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Why neighbours dislike or suspect India

3 BGB Members beaten up by BSF inside Bangladesh
সীমান্তে ঢুকে তিন বিজিবি সদস্যকে পেটাল বিএসএফ


বিএসএফ ও বিজিবি (ফাইল ছবি)
সীমান্তে ঢুকে তিন বিজিবি সদস্যকে পেটাল বিএসএফ
কুমিল্লা সীমান্তে বাংলাদেশ অংশে ঢুকে ভারতীয় সীমান্তরক্ষী বাহিনী বিএসএফের সদস্যরা তিন বিজিবি সদস্যকে মারধর করেছে। এ সময় তারা ফাঁকা গুলি ছুড়ে আতঙ্ক সৃষ্টি করে। তবে পরে বিজিবির সঙ্গে পতাকা বৈঠকে এ ঘটনার জন্য দুঃখ প্রকাশ করেছে বিএসএফ।
কুমিল্লার আদর্শ সদর উপজেলার পাঁচথুবী ইউনিয়নের কেরানীনগর মধ্যমপাড়া গোলাবাড়ি বিওপি সীমান্ত এলাকায় এ ঘটনা ঘটে।

স্থানীয় সূত্রে জানা যায়, সোমবার বিকাল সাড়ে ৩টার দিকে কুমিল্লা সীমান্তের কেরানীনগর মধ্যমপাড়া এলাকায় দুই নারীকে চোরাকারবারী সন্দেহে ধাওয়া করেন বিএসএফের এক সদস্য। তিনি নো-ম্যান্স ল্যান্ড অতিক্রম করে বাংলাদেশের প্রায় তিনশ গজ ভেতরে ঢুকে যান।
এসময় বিজিবির গোয়েন্দা বিভাগের ফিরোজ নামের এক সদস্য বিএসএফ সদস্যের কাছে এ ব্যাপারে ব্যাখ্যা চান। কথা বলার এক পর্যায়ে বিএসএফ সদস্য ও ভারতের ৮/১০ জন স্থানীয় লোক বিজিবি সদস্য ফিরোজকে তুলে নেয়ার চেষ্টা করে। এতে বাংলাদেশের স্থানীয় লোকজন এগিয়ে গিয়ে বিজিবি সদস্যকে উদ্ধার করে এবং বিএসএফ সদস্যকে ধরে স্থানীয় গোলাবাড়ি বিজিবি ক্যাম্পের দিকে নিয়ে যাওয়ার চেষ্টা করে।

স্থানীয় ইউপি চেয়ারম্যান ইকবাল হোসেন বাহালুল সাংবাদিকদের জানান, এ ঘটনার একপর্যায়ে ভারতের ৪০/৫০ জন লোক এবং বিএসএফের ২৫/৩০ জনের একটি দল বাংলাদেশ অভ্যন্তরে ঢুকে পড়ে। তারা টহলরত দুই বিজিবি সদস্য ও বিজিবির গোয়েন্দা সদস্য ফিরোজকে বেধড়ক মারধর করে। একপর্যায়ে এলাকায় আতঙ্ক সৃষ্টির জন্য বিএসএফ ফাঁকা গুলি চালায়। পরে স্থানীয়রা ঘটনাস্থলের দিকে এগিয়ে গেলে বিএসএফ ও ভারতীয় লোকজন পালিয়ে যায়।

চেয়ারম্যান জানান, পরে বিজিবির একটি দল ঘটনাস্থলে গিয়ে আহত তিন বিজিবি সদস্যকে উদ্ধার করে।

এদিকে এই ঘটনার খবর পেয়ে ঘটনাস্থলে ছুটে যান কুমিল্লা ১০ বিজিবির কর্মকর্তারা। পরে তারা বিএসএফের সঙ্গে এ ব্যাপারে বৈঠকে বসেন।

