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Why pakistan does not join NATO?

Major non-NATO ally (MNNA) is a designation given by the United States government to exceptionally close allies who have close strategic working relationships with US armed forces but are not members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. While the MNNA status does not automatically include a mutual defense pact with the United States, it does confer a variety of military and financial advantages that otherwise are not obtainable by non-NATO countries.
Nations named as major non-NATO allies are eligible for the following benefits:

* entry into cooperative research and development projects with the Department of Defense (DoD) on a shared-cost basis
* participation in certain counter-terrorism initiatives
* purchase of depleted uranium anti-tank rounds
* priority delivery of military surplus (ranging from rations to ships)
* possession of War Reserve Stocks of DoD-owned equipment that are kept outside of American military bases
* loans of equipment and materials for cooperative research and development projects and evaluations
* permission to use American financing for the purchase or lease of certain defense equipment
* reciprocal training
* expedited export processing of space technology
* permission for the country's corporations to bid on certain DoD contracts for the repair and maintenance of military equipment outside the United States

Named by George H. W. Bush

* Australia Australia (1989)
* Egypt Egypt (1989)
* Israel Israel (1989)
* Japan Japan (1989)
* South Korea South Korea (1989)

[edit] Named by Bill Clinton

* Jordan Jordan (1996)
* New Zealand New Zealand (1997)
* Argentina Argentina (1998)

Named by George W. Bush

* Bahrain Bahrain (2002)
* Philippines Philippines (2003)
* Thailand Thailand (2003)
* Kuwait Kuwait (2004)
* Morocco Morocco (2004)
* Pakistan Pakistan (2004)
☪☪☪☪;913328 said:
Not necessarily but SCO can improve relations between India-Pakistan-Russia-China.It will be good for Asia.

To be an ally with india would never work, its just a pipe dream. look how the hindus are treating the Bengalis, a people with whom they have no ill with. Hindus will stab you in the back the minute they get the chance.
Yar We dont like to be part of NATO. Chawal hi hain sare. :P

On a serious note: NATO has lost its purpose since Russian is no more a threat.
I think we were about to during Musharraf's Era. But too much opposition due to Russia being part of it, and obviously Russia having strong relationship with India.

I believe there was a time where Russia would support Pakistan and India joining at the same time. Somehow, India didn't go through.
Pakistan wants to become a member state of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). Pakistan is currently an obsever state of SCO and I think it'll be better for Pakistan if it becomes a member of SCO. Pakistan is an Asian country, China is a very important immediate neighbour of Pakistan.

NATO are all North American and western European countries and they all are pro-israel. Pakistan is far away from those countries and is one of the few countries in the world that doesnt accept israel's existence.

Everything you said here I agree, but you had to bring up Israel didn't you?. :)
Nato, Seato, Cento

These are all help America organizations at times of war (ok there will be a few exceptions), but when it comes to America moving its behind to support Pakistan in a war with India, that will never happen.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. (gosh that reminded me of Bush)
Treaty organizations makes one weak by giving a false sense of security.

Rarely have they stood up for their members when own interests were not involved.
I think Pakistan should be considered a Middle Eastern country, we need to distance ourself from South Asian countries (India).

Just look at the Map, Pakistan is in a strategic location. I can swim to U.A.E. or K.S.A.

Really its just an idiot geographer that decided to call Pakistan a South Asian country.

And Pakistan should not be referred to a nation on the "Indian Subcontinent." And Pakistanis should realize they are not "Desis." I don't know why so many Pakistanis are becoming Indianized. Finally, Pakistan needs to place an embargo on all Indian goods. If worst comes to worst I would support building a big wall on the Pakistani/Indian border just like the Berlin Wall.


Extreme thoughts. What diff will it make if Pak is called middle east, far east, South Asian, Asia minor or by any other name ?

What will change ?

How about the Indian Ocean ? Would we like to change that too ?

Why don't we simply change ourselves instead of expecting everything around us to change ?

Did the Berlin wall help ?
The Americans used to joke about CEATO calling it FARTO.
But like I mentioned before all over the place, we Pakistani's just don't ever learn from history.
The problems that Muslim world is faced now is because of that attitude..
We dont have resources..
We dont have equipment..
We dont have technologies...
We have to believe in ourselves...
Nobody helps anyone unless he wants to help himself..

Our main problem is that we lack will and self confidence.
You know after WW II Germany, France, UK,Japan, Russian all were screwed up by war but they worked hard for last 70 years and got the position of today to create a huge difference where as we had been busy in all BS. They made full use of time and we lost it therefore we need to pay for that. So once we will create such a block world will go against us considering it a future threat. So first we need to bring ourselves to a position where we attain sovereignty. That will be possible only once we develop ourselves in all fields. There is one thing to remember that we always made our ways once we decided to do it, may it be going nuclear or developing war machines. We did it and will do it but there are no short cuts. Just chanting slogans won't fetch us anything.
pakistan has no need to fight more proxy wars for westerners..absolutely no need to embroil in conflicts not related to us n drain our military forces as if WOT is not enough..
we should work hard to get full membership of SCO, free trade areas with EU n a couple of other countires n strengthen SAARC..
no to NATO!!:no::no:

Extreme thoughts. What diff will it make if Pak is called middle east, far east, South Asian, Asia minor or by any other name ?

What will change ?

How about the Indian Ocean ? Would we like to change that too ?

Why don't we simply change ourselves instead of expecting everything around us to change ?

Did the Berlin wall help ?

It can have a huge affect..
Mid east is centre of gravity in the policy of most of the world (europe, america e.t.c.) so we can negotiate better with that..
saarc is always there for pakistan..
I think pakistan can include itself in central asian countries as tajiks are in c.asia and it is very close to pakistan
if afghanistan included in saarc then why cant pakistan..
Pakistan have a excellent geographical location,,if they worked hard they can reach world Super powers..
Berlin Wall is just a case when relations with india will not going good in future..I m against it....
Our main problem is that we lack will and self confidence.
You know after WW II Germany, France, UK,Japan, Russian all were screwed up by war but they worked hard for last 70 years and got the position of today to create a huge difference where as we had been busy in all BS. They made full use of time and we lost it therefore we need to pay for that. So once we will create such a block world will go against us considering it a future threat. So first we need to bring ourselves to a position where we attain sovereignty. That will be possible only once we develop ourselves in all fields. There is one thing to remember that we always made our ways once we decided to do it, may it be going nuclear or developing war machines. We did it and will do it but there are no short cuts. Just chanting slogans won't fetch us anything.

Thats I want to say,,,
Just start now and wait for tomorrow....
We should maintain our relations with Nato and america besides our own treaty with Some muslim nations...
Dant us waqt dikhane chahiyen jab kaatne k laaiq honnn.....
I m not saying by making such treaties we should go against any power but we should also corporate with them too...
The biggest problem with Muslim countries is they dont interested in the development of technologies and new war strategies...
War can be fought economically as china is currently doing now...:pakistan:
What is the strategic location of pakistan. It is only used to support WOT on afghan. Otherwise no one needs pakistan.

Now tell me who cares pakistan otherthan transportation of goods to afghan?

Pakistan's location is strategic and more important than the location of india!

Pakistan is located in between the Middle East, Central Asia, China, and India! Also Pakistan's ports are vital and very important for trade into central Asia, and China! Also, the ancient Silk Route passed through Pakistan and Afghanistan! Pakistan and Pakistani people have a lot of potential, but sadly our nation is still asleep, but InshaAllah we will wake up one day!:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
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