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Why Pakistan is an Overmatch for India

My dear..
Just like Indian overwhelming power has stopped them from their claim on Notthern areas. Pakistan is in the same situation.

Additionally have you not seen videos of American generals saying base was Afghanistan and goal was Pakistan. When asked why they didn't invade. The answer was one word....nukes. so please apply the grey matter b4 posting

Pakistans doctrine is based on unapologetic victory period meaning an existential loss will spell our end hence our motivation is to fight to the last man it doesn't matter if it is against even large coalition but the last rounds of warheads will be saved for us to end ourselves.. An L is extremely unacceptable we don't even believe in it cause it is either W or eliminate yourself on your sword.. India will only be a warming up match cause we will enter real conflicts post that.. INDIA is not the meal but just aptetizer snack on the road.. There will be breakfast, dinner and afternoon snack..

Nothing will able to stand in our road in such mindset and most certainly not vegetarians... All or nothing... This will be unpleasant for anyone in our road
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Pakistans doctrine is based on unapologetic victory period meaning an existential loss will spell our end hence our motivation is to fight to the last man it doesn't matter if it is against even large coalition but the last rounds of warheads will be saved for us to end ourselves.. An L is extremely unacceptable we don't even believe in it cause it is either W or eliminate yourself on your sword.. India will only be a warming up match cause we will enter real conflicts post that.. INDIA is not the meal but just aptetizer snack on the road.. There will be breakfast, dinner and afternoon snack..

Nothing will able to stand in our road in such mindset most certainly not vegetarians... All or nothing... This will be unpleasant for anyone in our road

Do you have a link?
No brother but a little search will get you the video. I saw it myself

Do you have a link?
No brother but a little search will get you the video. I saw it myself

Do you have a link?
No brother but a little search will get you the video. I saw it myself

No brother but a little search will get you the video. I saw it myself

No brother but a little search will get you the video. I saw it myself

No brother but a little search will get you the video. I saw it myself

I don't believe in charity... But we will rollover bharat rather quite easily.. Some will be surprised once they awkwardly fold after holding out some 1-2 years but not these who are versed in this.. The northerners will resist and that's about it and once it reaches certain treeshold their hearts reach their throats it is over..

There is an automatic limit they can't cross certain treeshold..

His extremely attached to this Dunya especially the gangu exclusively his pleasure for Dunya is high it will always betray him.. How do you think DS and mughal controlled such large populace ''fear'' not much just a slight fear.. They understood the human mental state and how to navigate it without causing harm making the populace convinced lts fruitless to revolt..
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The biggest Pakistan hater analyst Christine Fair agrees with the fact that india is no match for pakistan


coming from a woman who has been hating on pakistan for decades
I agree with her.. Haha
Pakistans doctrine is based on unapologetic victory period meaning an existential loss will spell our end hence our motivation is to fight to the last man it doesn't matter if it is against even large coalition but the last rounds of warheads will be saved for us to end ourselves.. An L is extremely unacceptable we don't even believe in it cause it is either W or eliminate yourself on your sword.. India will only be a warming up match cause we will enter real conflicts post that.. INDIA is not the meal but just aptetizer snack on the road.. There will be breakfast, dinner and afternoon snack..

Nothing will able to stand in our road in such mindset and most certainly not vegetarians... All or nothing... This will be unpleasant for anyone in our road

I don't believe in charity... But we will rollover bharat rather quite easily.. Some will be surprised once they awkwardly fold after holding out some 1-2 years but not these who are versed in this.. The northerners will resist and that's about it and once it reaches certain treeshold their hearts reach their throats it is over..

There is an automatic limit they can't cross certain treeshold..

His extremely attached to this Dunya especially the gangu exclusively his pleasure for Dunya is high it will always betray him.. How do you think DS and mughal controlled such large populace ''fear'' not much just a slight fear.. They understood the human mental state and how to navigate it without causing harm making the populace convinced lts fruitless to revolt..
I like this poster.

Once he survives his teens, he will be formidable.

May he break a thousand keyboards.

I like this poster.

Once he survives his teens, he will be formidable.

May he break a thousand keyboards.

Thanks for the appreciation.

All that stands between fall of India and freedom is the Indian army solely. If they tactically get outmanuvered it is over the curtain comes down.. Leading to the armed forces getting destroyed..

Theortically speaking it is that easy depending on the cunningness of the general..

All you need is 500k to 1m men armed to the teeth conventionally lead by someone incredible smart that is all it needs to take from Tarain to Tamil Nadu..

I assure you there will be no revolt once the armed forces of India is dusted..

The difference between a layman and expert is understanding ground realities.. Nor counting bystanders and peasants knowing precisely who they are...

Moving in extremely informed knowing exactly where to strike.. Not getting bugged down by bs statistic
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Thanks for the appreciation.