বৈঠক শেষে রাত সাড়ে ৭টার দিকে ১০ বিজিবির অধিনায়ক লে. কর্নেল গোলাম সারোয়ার সাংবাদিকদের বলেন, ‘ঘটনাটি অনাকাঙ্ক্ষিত, অধিনায়ক পর্যায়ের পতাকা বৈঠকে বিষয়টির সুরাহা হয়েছে। বৈঠকে বিএসএফ প্রতিনিধিরা ঘটনার জন্য দুঃখ প্রকাশ করেছেন।’

0:39 AM, November 15, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 10:56 AM, November 15, 2017
BSF kills Bangladeshi on Lalmonirhat border

A Bangladeshi youth was shot dead by Indian Border Security Force (BSF) along Burimari border in Patgram upazila of Lalmonirhat on Wednesday, November 15, 2017. This AP file photo shows BSF members patrolling at the India-Bangladesh border in Fulbari, about 25 kilometre from Siliguri. AP file photo
Star Online Report
A Bangladeshi youth was shot dead by Indian Border Security Force (BSF) along Burimari border in Patgram upazila of Lalmonirhat early today.
The deceased is Faridul Islam Farid, 21, son of Shamsul Islam at Ambari village of Burimari border, reports our Lalmonirhat correspondent.

Sources at Border Guard Bangladesh of Burimari camp said a BSF patrol team of Bari camp opened fire when Farid crossed into India to bring Indian cattle around 4:30am.

Confirming the incident, Acting Commanding Officer of Rangpur 61 BGB Battalion Major Mohammad Hasan said a protest letter was sent to BSF with a call to hold a flag meeting in this regard.

BGB will get back the body, which was left on no-man's land, after the flag meeting, the BGB official said.
09:41 PM, November 16, 2017 / LAST MODIFIED: 10:05 PM, November 16, 2017
ASK concerned over border killings

Ain O Salish Kendra expresses deep concern over recent killing of Bangladeshi citizens by Indian Border Security Force (BSF) along the Bangladesh-India border. AP file photo
Star Online Report
Ain O Salish Kendra (ASK) today expressed deep concern over the recent killing of Bangladeshi citizens by Indian Border Security Force (BSF) along the Bangladesh-India border.
The use of lethal weapons by BSF has reached an alarming stage, ASK, in a statement said, adding that the Indian troops use both lethal and non-lethal weapons along the border.

Citing media reports, ASK claimed that 18 Bangladeshis were either tortured to death or shot dead by BSF between January and October this year.

Twenty-seven Bangladeshis were injured and 38 others abducted by BSF at that time, it says, adding that 13 persons were among the abductees returned home later.

“Most of the victims were unarmed farmers or cattle traders,” it adds.

On November 15, BSF members shot dead Bangladeshi citizen Farid Hossain Sharif, 22, along the Burimari border in Patgram upazila of Lalmonirhat district, ASK said.

Besides, three Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) members were injured during an attack carried out by BSF members along Comilla border on November 13.

“Such incident along the border cannot be accepted,” it says.

In the statement, the rights group urged both Bangladesh and Indian government to take effective joint steps to put an end to border killing and torture.
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border killings

Bangladesh poses security threat besides Pak, China: Indian minister
SAM Staff, November 17, 2017

Hansraj Ahir
Bangladesh, the “so-called friend” of India, also poses a security threat to the country besides China and Pakistan, Union minister Hansraj Ahir said on Thursday (Nov 16), reports PTI.

Addressing a conference on homeland security in New Delhi, organised by business chamber ASSOCHAM, he said, “Bangladesh was only a so-called friend because evidently it had caused India the most harm through illegal intrusion.”

“It is not only China or Pakistan but Bangladesh poses an equally bigger challenge to our national security, I know it because I get to see that closely,” Ahir was quoted as saying in a press release issued by the ASSOCHAM.

The Union minister of state for home said the government had deployed modern technologies and equipment to keep a check on intrusion in Kashmir and were using the same on other fronts – be it in dealing with Maoists, growing issues of youth radicalisation in Kerala, security of the railways, airports and other such places.

Referring to the recent incursion bids made by China, he said, “China today is not a very close friend of ours, it has always raised problems for the country. And be it China, Myanmar, Bangladesh or terrorists coming into India through Pakistan, we…will promote the usage of various modern technologies to curb intrusion.”

