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Why Israel and Pakistan can never be allies

You do not agree that Palestinians terror organisations and other gangs such Hizbuallah have high motivation to attack Israel?

No one would blame a woman for scratching a rapist in defense. No one would call the rapist a victim. Here Israel is the rapist and can not possibly be regarded as a victim

Pakistan can not and will not side with the rapist
All methods should be used to harm israel and its supporters

We have numbers and time on our side, we will crack the jews eventually

That is what Nazer thought, and the Mufti Al-Hussaini, and Arafat, and Sadam, and Humeini.

Where are they and where is Israel.
so you admit that the settlers are not indigenous to the lands right
The land belonged to the Jews, was taken from the Jews, was liberated again by the Jews. No matter how you spin it, it never belonged to anyone but the Jews. Whether they come from Iranian descent, Russian descent or French descent, it will forever belong to them.
No one would blame a woman for scratching a rapist in defense. No one would call the rapist a victim. Here Israel is the rapist and can not possibly be regarded as a victim

Of course Israel can be considered as the victim and the Arabs as the rapists (which were too incompetent and failed...).
Obnoxious attitude is the one thing that makes one hated. I have told this to many Israelis I've met, showing attitude to people of other nationalities is not fostering an environment conducive to peace and friendship
I see no reason to befriend the likes of you, not because you are Pakistani but because i couldn't stand the sight of you. As i could not stand the sight of anyone who would make holocaust jokes.
The land belonged to the Jews, was taken from the Jews, was liberated again by the Jews. No matter how you spin it, it never belonged to anyone but the Jews. Whether they come from Iranian descent, Russian descent or French descent, it will forever belong to them.

on which basis you are talking?

and if your logic holds, will you also campaign for native Americans (all the tribes) to return to their rightful home and assume administrative charge?
It may take some Muslims to accept reality 1000 years but eventually you all will be force to accept the fact that Israel is here to stay and all your fantasies about its elimination are just nonsense. The sooner you get use to Israel's existence the better for you - you will save yourself a lot of unnecessary pains.

who says you will have to wait a thousand years?? When Jerusalem was last occupied I am sure the occupiers were as confident as the Israelis are today after 70 years.

In the last 20 years without American guarantees and grants of aid Israel would have defaulted twice. With American economy going down the tubes it will eventually leave Israel in no better position than say Jordan a poor small country with limited resources
which organizations? Islamic Jihad? they are outcasts now...even HAMAS and them are having their differences.

i am not saying that katyushas are not being launched time to time and landing in empty fields...sometimes they do hit ''soft'' targets and i would condemn that

because if i didnt condemn that, i'd be a hypocrite. But israel's response is always disproportional and it isnt only via military means. You control their gas, their water supplies, everything.

is this fair?

Actually it is fair because we are at a military conflict with a terror entity which refuse even to recognise Israel and has no problem to murder innocent civilians. Dealing with such terror entity is only by disproportional response because killing our civilians will never be tolerated.

No sovereign country will allow terror group to launch rocket on its civilian cities "from time to time".
who says you will have to wait a thousand years?? When Jerusalem was last occupied I am sure the occupiers were as confident as the Israelis are today after 70 years.

In the last 20 years without American guarantees and grants of aid Israel would have defaulted twice. With American economy going down the tubes it will eventually leave Israel in no better position than say Jordan a poor small country with limited resources

Again, fantasies. Keep dreaming, reality is much darker for you to face.
who says you will have to wait a thousand years?? When Jerusalem was last occupied I am sure the occupiers were as confident as the Israelis are today after 70 years.

In the last 20 years without American guarantees and grants of aid Israel would have defaulted twice. With American economy going down the tubes it will eventually leave Israel in no better position than say Jordan a poor small country with limited resources

Again, fantasies. Keep dreaming, reality is much darker for you to face.
The land belonged to the Jews, was taken from the Jews, was liberated again by the Jews. No matter how you spin it, it never belonged to anyone but the Jews. Whether they come from Iranian descent, Russian descent or French descent, it will forever belong to them.

God was and is not in the estate agency business according to the books I have read. He simply does not deal in real estate

How can Pakistan ever side with the injustice that is Israel today? Jews Muslims and Christians lived peacefully before the arrival of Zionists and will do so again in due course
Neither is your country soverighn nor your civilians innocent
They are illegal occupiers they have caused the palestinians pain and oppression

And they know it
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