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Why Modi wants Goa CM Manohar Parrikar as his Defence Minister

Yet you and your kind cant still provide any links and evidence to prove your claims? Must be the standard practice of avoiding the truth when confronted with facts right? HAHA:wave:

..... still asking for "proof" :lol: ...... you want proof of the pudding so you can eat it ? :P

You are yet to tell us all what my "claims" are. I ask you for the 5th time, quote me.
Are you granting "rights" to people to talk about "kerala" and "Christianity" ? :lol: ....what is the proof you are a native kerala malayali ? ..... you could very well be a pakistani :coffee:

You can be whatever you want but one thing for certain is that you have no facts, links or a shred of evidence to back anything you have stated.
Listen you Liberated Dalit!!!!! I am still non-liberated!!!!

So I have nothing to prove anything!!!

It's the liberated Dalit who have to prove that he is now liberated !!!!!

Go and prove it!!!!

Listen dimwit. YOU cant comprehend and read all your posts? Did I ask you to prove you are a dalit? No

I asked you about Ambedkar converting back to hinduism which you stated LOL:whistle:
No toilet cleaner. I got tired of my life and converted. Life has been great ever since.
WOW !!! A christian calling a dalit "Toilet Cleaner" ...... and a few pages back you were lecturing us on how hinduism is intolerant.
What a U Turn !!!!!
Go through the last few pages ..... only you are abusing dalits ... no one else.
..... still asking for "proof" :lol: ...... you want proof of the pudding so you can eat it ? :P

You are yet to tell us all what my "claims" are. I ask you for the 5th time, quote me.

I already told you go thru all your posts on this thread. For every claim you made, i want links and evidence to back up your claims? Is that hard to understand :azn::disagree:

I have asked you for proof and evidence everytime you posted any claim....but you dont provide anything. Its togt toback up BS right?
WOW !!! A christian calling a dalit "Toilet Cleaner" ...... and a few pages back you were lecturing us on how hinduism is intolerant.
What a U Turn !!!!!
Go through the last few pages ..... only you are abusing dalits ... no one else.

And nobody is abusing Christians. Go back further to read....or put some glasses. ....looks like you got selective vision
WOW !!! A christian calling a dalit "Toilet Cleaner" ...... and a few pages back you were lecturing us on how hinduism is intolerant.
What a U Turn !!!!!
Go through the last few pages ..... only you are abusing dalits ... no one else.

Oh I see a new troll...who is this Indirani? Saarhamanuna?
I already told you go thru all your posts on this thread. For every claim you made, i want links and evidence to back up your claims? Is that hard to understand :azn::disagree:
I have asked you for proof and evidence everytime you posted any claim....but you dont provide anything. Its togt toback up BS right?

I ask for the 6th time show me what "claim" I have made, quote me :coffee: .....how many more time do you want to be humiliated ?
Its funny how all the new members to PDF who joined in the past 3 months are the only ones engaging in Shiv Sena BS, dividing us up, putting down minorities, etc. Smells like a Pakistani operation LOL....no wonder this hasn't been shut down yet!
I am Free to talk (only dogs like you bark) about ANYTHING I want. ........ This is not a Christian country where you can tell Hindus what to say and what not to say. :tdown:

You are the one dragging in kerala in ALL your topic since like a kupamanduk (forg in the well) that is all you know. :lol: ..... ... and and abusing Shiv Sena seems to be your modus operandi. Brainless troll.
This @abjktu who $hits on SS and Marathi culture does not remember how Kerala muslims executed Kerala culture in style during the 1921 Malabar rebellion :rofl:
Let me quote the ruler of Malarbar .... The source is in the wiki:
"That the conference views with indignation and sorrow the attempts made at various quarters by interested parties to ignore or minimise the crimes committed by the rebels such as: brutally dishonouring women, flaying people alive, wholesale slaughter of men, women and children, burning alive entire families, forcibly converting people in thousands and slaying those who refused to get converted, throwing half dead people into wells and leaving the victims to struggle for escape till finally released from their suffering by death, burning a great many and looting practically all Hindu and Christian houses in the disturbed areas in which even Moplah women and children took part and robbed women of even the garments on their bodies, in short reducing the whole non-Muslim population to abject destitution, cruelly insulting the religious sentiments of the Hindus by desecrating and destroying numerous temples in the disturbed areas, killing cows within the temple precincts putting their entrails on the holy image and hanging skulls on the walls and the roofs."

Bet $hit like this won't happen in Maharashtra .
I ask for the 6th time show me what "claim" I have made, quote me :coffee: .....how many more time do you want to be humiliated ?

I already did quote. Go back and read, you conveniently ignored it. I just told you what to provide links and evidence for all your claims?

I cant be humilated if you cant provide us with proof and evidence for your claims.
This @abjktu who $hits on SS and Marathi culture does not remember how Kerala muslims executed Kerala culture in style during the 1921 Malabar rebellion :rofl:
Let me quote the ruler of Malarbar .... The source is in the wiki:

Bet $hit like this won't happen in Maharashtra .

LOL so one incident in Kerala in the span of 5000 YRS!!!!

Plz tell us how many times, muslims enslaved your region hahahahah
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