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Why neighbours dislike or suspect India

No I really don't, because the rape claim by Hindustanis has been shattered by genetic research unless you guys know some top secret genetic info on Muslims in Pakistan that the rest of us don't.

I only see dislike from two neighbors, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Both are religious bigots. Pakistan is a lost case, Bengalis still have some hope.

Well this 'lost cause' is performing better than Bangladesh and is expected to do so in he future. So if we're a lost cause, they have about as much hope as the Jedi did at the end of episode 3.

Only thing we know about lanka is ravan and Maliga.

And I'm sure the only things they know of Hindustan are cow piss and rape.
Why neighbours dislike or suspect India
Aakar Patel, May 31, 2017
A little under 30 years ago, after Vishwanath Pratap Singh became prime minister, he met with Sri Lanka’s president Ranasinghe Premadasa. Singh, a polite man, says he was surprised when the first thing Premadasa said to him was: “When are you taking your army back?”

The reference was to the Indian Peace Keeping Force, a group of soldiers from the Indian Army sent to Lanka to fight the Tamil Tigers. India had deployed tens of thousands of its jawans (over 1,000 of whom would die fighting the Tamilians) and we had thought of it as a sacrifice for the Lankans. However, the Lankans, according to Singh, saw it as interference after a point and wanted the Indians out of their country.

The civil war in Lanka ended with a victory of the Sinhalese nationalists, and today Lanka is no longer under the influence of India as it was 30 years ago. If there is a nation that many Lankans see as interfering, it is China. The giant ports developed by the Chinese in Colombo and Hambanthota are projects of a scale India cannot compete with.

The Chinese are executing today the most important and largest infrastructure project of the world. It is called One Belt One Road. The belt is a series of highways and the ‘road’ is a network of ports and sea routes. It held a meeting in May to show its vision and India boycotted it.

However, all of India’s neighbours attended, except for one, Bhutan. Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh, the Maldives and Nepal all attended, leading to fears of encirclement in the community that thinks about strategic affairs in India.

India warned those attending that the partnership with the Chinese would come at a heavy price, but almost nobody heard us. The question is: why not? The answer, to return to the original point of this article, is that almost all of India’s neighbours either dislike or suspect us. Even in Hindu Nepal, Indians are not particularly popular. We have no neighbour with whom we have a relationship like the United States has with Canada. All our borders seem to be like the US and Mexico’s, or worse.

Perhaps the fault is entirely that of our neighbours’. Certainly the average Indian holds the impression that we are victims of other nations’ mischief. This is coupled with the prejudiced view many of us have of our neighbours. We believe Bangladeshis are illegal immigrants, Nepalis are watchmen and Pakistanis are terrorists.

Today Nepalis in the northern part of the country think India is playing games by dividing their country into hill-people and plains-people and instigating a long and painful blockade against the former (who are the elite). They also think India is interfering with their constitutional processes.

It is possible that India has legitimate concerns and interests in Nepal. However, we must ask ourselves why our relations with a Hindu country are in such tatters that we could not get them to side with us against the Chinese.

Even with Bhutan, our only ‘friend’ against the Chinese, our relationship is not one of equals. Under Nehru, India imposed on Bhutan something called a Friendship Treaty, which actually was nothing of the sort. The treaty gave India a veto on Bhutan’s foreign policy.

Nehru inherited an aggressively expansionist imperial state which had tentative borders. Neighbouring states feared the India of the British Raj, and legitimately. Our failure has been that we have not been able to overcome that fear and distrust and build relationships that are meaningful and based on respect and mutual interest. That failure showed in our isolation at the belt and road summit.

[The writer is executive director of Amnesty International India]


Akar Patel is a Muslim who has kept deceptive Hindu name and he is very well known for his anti modi writing.

India has better relations with all neighbors excluding Pakistan so title is misleading.
We have witnessed pre+ post 1971, how your Intelligence agencies have been constantly trying to divide our homogeneous society, only to benefit Indian interest, time and again.
Akar Patel is a Muslim who has kept deceptive Hindu name and he is very well known for his anti modi writing.
India has better relations with all neighbors excluding Pakistan so title is misleading.

