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Why Only USA ?

Either way they are raping you.... your opinion has no value.... all US dose is to protect their personal interest.

Euro was created taking in to consideration the same thing and wait for some more tine , you will see BRICS own currency rolled out. All the 3 $, Euor and new currency will be interoperable and $ will loose its shin.

Yes my opinion has a value unlike yours.

I am the dark horse of apocalypse and i can bring life or death to this pathetic world.

Still USA has to pay a lot of money to China. Don't forget that.

usa will pay with NUKES.
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Jon Stewart is America's most influential political satirist. Here, he explains the Israeli monstrosity on Gaza in terms even a monkey can understand. Jon Stewart is Jewish himself, however his defense of the Palestinians proves that he is not a Zionist. Our struggle is against the Zionist apartheid not Jewish religion. Muslims and Jews have lived together in peace for over one thousand years.
Jon Stewart is America's most influential political satirist. Here, he explains the Israeli monstrosity on Gaza in terms even a monkey can understand. Jon Stewart is Jewish himself, however his defense of the Palestinians proves that he is not a Zionist. Our struggle is against the Zionist apartheid not Jewish religion. Muslims and Jews have lived together in peace for over one thousand years.


Zionist send these kind of guys to whitewash jewish culture from their bestiality. In fact John stewart is getting payed by companies owned from hardcore zionists.

Zionists will bomb your women and children and than send some rabbis to the streets condamning the "zionist actions"

tHIS IS beyond funny how you suck their lies without thinking!


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