Ahir also welcomed the efforts being made to build a consensus to resolve the Ayodhya dispute, the release said.

He said the government would look into the demands and suggestions of the industry but it must come up with indigenously developed smart technologies and the government would help in research and development in this regard.

The minister said the government would work in tandem with the private industry to deal with all homeland security- related threats and challenges faced by the country, the ASSOCHAM release said.
Rohingya Issue: India not beside Bangladesh in UN
রোহিঙ্গা ইস্যু: জাতিসংঘের প্রস্তাবে বাংলাদেশের পক্ষে দাঁড়ায়নি ভারত!

মোদী হাসিনা
রোহিঙ্গা ইস্যু: জাতিসংঘের প্রস্তাবে বাংলাদেশের পক্ষে দাঁড়ায়নি ভারত!
বিশেষ প্রতিনিধি
জাতিসংঘের এজেন্ডা নির্ধারণের একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বৈঠকে রোহিঙ্গা ইস্যু এজেন্ডা হিসেবে গৃহীত হয়েছে। এতে ভোটাভুটির মাধ্যমে রোহিঙ্গা মুসলমানদের বিরুদ্ধে সামরিক অভিযান বন্ধে প্রস্তাব পাশ করেছে সদস্যরাষ্ট্ররা। প্রস্তাবের পক্ষে যুক্তরাষ্ট্র, ব্রিটেনসহ ১৩৫টি দেশের ভোট পড়ে। বিপক্ষে ভোট পড়ে চীন, রাশিয়া সহ ১০টি দেশের। এতে ভোট দানে বিরত ছিল ভারতসহ ২৬টি দেশ।

ভারতেক বাংলাদেশ সরকার ‘বন্ধুরাষ্ট্র’ বলে প্রচার করলেও স্মরণকালের সবচেয়ে ভয়াবহ সংকটের মধ্যে দিয়ে যাওয়া বাংলাদেশের পক্ষে দাঁড়ায়নি শেখ হাসিনার ‘বন্ধুরাষ্ট্র’। বরং মিয়ানমারের বর্বর সেনাবাহিনী ও সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে জাতিসংঘের প্রস্তাবে ভোট দেয়া থেকে বিরত থেকে পরোক্ষভাবে মিয়ানমারের পক্ষে দাঁড়িয়েছে মোদির দেশ। এর মাধ্যমে অবশ্য নরেন্দ্র মোদি মিয়ানমারকে দেয়া তার কথা রেখেছেন। গত মে মাসে নেইপিদো সফরে অং সাং সুচিকে তিনি বলেছিলেন, ভারত রোহিঙ্গা ইস্যুতে মিয়ানমারের পাশে থাকবে।

জাতিসংঘের বৈঠকে রোহিঙ্গাদের ওপর সামরিক অভিযান বন্ধে মিয়ানমার কর্তৃপক্ষকে আহবান জানানো হয়। সেইসাথে দেশ থেকে বিতাড়িত ও বাংলাদেশে পালিয়ে আসা রোহিঙ্গাদের নিজ দেশে ফিরে আসার এবং এবং তাদের পূর্ণ নাগরিকত্বের অধিকার নিশ্চিত করার বিষয়েও গুরুত্বারোপ করা হয়।

বৃহস্পতিবার জাতিসংঘে ৫৭ মুসলিম দেশের সংগঠন ওআইসির আহবানে এ ভোটাভুটি অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। সাধারণ পরিষদের মানবাধিকার কমিটি এ ভোটাভুটি অনুমোদন করে।

এতে মিয়ানমারের ঘনিষ্ট প্রতিবেশি চীন, সেইসাথে রাশিয়া, ফিলিপাইন, ভিয়েতনাম ও লাওসসহ ১০টি দেশ বিপক্ষে অবস্থান নেয়। এদিকে রোহিঙ্গা ইস্যুতে জড়িয়ে পড়া বাংলাদেশের বিপক্ষে অবস্থান নিয়েছে দেশটির ঘনিষ্ট মিত্র ভারত। সেইসাথে দক্ষিণ এশিয়ার নেপাল, শ্রীলংকাসহ ২৬টি দেশ এ ভোটাভুটিতে নিজের অবস্থান জানাতে অনিচ্ছা প্রকাশ করে। রাখাইনে গণহত্যার শুরু থেকে ভারত সরকার এ ইস্যুতে বাংলাদেশের পাশে আছে দাবী করা হলেও এ ভোটাভুটিতে তারা অংশ নিতে বিরত থাকে।

