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Why Pakistan is an Overmatch for India

Nationalize whoever was behind the surgical invasion on panjshir and hire him as military planner.. One of the most underrated tactical performances and cunningness in the last 50 years or so in warfare..

That is what cunningness looks like in the flesh. It defines war is deception. Nobody can take Panjshir with brute force but this guy did the unimaginable which is deception and tricking them into believe one thing while doing the other thing and tactically outmanuvering them and coming into the natural fortress in a sneaky cunning way
He was probably a ISI planner using satellites etc telling or suggesting them plan if actions
The approach is simple: Miscalculate and lose everything as consequence of that miscalculation and it has to come at ridiculously high cost for India which is losing all of India.

The Indians understand the language of loss more then anyone else and understand what it feel like to lose sovereignty entirely which would be a gamble to high cause we have no issues in going back in there on permanent basis and if the Indians think they can stop us they are deluded.. We haven't made up our minds yet but keep behaving good perhaps you may dodge me or otherwise direct me to inside India but either way it is the same shxt to us
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The biggest Pakistan hater analyst Christine Fair agrees with the fact that india is no match for pakistan


coming from a woman who has been hating on pakistan for decades

Well that is obvious captain obvious our former colony was always gonna be disadvantaged against us. India is an area we have colonized for ages hence we always have the anti-dot for them.

If we undid Soviet union and NATO ofcourse we have the capability and intellectual superiority to undo a cesspool like India if we intend to do so. We are at much higher capacity in gamesmanship compared to them hence why they were our colony for all these ages and not the other way around this was not a fluke
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Well that is obvious captain obvious our former colony was always gonna be disadvantaged against us. India is an area we have colonized for ages hence we always have the anti-dot for them.

If we undid Soviet union and NATO ofcourse we have the capability and intellectual superiority to undo a cesspool like India if we intend to do so. We are at much higher capacity in gamesmanship compared to them hence why they were our colony for all these ages and not the other way around this was not a fluke
As much as I agree with you but we have to get our house in order first. With the kind of leadership we have we should not even think about it.
As much as I agree with you but we have to get our house in order first. With the kind of leadership we have we should not even think about it.

I didn't say we should do it right away but I said if they miscalculated then it would be fair game with such a forceful reply
I watched to whole video and this guy makes a lot of sense.
Specially the part where he says Pakistan may be building an AI algorithm to assist with Air defence and target detection and identification.

Interesting but I didn't catch that part I need to re-listen again
@Joe Shearer, what made me earn your ire? ;)
I'm glad you tapped me on the shoulder about that.

It was an over-reaction, and I have corrected it to a milder form of saddened disagreement.

Mr. Swahini is a very good black hat thinker. I've seen many of his videos and in almost all of them, I find the arguments that he puts forward to be reasonable. Indian military think tanks will do well to have someone like him in their team to provide a good counter balance for ideas that are most optimistic. I suspect most of his YouTube followers are from Pakistan; more Indians (with geo strategic and political focus) should consider listening to his views.

Where I differ with Mr. Swahini is his conclusions on what India should do in preparation for the threats he postulates. In his view, India should simply capitulate to both Pakistan and China in almost all contested areas because the situation is hopeless. :laughcry: All country's populations have egos, usually the larger the country - the bigger its population's ego. It is unrealistic for anyone to believe that India will simply give up on its strategic objectives because the obstacles are too high to climb. Mr. Swahini would be more heard if he concludes his analysis with realistic ideas on how India can militarily and geo politically face its adversaries without throwing the towel. it does not help when he says that India should abandon its alliances with the US and instead fall in line with China's world order :no:
I agree with you, with some regret.

BTW, why do you insist on calling him Swahini? Are you planning to use him, dismembered and ground to paste, for making hummus?
As much as I agree with you but we have to get our house in order first. With the kind of leadership we have we should not even think about it.
Forget it. You can't. If you could, you would have started the process of fixing the system way back in 1980s or 1970s or earlier.

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