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Why Israel and Pakistan can never be allies

They are illegal occupiers they have caused the palestinians pain and oppression

And they know it

A little baby knows it???

Killing Muslims is wrong but Killing Jews is blessed. This is how low anti-Semitism degraded you and your moral standards.
Why my civilians are not innocent? Why you support the butchering of unarmed women and children?

Your civilians are merely squatter at best. You know the real reason that Israel and America are scared of Iran getting the nuke?? -not cos Iran will use them but just the effect on people with European and American passports in Israel who will leave.
on which basis you are talking?

and if your logic holds, will you also campaign for native Americans (all the tribes) to return to their rightful home and assume administrative charge?
Many explanations, depends on what you believe.

I wouldn't support an enemy of my ally, just as i couldn't care less that the Kashmiri terrorists want their own country. The Native Americans don't seem to mind living in the strongest country of the world.
It is common for Israelis when faced with rational to try to detract from the issue and focus on personality as if that will weaken the argument.

I dismiss any possible alliance between Pakistan and Israel as Zionism and Hindutva two racist philosophies are nothing but an impediment to peace


What rationale? That the US will fall? That Israel exist because of donations? This is just fairy tales you tell yourself before bed, nothing to do with reality.
Israel is a travesty, it should never be tolerated or accepted by any muslim, immense effort should be made to ensure that the 1.6 billion muslims of the world contunue to hate this entity and those that have any links to israel are convinced otherwise

Weak civilisations collapse under pressure eg the mayans and aztecs powerfull civilisatiins dont collapse they have low and high points

Western civilisation went though a millenia of the dark ages once the romans collapsed

The worlds 1.6 billion muslims will eventually turn into 2 billion muslims, the muslim world will rise again, its not a question of if its a question of when

The current chos is a symptom of change **** this change is vital

We are weak but look how much trouble we can cause our enimies when we will be powerfull we will leave them spinning in there graves

And the israelis are top.of the list

NO peace should ever be made with israel, just keep the muslims increasing in the holy land until the time is right

Dont talk rubbish we are muslims, they are oppresing muslims
And all worthy of the title muslim should dispise jews for it

Looks like Zaid Hamid has made an account on PDF after all :D
Your civilians are merely squatter at best. You know the real reason that Israel and America are scared of Iran getting the nuke?? -not cos Iran will use them but just the effect on people with European and American passports in Israel who will leave.

Again, fair tales and wishful thinking. Nothing with reality.

By all standards the Israeli public showed high resilience in confronting the constant terror war against Israel and the Jewish community for the last 100 years.
Ask yourself after the holocaust that killed millions.of your number how possibly could you have created so much hatred in people who largely felt poitive/indifferent to jews

You have got ti change your oppressiin of the palestinins must end, east jerusalem must be given up

If you dont free palestine the immense hatred you are creating will burn you up
What rationale? That the US will fall? That Israel exist because of donations? This is just fairy tales you tell yourself before bed, nothing to do with reality.

The US is not going to fail. Merely other countries are rising such as China.

That is the natural order of things. China was devastated in World War II and then in its civil war. It took 40-50 years to recover, re-organize and now emerge back.

As for Israel, its people are smart, innovative, creative and thus it can exist without the United States. Simply because all the major world powers are allies and have relations with Israel.

USA, EU, Russia, China, India, Brazil, etc.
Ask yourself after the holocaust that killed millions.of your number how possibly could you have created so much hatred in people who largely felt poitive/indifferent to jews

You have got ti change your oppressiin of the palestinins must end, east jerusalem must be given up

If you dont free palestine the immense hatred you are creating will burn you up

You even lie to your self on a regular basis, so you cannot differentiate between lies and the truth any more.

You explicitly said that Israel has no right to exist and that Israeli babies should be butchered only for their nationality. Now you think I will believe that if Israel will have an agreement with the Palestinians you will change your opinion? You think you can fool everybody?
Why my civilians are not innocent? Why you support the butchering of unarmed women and children?

Israelis who don’t want to share Palestine as equal citizens with the indigenous Palestinian population – the ones who don’t want to relinquish that which they demanded Palestinians relinquish 64 years ago - can take their second passports and go back home. Those remaining had better find a positive attitude – Palestinians have shown themselves to be a forgiving lot. The amount of carnage they have experienced at the hands of their oppressors – without proportional response – shows remarkable restraint and faith.

That is why Pakistan will never ally with your "civilians". They are simply unjust squatters
Israelis who don’t want to share Palestine as equal citizens with the indigenous Palestinian population – the ones who don’t want to relinquish that which they demanded Palestinians relinquish 64 years ago - can take their second passports and go back home. Those remaining had better find a positive attitude – Palestinians have shown themselves to be a forgiving lot. The amount of carnage they have experienced at the hands of their oppressors – without proportional response – shows remarkable restraint and faith.

That is why Pakistan will never ally with your "civilians". They are simply unjust squatters

I really could not care less if Pakistan ally with Israel or not.

On behalf of the state of Israel I thank you for your "generous" offer to commit suicide, but on second thought we will pass it. Israel is here to stay and to prosper for many years to come.
Hey I admit if the time was right I would be applying for the role of oven switch flicker, you are well passed the point if getting any positive from me

But your only chance of convincing a new generation of muslim youth not to hate jews is to correct yiur mistakes and FREE PALESTINE
I really could not care less if Pakistan ally with Israel or not.

On behalf of the state of Israel I thank you for your "generous" offer to commit suicide, but on second thought we will pass it. Israel is here to stay and to prosper for many years to come.

come on mate you know Israel has no right to exist. How can Pakistan ally with a state that will in due course disappear. You know it.
come on mate you know Israel has no right to exist. How can Pakistan ally with a state that will in due course disappear. You know it.

I think you know that Israel has more chances to survive than Pakistan so you keep persuading yourself the opposite in order to forget the deep mud Pakistan declined.

Hey I admit if the time was right I would be applying for the role of oven switch flicker, you are well passed the point if getting any positive from me

But your only chance of convincing a new generation of muslim youth not to hate jews is to correct yiur mistakes and FREE PALESTINE

You do not want a free Palestine but a dead Israel and Israelis. Sorry I am not ready yet to oblige to your kind request and commit suicide.

And a bunch of brain washed Muslim hooligans will hardly influence my opinion.
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