Why does it not penetrate your thick skull that nearly 85-90% of our entire population despises India, for her hegemonic big brotherly attitude, draining our economy, availing unfair means in each and every sector, constant and blatant interference in our internal matters,masterminding and sponsoring of cross border terrorism, smuggling of weapons + explosives and deadly toxic drugs,withholding the rightful share of waters of 54 + common rivers, routine border killings,planning and executing the assassination of our national patriotic leaders, a never ending list, which till date,are still an ongoing process,etc,ete.
We have witnessed pre+ post 1971, how your Intelligence agencies have been constantly trying to divide our homogeneous society, only to benefit Indian interest, time and again.

Why does it not penetrate your thick skull that nearly 85-90% of our entire population despises India, for her hegemonic big brotherly attitude, draining our economy, availing unfair means in each and every sector, constant and blatant interference in our internal matters,masterminding and sponsoring of cross border terrorism, smuggling of weapons + explosives and deadly toxic drugs,withholding the rightful share of waters of 54 + common rivers, routine border killings,planning and executing the assassination of our national patriotic leaders, a never ending list, which till date,are still an ongoing process,etc,ete.

Because your government has o guts to keep your country in order. If we withdraw our support, ISIS shall take your country over.
Which patriot of yours was killed by our people? Which rightful shre of river are you asking for? We have no agreement with you for sharing any water. Out of our goodwill, we give you the water under Gujaral Doctrine.
SHEIKH HASINA WAJED has inflicted many injuries on Bangladesh’s democracy. She has pursued a dogged vendetta against her main rival for the job of prime minister, Khaleda Zia, hounding her supporters and persecuting her party.

She has picked on any prominent person or institution that is not beholden to her, from Muhammad Yunus, a microcredit pioneer, to Bangladesh’s biggest Islamic bank. Citing atrocities committed during Bangladesh’s war of independence from Pakistan in 1971, she oversaw the dismemberment of the country’s main Islamic party, executing many of its leaders. By those standards, her latest failing—pandering to the demands of Islamist agitators and refusing to defend the secular principles of the constitution—may seem relatively mild. But its consequences will be lasting.

By and large, Bangladesh is as moderate as Sheikh Hasina is intemperate. Although 90% of the population is Muslim, the constitution guarantees freedom of religion. Sufism, a mystical form of Islam that purists in Arabia frown on, is widespread. Hindus are 9% of the population and hold many prominent jobs, including chief justice of the supreme court. Yet Bangladeshi society has experienced something of a religious revival in recent years. Islamist groups have stirred up anger at perceived slights to religion, bringing protesters onto the streets. Violence has proliferated against non-Muslims, as well as those who speak up for secularism or for causes such as gay rights that are deemed sacrilegious.

Instead of trying to dispel the climate of fear that the Islamists have created, Sheikh Hasina’s government has suggested that the murdered liberals had it coming. Indeed, having undermined Bangladesh’s democracy, and thus deprived itself of the legitimacy that free elections might have brought, the government is trying to win support by courting the devout.

With the help of a $1bn gift from Saudi Arabia, it plans to build a mosque in every town. It has backed away from reforming inheritance laws to make them fairer to women, and from cracking down on child marriage. Most absurdly, it has agreed to move a statue of justice, depicted as a blindfolded woman in a sari, from in front of the supreme court, to placate protesters railing against idolatry (see article).

Ironically, it was Sheikh Hasina’s father, Bangladesh’s first president, who insisted on enshrining secularism in the constitution. Sheikh Hasina herself crushed the Jamaat-e-Islami, the biggest Islamic party. Her son has admitted that the government is resorting to pious gestures not out of conviction, but to insulate itself from religious criticism.

Zealots are never satisfied

Such appeasement never works, however. It will simply embolden the agitators to demand more. Already, they are calling for schools to be segregated by sex and for a blasphemy law to be adopted. Authoritarian rulers in many other countries (Pakistan leaps to mind) have tried to bolster their legitimacy by pandering to religious sentiment only to find themselves in a vicious cycle, in which moderates are cowed, giving rise to ever more extreme demands from the religious fringe.