India Abstains From Voting on UN Rohingya Resolution
Actor, UN Special Envoy Angelina Jolie denounces sexual violence against Rohingya women
COLOMBO: India on Thursday abstained from voting on a UN Committee’s resolution on the human rights situation in Myanmar in regard to the Rohingya Muslim minority.
Among the 26 countries which abstained along with India, were Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and Japan.
China and the Russian Federation were among ten countries which voted against the resolution.
China and the Russian Federation are against any form of UN international intervention directed by the West in the internal affairs of Myanmar and other developing countries. China and Russia are “crusaders” for the cause of “national sovereignty” with the West using human rights as an instrument to intervene in other countries which do not fall in line with its policies. China and Russia want Myanmar and Bangladesh to settle the refugee issue bilaterally rather than bring in third parties to settle the dispute.

However, the resolution was carried with 135 voting for. Countries which supported the resolution included Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Maldives and Afghanistan.

Bangladesh voted for it obviously because it is bearing the brunt of the Rohingya Muslim refugee problem with 600,000 new entrants since August 25 adding to a backlog 400,000. Pakistan, Maldives and Afghanistan voted for because they are Islamic countries in sympathy with fellow Muslim Rohingyas persecuted Myanmar’s Buddhist majority.

The Third Committee’s draft resolution, which will be put before the General Assembly in December, called upon Myanmar to end military operations that had "led to the systematic violation and abuse of human rights" of Rohingya Muslims in the country's Rakhine state.

It urged Myanmar to grant access to UN fact finding teams and called for full and unhindered humanitarian aid access to Rakhine State. It also asked Myanmar to grant full citizenship rights to the Rohingyas and urged U.N. Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, to appoint a Special Envoy to negotiate with Myanmar.

A move to pass a resolution last year, was dropped due to Myanmar’s progress on human rights under its new ruler State Counselor Aun San Suu Kyi. But this year, the situation worsened drastically with the Rohingyas systematically targeted by the military in what the UN described as a “textbook form of ethnic cleansing.”

Myanmar has been refusing entry to a U.N. panel that was tasked with investigating allegations of abuses after a smaller military counteroffensive launched in October 2016.

The Fact-finding Mission on Myanmar has Marzuki Darusman (Indonesia) as Chairman, and Radhika Coomaraswamy (Sri Lanka) and Christopher Dominic Sidoti (Australia) as members. It visited refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh and came out with stinging observations about rape and murder committed by the Myanmar forces

Meanwhile, Angelina Jolie, Hollywood actress and Special Envoy of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and Co-Founder of “Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative”, strongly criticized sexual violence against Rohingya women and children.
Speaking at a UN conclave in Vancouver she said that” rape has a deeper impact on women than bullets.”

Lt Gen Mahfuzur Rahman , Principal Staff Officer , Armed Forces Division of Bangladesh, in a closed meeting on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse sought Jolie’s support to expose the sexual exploitation of Rohingya women and children in Myanmar. Responding to this, Jolie said she is planning to see the Rohingya victims of sexual violence. She applauded Bangladesh’s generous humanitarian approach towards the refugees.

Earlier in the week, Pramila Patten, the U.N. Special Envoy on Sexual Violence in Conflict, said in Dhaka, that sexual violence against the Rohingyas was "commanded, orchestrated and perpetrated by the Armed Forces of Myanmar."

While the UN Committee US was discussing the Rohingya issue in depth in distant US, the ASEAN Summit held at the same time in the South and South East Asian region almost totally ignored the burning issue in its own backyard.

The Summit avoided passing a resolution to call upon Aung San Suu Kyi and her government to in resolving the Rohingya crisis. Few countries spoke about the issue at the summit.

