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Why Only USA ?

Because the United States politicians have a superiority complex that they are sooo proud of. They are not shy in expressing it to the world.

That's the short answer.
Because the United States politicians have a superiority complex that they are sooo proud of. They are not shy in expressing it to the world.

That's the short answer.
I was hoping for a better reply indeed...
The current majority of our politicians have an interventionist ideology to make other nations work the way they want them to so as to "protect" Americans and Corporations abroad. Thus, with the support of millions of blind American sheep and corporate money and the UN, they say NO.

NO, because all other nations must bow down and do what we(US politicians) say to "Protect" American citizens and there interests (Corporations).

The politicians think they can never fall because they are soo powerful....
The current majority of our politicians have an interventionist ideology to make other nations work the way they want them to so as to "protect" Americans and Corporations abroad. Thus, with the support of millions of blind American sheep and corporate money and the UN, they say NO.

NO, because all other nations must bow down and do what we(US politicians) say to "Protect" American citizens and there interests (Corporations).

The politicians think they can never fall because they are soo powerful....
So this is how they are going to prove that they are powerful, it's insane :hitwall:
It is insane, and with propaganda and lying to the Americans saying it's for there "protection" the sheep Americans believe it and so far its working. But it won't last much longer, American dept, and the fact that Americans are getting fed up with the failed policies in the Middle East, including the sheep.
However, if ISIL is allowed to spread or the Muslim nations unite then this could refuel the propaganda and could escalate to possible war.
Because they are the global champions of democracy and human rights, and they will bring democracy and human rights to you like they brought them to Iraq. :enjoy:

Whenever I get reminded about how Murica ( :usflag:) brought Freedom into Iraq in Operation Iraqi Freedom (!) ( :lol: ) I have to think about this....


BTW: That big red cancer like thing there is the new heavenly Islamic state of Iraq and Syria :coffee: :usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag:
USA is like a boss.

Russia and China are the little gangsters lurking to steal a car.
US has no moral grounds to be mediating in this conflict. Their motives are bais.

The only reason US is still a super power is that US $ is used as treading currency in the world. It never gets devalued. And they can print it at their will.

Dump the US $ as a world treading currency and you will see US on its knees the next day......
US has no moral grounds to be mediating in this conflict. Their motives are bais.

The only reason US is still a super power is that US $ is used as treading currency in the world. It never gets devalued. And they can print it at their will.

Dump the US $ as a world treading currency and you will see US on its knees the next day......

If dollar falls than world will fall even harder. USA fucks everything and everyone. I don´t make jokes. They will nuke you all for their own benefits. If you don´t love the US bodybuilder than he will rape you brutaly.
If dollar falls than world will fall even harder. USA fucks everything and everyone. I don´t make jokes. They will nuke you all for their own benefits. If you don´t love the US bodybuilder than he will rape you brutaly.
Either way they are raping you.... your opinion has no value.... all US dose is to protect their personal interest.

Euro was created taking in to consideration the same thing and wait for some more tine , you will see BRICS own currency rolled out. All the 3 $, Euor and new currency will be interoperable and $ will loose its shin.
If dollar falls than world will fall even harder. USA fucks everything and everyone. I don´t make jokes. They will nuke you all for their own benefits. If you don´t love the US bodybuilder than he will rape you brutaly.
Still USA has to pay a lot of money to China. Don't forget that.
To get why the American government is a 2 faced prick, you need to understand that despite USA's constant speeches about the role of democracy in the success of the country they are just a bunch of hypocritical liars whose only aim is to strengthen its outpost in the Middle East i.e Israel, the reason for this close relationship can be traced back to the civil war in USA, where Jews had contributed directly. Along with this Leaders such as John Adams and several others were extremely supportive of their Jewish counterparts.

Jews also (supposedly) hold key positions in the American lobby hence giving them a hold on American politics, eventhough some US presidents like Eisenhower detested Israel at first but due to its role as a buffer to Russian influence in the Cold War, relationship with the US became ever so sweet.

To this day the American citizens have got no clue when arguing about the gaza conflict, they repeat their misguided views ( self defense ) over and over again, till one feels that either the Media is really clever or the people are really dumb and close minded.
All USA does is protect its own influence in the Middle East by dethroning the old leaders and replacing them with puppets.
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