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Why not the Pakistan Sea?

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What purpose will it solve by renaming the sea??? just satisfying one's ego???!!!
I mean Pakistan has got only 1046km coastline whereas India has more than 1310km coastline in Arabian sea. So why should it be called as Pakistan sea????
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No it should n't be call Pakistan Sea, we are not Arab who are making them self look like an as s by calling Persian Gulf, Arabian Gulf.
... and I thought us Indians were masters in whipping up sentiments on non issues.

Is Mumbai any better than Bombay,Has Kolkatta developed better than Calcutta did or has Bangaluru done better than Bangalore to mention a few .

Has NWFP shot ahead after being renamed to whatever it is now called ?

Idle minds .. whew !
Nothing stops Pakistan from using the term "Pakistan Sea" in its textbooks and maps!
this is the most silliest thread ever
Nothing stops Pakistan from using the term "Pakistan Sea" in its textbooks and maps!

:lol: btw Indian and pakistani members are like this-

wot is the point in naming a sea after a country?
This is very controversial issue as Persian Gulf is now being called "Arabian Gulf" by some Arab countries in the region. The Persian Gulf is historical name since Persian empire dominated the region. The Arabian Sea is also historical name and should not be changed. But if Arab countries in Persian Gulf countries want to set a precedent the Arabian Sea name would also be changed. The Indian Ocean will also be next name to be changed.
well i dont know why its called arabian sea, but honestly whats the point of renaming it? its not like anyone gives a damn. its not like the arabs are claiming the sea.

Went through the thread and there isn't a single response to this simple question --- Why "The Pakikstan Sea" -- what is to be gained from this?

Better still why not rename the so called "Indus" River? -- Why not lay a claim of this vital water way in line with the idea of Pakistan, deprive any Indian claim, even if just psychological, choose any other name and refer to it by that name -- the Indian can have no objection after all he has renamed rather frequently.
Why not...but is there a procedure to rename a sea. Do all the neighbors have to agree or can you call it what you want?
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