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Why Israel and Pakistan can never be allies

[:::~Spartacus~:::];3048253 said:
why its a loss of pakistan??

Pakistan has much more to gain from contacts with Israel.

Awww go on commit suicide

Pretty please

Sorry, not today and not tomorrow, so do not hold your breath.

The Jewish people dealt with villains like you for centuries, from Pharaoh to Hitler and always prevailed. I can assure you Israel will carry on.
I am sure most of the Indians understand Israeli's pain.. After all, we are fighting the same problem..

It started with this - they occupied others land, killed the rightful owners and when owners gained strength and regained some of the lost territories, they are now crying rivers, started blowing themselves off.. Sick!!
You do not make friends with Pakistan by helping Indians in Kargil

We make friends with whom we can. Israel does not owe anything to Pakistan which even refuse to recognise it!
Article by Zab


What a crock of shite !!!

If non recognition of Isreal is based on the premise of what Zionis's are doing to Palestinians ( both Muslim and Christian ) than I would ask what is India doing in Kashmir? Playing nursery games?

The Indian occupation of Kashmir is more brutal, involving more terror, with more victims, with rape being used as systematic instrument of oppression that overshadows whatever the Isreali's are doing.

The tragic fact is that India has more than 500,000 million men in Kashmir, that is more than all of the Isreali army put togather. Because of the Arab oil factor, because of Isreal's connections to Europe Western media give the Isreal-Palestine issue far more coverage.

I see regular CNN, BBC etc reports from Occupied Palestine but how many foreign media organizations have any presence in Kashmir? Kashmir is like a media blindspot and the Kashmir cause is a international orphan. The only people who show any interest in Kashmir are some Pakistani's.

100 Kashmiri women get raped or killed and not a word on international media, 1 Palestinian women gets shot it is news. This is the ugly reality I see. Mass graves were found in Kashmir. Had that been Palestine it would been world news with even UN discussing it.

Palestine even attracts European's to it's cause, that even includes British Members of Parliament like George Golloway. Isreal-Palestine issue gets regular world media attention where Isreal does face some intrusive questions ;-

Rachel Corrie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tom Hurndall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

International Solidarity Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gaza aid convoy led by George Galloway declares hunger strike - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

BBC News - Deaths as Israeli forces storm Gaza aid ship

In Kashmir the 500,000 Indian jackboots are free to do what they want to behind a iron curtain where nobody ever goes. It is a hidden, muffled, hidden from the glare of media attention . A agony of a entire people that the world has conveniently forgotten. I am sure you have heard of mass graves found in Kashmir but how much coverage did it get on the international media?.

Yet, yet nobody say's let us not recognize India because of what it is doing in Kashmir. Exactly how are you supposed to put pressure on Isreal when you don't even recognize them? If you don't recognize them do not be surprised that they are so pro India. What do you expect?

All this tears for Palestine ( when you ignore what is happening few score miles beyond the LOC is simply the Pakistan urge to worship the Arabs. It's simple case of doing more than even Arab's motivated by some sick wannabe Arab urge.

I have met some here in UK, without fail they don't give a damn about Kashmir, in fact almost all are pro India. So they can go to hell. Charity begins at home !!!

And to any Iseali's who read this 'Shalom'. Take my hand as a peace offering. I have met some Isreali's who were very nice people although one British Jew was a right SOB.
may be we should look east, stay out of Arab mess, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and China more importantly.

they are less biased and we have good image, the west influence are less. Focus on economic, etc will bring Pakistan a better future.
Ben Gurion quote on Pakistan again


There are many reasons why you could claim being allies with ISrael is not good. Using a fabricated quote by Ben Gurion is not one of them
Its reality, you don't think 2 billion Muslims will eventually gain power and deal with israel

ROFLMAO do you actually think Muslims will destroy Israeli? Have you forgotten how many times Israeli has bent the Arabs over a barrel and done really bad things to them? Or have you forgotten the 6 Day War? Where all the Arab nations combined couldn't even last a week against a small nation like Israeli, geez you guys make the world laugh with your bullshit.
ROFLMAO do you actually think Muslims will destroy Israeli? Have you forgotten how many times Israeli has bent the Arabs over a barrel and done really bad things to them? Or have you forgotten the 6 Day War? Where all the Arab nations combined couldn't even last a week against a small nation like Israeli, geez you guys make the world laugh with your bullshit.

What arabs has to do with Pakistan?
Pakistanis are willing to destroy their country for Arab causes.

Is it any wonder why Pakistanis have no respect in the Arab World because they are seen as pretty much the servants of Arabs and will do as they please instead of pursuing an independent foreign policy which is to their advantage and interests.


its done for money you foolish idiot. Pakistan is poor and broke 3rd world country. you live in canada yet your brain is still the size of a peanut.
Guess, Israel would never want to be an ally of a country like Pak....the word ally talks many things...may be a trade partner or friendly country would ve made some sense....and why Pak is so desperate to get close to Israel????

Do u have some blood relations with israelis or are you the spokesman of israel?...... give it a rest son ur an indian.
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