All that stands between fall of India and freedom is the Indian army solely. If they tactically get outmanuvered it is over the curtain comes down.. Leading to the armed forces getting destroyed..

Theortically speaking it is that easy depending on the cunningness of the general..

All you need is 500k to 1m men armed to the teeth conventionally lead by someone incredible smart that is all it needs to take from Tarain to Tamil Nadu..

I assure you there will be no revolt once the armed forces of India is dusted..

The difference between a layman and expert is understanding ground realities.. Nor counting bystanders and peasants knowing precisely who they are even in there separate groups..

Moving in extremely informed knowing exactly where to strike.. Not getting bugged down by bs statistic
My liking is deepened and extended.

All that stands between fall of India and freedom is the Indian army solely. If they tactically get outmanuvered it is over the curtain comes down.. Leading to the armed forces getting destroyed..
Just quibbling with words, I; does the strategic not matter? Is there no difference between tactically outmanoeuvring the Indian Army at
  1. Tangdhar
  2. Uri
  3. Poonch
  4. Chhamb
  5. Gurdaspur
  6. Amritsar
  7. Khem Karan
  8. Sri Ganganagar
  9. Jaisalmer
  10. The Rann of Kutch

Theortically speaking it is that easy depending on the cunningness of the general..
So in 75 years, there has been one general who displayed this 'cunningness'?
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All you need is 500k to 1m men armed to the teeth conventionally lead by someone incredible smart that is all it needs to take from Tarain to Tamil Nadu..

Sounds simple enough.


Do get your act together and start collecting your stars. Matters seem to be running behind schedule.

The difference between a layman and expert is understanding ground realities.. Nor counting bystanders and peasants knowing precisely who they are...
My liking is deepened and extended.
Just quibbling with words, I; does the strategic not matter? Is there no difference between tactically outmanoeuvring the Indian Army at
  1. Tangdhar
  2. Uri
  3. Poonch
  4. Chhamb
  5. Gurdaspur
  6. Amritsar
  7. Khem Karan
  8. Sri Ganganagar
  9. Jaisalmer
  10. The Rann of Kutch

So in 75 years, there has been one general who displayed this 'cunningness'?

Your are being passive aggressive because you don't like what you hearing..

There ain't no gods here any army is beatable including Pakistan.. I am not being biased here just frank..

Last conflict was 52 years that is more then half century ago. No offensive has come towards India with the intention of conquering it whole not once in the 74 years but in an all out conflict by default is all or nothing sort of like battle of tarain.. Example like where I AM trying to come and you denying me and we haven't been there in the last 74 years..

Know this if we come with such intention there is nothing on gods earth you could do to prevent it.. We are capable of walking right thru you logistically and conventionally bearing that we tactically outmanouver and again there is no conventional advantage on both ends hence it comes down to solely tactics and cunningness.. You asked which sector Across all lines obviously even islands.. Every single inch is potential target
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Your are being passive aggressive because you don't like what you hearing..

There ain't no gods here any army is beatable including Pakistan.. I am not being biased here just frank..

Last conflict was 52 years that is more then half century ago. No offensive has come towards India with the intention of conquering it whole not once in the 74 years but in an all out conflict by default is all or nothing sort of like battle of tarain.. Example likecwhere I AM trying to come and you denying me and we haven't been there in the last 74 years..

Know this if we come with such intention there is nothing on gods earth you could do to prevent it.. We are capable of walking right thru you logistically and conventionally bearing that we tactically outmanouver the foe
Noted with awe.

Do you mind sharing something with us about your general background? Mine is well known but I don't mind sharing it again, if you wish.
The biggest Pakistan hater analyst Christine Fair agrees with the fact that india is no match for pakistan


coming from a woman who has been hating on pakistan for decades
Did she ever say that ? I still need to find out who was that Pakistani who scorned her so bad that she hates the whole nation... usko pakar kay chitar lago, kyon laray lappay laga kar mohabaat kay daway keeay Christine Fair kay saath.. poori nation ko deal karna parh raha hay
Noted with awe.

Do you mind sharing something with us about your general background? Mine is well known but I don't mind sharing it again, if you wish.

I have military family background. My understanding is good enough to know that breaking the Indian armed forces is realistically feasible within a time frame bearing the tactical outmanouvering comes along.. One doesn’t need to be math genius to understand this.. War is deception
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I have military family background. My understanding is good enough to know that breaking the Indian forces is realistically feasible within a time frame bearing the tactical outmanouvering comes along.. One doesn’t need to be math genius to understand this.. War is deception
That is impressive.

Where, and with whom, did you do your military service?

What tactical manoeuvering would you suggest that improves on the tactical manoeuvering used by the PA in 1991, in 1971, in 1965 and in 1947-48? In specific terms, please.

What is the time frame? given your military background, do you remember the available stocks of ammunition in terms of weeks of usage at present? Would your time frame fit within these inventories?

Your help in understanding these will be valued.

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