The only antidote is the free exercise of democracy. That will let ordinary Bangladeshis decide how religious they want their government to be. Most voters are probably interested chiefly in the economy, which has been growing healthily. Sheikh Hasina might even find that, if she allowed voters a genuine choice, they would return her to office—with a mandate to ignore the angry clerics.


Because your government has o guts to keep your country in order. If we withdraw our support, ISIS shall take your country over.
Which patriot of yours was killed by our people? Which rightful shre of river are you asking for? We have no agreement with you for sharing any water. Out of our goodwill, we give you the water under Gujaral Doctrine.
Infact, Indians Int agencies, backed by uncle SAM are the real architects, sponsors, and the brainchild of ISIS,along with other cross border terrorism across the whole of this region.
Infact, Indians Int agencies, backed by uncle SAM are the real architects, sponsors, and the brainchild of ISIS,along with other cross border terrorism across the whole of this region

Oh this is really great. From where did you get this great secrete information that India is behind ISIS?
Police suspect there are more firearms hidden here

A large cache of sophisticated firearms and ammunition has been recovered from Narayanganj’s Rupganj upazila.

“Two rocket launchers, 63 M16 assault rifles and LMGs (light machine guns), 26 magazines and huge hand grenades have so far been recovered from Gutibo area early Friday,” Detective Branch of police’s Sub-Inspector Mofizul Islam said.

He said that they had searched the area for weapons based on information given by one Sharif Miah.

“Police found an LMG from Sharif’s house on Thursday but he managed to escape,” the SI said. Sharif was apprehended within hours from Chasara.

“He gave us information about this weapons cache,” the DB officer added.

Rupganj police’s Officer-in-Charge Islam Hossain said that such firearms were “usually used by Indian separatist outfit Ulfa and militant group JMB.”

“The drive is still going on,” he said. “We suspect there are more firearms hidden here.”

A fire service team reached the spot and they would start drive for unearthing more arms.


Oh this is really great. From where did you get this great secrete information that India is behind ISIS?
An Ostrich approach,turn you into a complete moron.


Hahaha, the sad part is you think that can compare to the amount of polytheists gutted like fish for over 700 years whilst Muslims ruled India. Some estimates put the deaths at 400 million, 2002 was a civil disagreement in comparison.

And let's not forget 1971, which many describe as effectively a Hindu holocaust.
Wow, Only lowlife would boast about such a thing. But then again I don't blame you, Articulation is a result of upbringing.

Well from the time of it's creation in 47'.. Indian hegemonic ambitions have created havoc in each and every sovereign nation surrounding it.. So there is deep mistrust among them with Delhi, And would likely to be there for the foreseeable future, Although bilateral relationship will evolve depending on the goodwill of respective governments that come to power in each country
India's national interest may not always align with it's neighbors. Friction is an outcome of conflicting interests, not of some evil hegemonic design, and given your preconceived narrative, I highly doubt you will be able to comprehend the historical flow of Indian foreign relations. And going forward our policy will always be centered around India First, doesn't matter if that puts us at cross roads with China, US or Sri Lanka, we do what is good for us.
Wow, Only lowlife would boast about such a thing. But then again I don't blame you, Articulation is a result of upbringing.

India's national interest may not always align with it's neighbors. Friction is an outcome of conflicting interests, not of some evil hegemonic design, and given your preconceived narrative, I highly doubt you will be able to comprehend the historical flow of Indian foreign relations. And going forward our policy will always be centered around India First, doesn't matter if that puts us at cross roads with China, US or Sri Lanka, we do what is good for us.