The only exceptions were Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. Trudeau and Guterres warned ASEAN members of the consequences of bypassing the Rohingya issue and reiterated that the humanitarian crisis involving the Rohingyas might cause “regional instability and radicalization”.

Most ASEAN member countries did not exert adequate pressure on the Myanmar leader to take back the Rohingyas. They did not come up with any specific proposal for stopping the genocide being committed by the Myanmar military.

“Even a Code of Conduct similar to that undertaken for the South China Sea could have been visible evidence of ASEAN’s responsiveness in mitigating the severity of the Rohingya crisis. But no code was suggested,” said Dr Mohammed Parvez Imdad, Visiting Professor and Lead Economist based in Manila, Philippines, in an article in Dhaka’s The Daily Star.

Deviating from past practice, Summit totally ignored issues of human rights and civil liberties.

“ASEAN should have noted that Myanmar is sowing the seeds of discord and destabilization, the costs of which would be too much for the region to bear. Additionally, Myanmar's actions will adversely impact regional cooperation frameworks and potentials, both in Southeast Asia and South Asia,” Imdad said.

“Leaders of ASEAN would have done justice to their own agendas for peace and security had the Summit Declaration reflected how Bangladesh has responded to the Rohingya crisis. Bangladesh's response and handling of the crisis is an exemplary gesture of support to distressed individuals and extraordinary diligence in ensuring peace and stability in the region,” Imdad pointed out.

Meanwhile, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Geng Shuang, told reporters in Beijing, that Foreign Minister Wang Yi would go to Bangladesh and Myanmar this weekend to meet his counterparts and “exchange views on bilateral ties and issues of mutual regional concern.”

But Geng did not say whether Wang would discuss the Rohingya issue.

However, China has been trying to get Myanmar and Bangladesh to sit together and thrash out the Rohingya issue bilaterally. As a result of the efforts of a Chinese Special Envoy, Sun Guoxiang, the Interior Ministers of Myanmar and Bangladesh had met once in Dhaka and agreed on a 10-point program including the repatriation of refugees from Bangladesh to Myanmar.

But Bangladesh reneged on the agreement even though it maintained that the bilateral engagement would continue and that the Bangladesh Foreign Minister would visit Myanmar at the end of November.

On Monday and Tuesday, the Chinese Foreign Minister would attend the Asia- Europe Meeting (AEM) in the Myanmar capital of Naypyitaw, where Western countries, along with Bangladesh, would certainly raise the Rohingya issue both in the general sessions and in bilateral meetings with Myanmar.
India lets Rohingya Muslims down cruelly for the third time in succession
P K Balachandran, November 18, 2017

India has let the hapless Rohingya Muslims down for the third time in succession.
New Delhi’s sordid record began when it endorsed Myanmar’s brutal military action against lakhs of men, women and children, and then it announced a plan to deport 40,000 Rohingyas who had fled to India on the specious plea that they are a breeding ground of Jehadi terrorists, and now it has abstained from voting on a UN Committee’s resolution on the human rights situation in Myanmar.

Among the 26 countries which abstained from voting on the resolution condemning the atrocities heaped on the Rohingyas in Myanmar on Thursday, were India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and Japan.

China and the Russian Federation were among ten countries which voted against the resolution. China and Russia are against any form of UN international intervention directed by the West in the internal affairs of Myanmar or any other developing country. They are “crusaders” in the cause of “national sovereignty” in the context of the West’s efforts to intervene in other countries using human rights as an instrument. Moscow and Beijing want Myanmar and Bangladesh to settle the refugee issue bilaterally rather than bring in third parties to settle the dispute.

However, the resolution was carried with 135 voting for it. Countries which supported the resolution included Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Maldives and Afghanistan.

Bangladesh is bearing the brunt of the Rohingya Muslim refugee problem with 600,000 new entrants since August 25 adding to a backlog 400,000. It is now in the unenviable position of looking after one million Rohingyas.

