also like to mention that after Pakistan's assault on India, even China got bolder, punched you, and took 1000s of Kilometers of territory from you. What's the point of highlighting your so-called braveries when you couldn't even retaliate back?

We carried out Balakot Airstrike inside 'Pakistan' (not even Pakistan side of Kashmir but Pakistan) and killed 300. You tried to reply but couldn't do anything and were being chased away when you shot one Mig of ours again inside your territory and captured the pilot. You were told to release our man or face the consequences and what you did is history. Not how overmatch enemy behaves, right?
Correction !!!! killed 5 trees and one crow. You killed even more Indians yourselves that day than the total number of trees & crows.
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Yes.. I would say Pakistan is the clear favourite and honestly I couldn't envision Pakistan being overcome for obvious reasons. It is the more more self assured as if there is muscle memory they have done this many times.

How will Pakistan occupied India look like..

This is true India and in fact much smaller then that to be exact as in divisions.. creating small fiefdoms that are loyal to Pakistan where the Subcontinent paying tribute to the Indus valley nothing out of the ordinary just business as usual
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The biggest Pakistan hater analyst Christine Fair agrees with the fact that india is no match for pakistan

coming from a woman who has been hating on pakistan for decades

Anyone who doesn't agree with her needs immediate help
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When there is an ACTUAL war, then who is a overmatch and who isn't will all come out in the wash.
Till then speculating aimlessly and foolishly is just all hot air from vacant infant minds with more time than common sense.
When there is an ACTUAL war, then who is a overmatch and who isn't will all come out in the wash.
Till then speculating aimlessly and foolishly is just all hot air from vacant infant minds with more time than common sense.

In an actual war my only worry is not India but it is Pakistan itself and her intentions. The result is entirely depended on Pakistan period and her intentions. If it is a hungry version that shows up then it is gonna be a wrap..

A hungry Pakistan is unstoppable entity one that is smart enough to understand how to use cannon fodders from her stragetic depth much like How putin used the Chechens to devastating effect...

What I initially mean by that is if it is a pakistan extremely intend on ending the Indian file by occupying it full and one that intends to reach full victory meaning a full invasion then I don't see that Pakistan being overcome... The keys lay with Pakistan's intentions
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Yes, he's right. India is no match.

The land practically breeds hardcore mofos who'd do anything and everything to protect the motherland
be it monetary or life itself- from rich to poor everyone
This video just represents our values as a people group

One of the few nations where even many women were taught how to use rifles, guns to protect themselves and loved ones when the time comes- probably only imperial Japan did something along those lines
only Iran, Japan, China possess this kind of a populace who are as fierce
because of this ferocity not that easy to push us down cause we simply refuse to die down, written off
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Nationalize whoever was behind the surgical invasion on panjshir and hire him as military planner.. One of the most underrated tactical performances and cunningness in the last 50 years or so in warfare..

That is what cunningness looks like in the flesh. It defines the phrase ''war is deception'' Nobody can take Panjshir with brute force but this guy did the unimaginable which is deception and tricking them into believing one thing while doing the other thing and tactically outmanuvering them and coming into the natural fortress in a sneaky genius way that caught the fortress of guard
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