And only an idiot like you would blame the person responding to someone else's lunacy.
Qamrul Islam
20 June 2014 ·

সাতছড়ি ইস্যু শ্যাষ!
❖ হাসিনা বেশী সেয়ানাগিরি করে চাইছিল, বিরাট অস্ত্র ভান্ডার উদ্ধার দেখাইয়া মোদীকে কব্জা করবে!
❖ কিন্তু মোদী তো আর ছাগল নয়। সে ধরে ফেলেছে অস্ত্র উদ্ধার ছিল সাজানো নাটক। সত্যিকারের অস্ত্র উদ্ধার হলে এতদিনে ভারত হুলুস্থুল করে তুলতো। তাদের টিম চলে আসতো, দুই দেশের মিটিং হতো। কিন্তু কিছুই হলো না.....সব ঠান্ডা!
❖ র‌্যাব বললো- ২০ বছর আগের অস্ত্র। আবার দেখা যাচ্ছে নতুন রং করা ব্যারেল, সাথে কম্পিউটারে কম্পোজ করা লিফলেট!
❖ ফলাফল - হিন্দুস্তানের কাছে ধরা খাওয়া! ওদেরকে ট্রাপ করতে গিয়ে হাসিনা নিজেই এখন ট্রাপড!!
এত অস্ত্র উদ্ধারের পরে যে বিশাল হৈচৈ করার কথা ছিল হাসিনার....তার কিছুই হলো না। একদম চুপচাপ....সুনসান নীরবতা!
❖আহারে দুঃখ হাসিনার! এখন দিন গণছে...ভারতকে বোকা বানাতে গিয়ে ওদের দিকে থেকে কি ধরনের রিটালিয়েশন আসে?
❖ অতি চালাকের গলায় দড়ি....শুয়ারে খায় মুগুরের বাড়ি! হাসিনার হইছে সেই দশা।
And only an idiot like you would blame the person responding to someone else's lunacy.
On contrary I see you for what you exactly are.... your articulation says it all, about you , about your upbringing.
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
Page Liked · 3 mins ·

নারায়ণগঞ্জের রূপগঞ্জের পূর্বাচল এলাকায় অভিযান চালিয়ে বিপুল পরিমাণ অস্ত্রশস্ত্র ও গোলাবারুদ উদ্ধার করেছে পুলিশ।
গতকাল বৃহস্পতিবার দিবাগত রাত থেকে অভিযান শুরু হয়। আজ শুক্রবারও অভিযান চলে।
অভিযানে দুটি রকেট লঞ্চার, অর্ধশতাধিক সাব মেশিনগান, পিস্তল, গুলি, ম্যাগাজিনসহ বিপুল অস্ত্রশস্ত্র ও গোলাবারুদ উদ্ধার হয়েছে।

অনেকে বলছেন এগুলো মার্কিন M-16 রাইফেল যা সম্পুর্ন ভুল....এগুলো চাইনিজ Type-81, AK-22 এবং চাইনিজ RPG.

যারা বলছেন M-16 এবং চ্যালেঞ্জ করতে চান তারা আমাদেরকে উদ্ধার করা অস্ত্র থেকেঅন্তত একটা M-16 এর ছবি দেখান।

In a war between India & pakistan, sri lanka provided direct support to pakistan that makes lanka an enemy as well. It is very well documented that pakistan let loose repression in East pakistan. Now if lanka thinks it is an internal affair of pakistan then why the heck did they recognize Bangladesh? cheap hypocrisy?

"Role of Sri Lanka

Pakistani high commissioner in Colombo, Seema Ilahi Baloch said in her speech addressed to Lanka-Pakistan business council in Colombo in June, 2011 that Pakistan can never forget the help which Sri Lanka offered to Pakistan during the 1971 war between India and Pakistan.

“We in Pakistan cannot forget the logistical and political support Sri Lanka extended to us in 1971 when it opened its refueling facilities for us,” she said."

As I said lanka has no business helping anyone but should simply mind their own business. If lanka thinks they are smart then they will have to pay the price.

India didn't even log a protest back in 1971. Even then the Indian leaders knew what Sri Lanka did. If they could overlook the puny issue. Why can't you do the same. Sri Lanka didn't wage a war against India.

I will give you an analogy, would you & your family like to have a prostitute for neighbor. Its not that prostitute is strong its only the dirty aversion to it. Like lanka has concerns about LTTE elements operating from TN , so does India about china in lanka. Its not LTTE can overrun lanka or china can invade from lanka but being a neighbor we dont expect garbage next to our house.

When the elephants fight, it is the grass that is going to get crushed.

Say a person from a country which is filled to the brim with garbage. First take care of your own garbage and then come to instruct on how others should do it.
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