Pakistan, Maldives and Afghanistan voted for because they are Islamic countries in sympathy with fellow Muslim Rohingyas persecuted Myanmar’s Buddhist majority.

The UN panel called the “Third Committee” goes into human rights issues. The resolution it passed is a draft which will be put before the UN General Assembly in December

The resolution called upon Myanmar to end military operations that had “led to the systematic violation and abuse of human rights” of Rohingya Muslims in the country’s Rakhine state.

It urged Myanmar to grant access to UN fact finding teams and called for full and unhindered humanitarian aid access to Rakhine State.It also asked Myanmar to grant full citizenship rights to the Rohingyas and urged U.N. Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, to appoint a Special Envoy to negotiate with Myanmar.

A move to pass a resolution last year was dropped due to Myanmar’s progress on human rights under its new ruler State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi. But this year, the situation worsened drastically with the Rohingyas being systematically targeted by the military in what the UN described as a “textbook case of ethnic cleansing.”
Rampant Rape
Myanmar has been refusing entry to a U.N. panel that was tasked with investigating allegations of abuses after a smaller military counteroffensive launched in October 2016. The Fact-finding Mission on Myanmar has Marzuki Darusman (Indonesia) as Chairman, and Radhika Coomaraswamy (Sri Lanka) and Christopher Dominic Sidoti (Australia) as members.

But itvisited refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh and came out with stinging observations about rape and murder committed by the Myanmar forces

Meanwhile, Angelina Jolie, Hollywood actor and Special Envoy of the UNHigh Commissioner for Refugees and Co-Founder of “Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative”, strongly criticized sexual violence against Rohingya women and children. Speaking at a UN conclave in Vancouver she said that” rape has a deeper impact on women than bullets.”

Lt Gen Mahfuzur Rahman, Principal Staff Officer, Armed Forces Division of Bangladesh, in a closed meeting on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse sought Jolie’s support to expose the sexual exploitation of Rohingya women and children in Myanmar. Responding to this, Jolie said she is planning to see the Rohingya victims of sexual violence. She applauded Bangladesh’s generous humanitarian approach towards the refugees.

Earlier in the week, Pramila Patten, the U.N. Special Envoy on Sexual Violence in Conflict, said in Dhaka, that sexual violence against the Rohingyas was “commanded, orchestrated and perpetrated by the Armed Forces of Myanmar.”
ASEAN Indifferent
While the UN Committee US was discussing the Rohingya issue in depth in distant US, the ASEAN Summit held at the same time in the South and South East Asian region almost totally ignored the burning issue in its own backyard.

The Summit avoided passing aresolution to call upon Aung San Suu Kyi and her government to in resolving the Rohingya crisis. Few countries spoke about the issue at the summit. The only exceptions were Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

Trudeau and Guterres warned ASEAN members of the consequences of bypassing the Rohingya issue and reiterated that the humanitarian crisis involving the Rohingyas might cause “regional instability and radicalization”.

Most ASEAN member countries did not exert adequate pressure on the Myanmar leader to take back the Rohingyas. They did not come up with any specific proposal for stopping the genocide being committed by the Myanmar military. Sadly, in a noteworthy departure from the past, the Summit totally ignored issues of human rights and civil liberties.
China’s Bid
Meanwhile, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Geng Shuang, told reporters in Beijing, that Foreign Minister Wang Yi would go to Bangladesh and Myanmar this weekend to meet his counterparts and “exchange views on bilateral ties and issues of mutual regional concern.” But Gengdid not say whether Wang would discuss the Rohingya issue.

However, China has been trying to get Myanmar and Bangladesh to sit together and thrash out the Rohingya issue bilaterally.
As a result of the efforts of a Chinese Special Envoy, Sun Guoxiang, the Interior Ministers of Myanmar and Bangladesh had met once in Dhaka and agreed on a 10-point program including the repatriation of refugees from Bangladesh to Myanmar. But Myanmar reneged on the agreement the very next day.

However, it continues to maintainthat it is wedded to bilateral engagement and said that the Bangladesh Foreign Minister would visit Myanmar at the end of November.

On Monday and Tuesday, the Chinese Foreign Minister will participate in the Asia- Europe Meeting (AEM) in the Myanmar capital of Naypyitaw, where Western countries, along with Bangladesh, would certainly raise the Rohingya issue.

It is hoped that China’s resolute opposition to UN and Western intervention will force the West and the UN to counter it by redoubling their efforts to press Naypyitaw to yield on the Rohingya question.
Why Indian govt commented on a communal riot in Bangladesh
Shoaib Daniyal, November 22, 2017

Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina (right) and India’s External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, file photo
On November 10, a Hindu village was attacked in Bangladesh over a rumoured Facebook post, with more than 30 homes destroyed. The Bangladesh police reacted to the attack by opening fire on the mob, shooting dead one attacker. In addition, 53 people were arrested for the violence.
Yet, Bangladeshi authorities aren’t the only ones reacting to the attack. On November 12, the Indian Union minister for external affairs said Bangladesh had assured India that the victims of the attack would be compensated. On November 13, the Indian assistant high commissioner even visited the village that was attacked.

India has long been a close ally of Bangladesh. Yet, this is unprecedented given that the attack occurred on Bangladeshi soil and both the attackers as well as the victims were Bangladeshi citizens. Why then did the Indian government choose to involve itself in an affair that did not concern India?
Blood or soil
An explanation of the Indian government’s concern for Bangladeshi citizens might lie in how the conception of Indian citizenship is itself changing. Broadly, there are two sorts of citizenship active in the world. Jus soli – literally, the right of the soil – awards a country’s citizenship to anyone born within its borders.

The United States is the most famous example of such a country and its laws have even given rise to “birth tourism”, with heavily pregnant Chinese women visiting the US in the hope that they would give birth in the country and their child would be eligible for American citizenship.

The other sort of citizenship is jus sanguinis – literally, right of blood – which places emphasis on the identity of the parents. Jus sanguinis citizenship requires either the parents to be citizens or for the child to belong to a certain ethnic group. Till 1999, for example, Germany relied purely on jus sanguinis to award citizenship. So a person of German ethnicity born outside Germany would still be eligible for citizenship.

India has seen a move from jus soli to jus sanguinis. Formerly, it meant that anyone born within the borders of British India would automatically be Indian. Yet, with the rise of Hindutva and a shift towards Hindu nationalism, jus sanguinis gained favour.
Changing norms
Till 1986, India recognised jus soli citizenship. Anyone born in India was Indian. Since 1986, however, as per new laws framed by Parliament, jus soli would not only apply to children born in India. After 1986, a new principle would apply: jus sanguinis, right of blood. One needed to have Indian parents to be Indian. Simply being born within the borders of India would not do.

The year 2003 saw this principle strengthened: an amendment in the Citizenship Act created the concept of an “overseas citizen”. From now on, a person born in India might not qualify to be an Indian citizen, but a person who was born outside, might. It all depended on whom you were descended from, not where you were born.

In September 2015, the principle of jus sanguinis was strengthened even further. In September 2015, the Modi government made asylum in India contingent on religion. Unless the asylum seekers happened to be Muslim he or she would effectively be allowed shelter in India even if they had entered the country illegally.
Hindu homeland
The shift towards jus sanguinis does not arise from a vacuum. This is the legal outcome around the politics that seeks to paint India as a country of Hindus underpinned by Hindu nationalism or Hindutva. The clearest example of this politics is the fact that Narendra Modi, after assuming office as prime minister, went on a tour where he specifically reached out to the Indian diaspora. This was a remarkable sight given that the Indian prime minister was taking time out to create a media spectacle addressing crowds of foreign citizens, who, however, happened to be mostly Hindu by faith.

This is, of course, exactly the same phenomenon driving the Modi government’s unprecedented step of sending an official to check on violence within Bangladesh (even while the Indian government would, for instance, bristle at the United States commenting on communal violence within India).

Since the victims in the Friday attack were Hindu, there were, by the standards of Hindutva, de facto Indians. This was a significant escalation in the evolution of the principle of jus sanguinis and of India’s increasing identification with a nationalism based not on land but on Hindu identity.

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