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Why Israel and Pakistan can never be allies

True but if you remember, they closed all that down in 2006.

Nevertheless the people voted for them although they knew they are against any compromise with Israel and in favour of terrorism against innocent Israeli civilians. Add the two elements together and you get the current situation.

That makes more sense

In the Palestinian Authority the Muslim majority is more than 90%, as far as I know.
Nevertheless the people voted for them although they knew they are against any compromise with Israel and in favour of terrorism against innocent Israeli civilians. Add the two elements together and you get the current situation.
That is true.
I would also like to add that I have long ceased seeing this as a religious war. Frankly, now it's just terrorism. What was a justified movement has been completely derailed and destroyed such that no sane person would support Palestinian fighters
If course its a religious war, when your land and homes are taken from you

You fight, there wont be peace until.there is justice anf there cant be justice until israel is dismantled and nin middle eastern jews expelled
That is true.
I would also like to add that I have long ceased seeing this as a religious war. Frankly, now it's just terrorism. What was a justified movement has been completely derailed and destroyed such that no sane person would support Palestinian fighters

May I quote you? :)

Finally some sanity in PDF.

As for myself, I strongly support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state side by side with Israel as long as it will denounce terrorism. I can assure you that the overwhelming majority of Israelis think the same.
If course its a religious war, when your land and homes are taken from you

You fight, there wont be peace until.there is justice anf there cant be justice until israel is dismantled and nin middle eastern jews expelled
How does one differentiate between them, a DNA test?
And it is not religious, it was never a war between Islam and Judaism. If it were, hundreds of Jews would not be living peacefully in Iran. It was always a territorial war

May I quote you? :)

Finally some sanity in PDF.

As for myself, I strongly support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state side by side with Israel as long as it will denounce terrorism. I can assure you that the overwhelming majority of Israelis think the same.
Thank you for the compliment and I know that what you say is true, I have many Palestinian and Israeli friends. Truly, the common people desire this but the extremists on both sides are a thorn in that path. And I mean both sides, while Hamas is obviously guilty, the call of some Rabbis for genocide, though not generally approved, is just wrong
How does one differentiate between them, a DNA test?
And it is not religious, it was never a war between Islam and Judaism. If it were, hundreds of Jews would not be living peacefully in Iran. It was always a territorial war

It is not about religion nor territory, it is about contradict narratives.

Thank you for the compliment and I know that what you say is true, I have many Palestinian and Israeli friends. Truly, the common people desire this but the extremists on both sides are a thorn in that path. And I mean both sides, while Hamas is obviously guilty, the call of some Rabbis for genocide, though not generally approved, is just wrong

Unfortunately in every society you have extreme radical minorities. These rabbis were condemn from wall to wall in Israel, including by the Jewish religious establishment.

We dealt with them in the past and we know how to deal with in the future, they will not block the opportunity for a peaceful settlement, if one created.
jews started it we gone finish it :D mean point =))) jews attacked iraq jews tried to attack our nuclear instillations so now it will be our turn and 1 more thing dont say ISrel cz their isnt such state =))) :D if our Founder didnt acceptd it so i also dont accept it :D know u can do wht u wana do and why indians are alwys jumping into no realted topics its Jews AND PAKISTAN now india and pakistan so plz mind with ur own business
jews started it we gone finish it :D mean point =))) jews attacked iraq jews tried to attack our nuclear instillations so now it will be our turn and 1 more thing dont say ISrel cz their isnt such state =))) :D if our Founder didnt acceptd it so i also dont accept it :D know u can do wht u wana do and why indians are alwys jumping into no realted topics its Jews AND PAKISTAN now india and pakistan so plz mind with ur own business

Israel did well without Pakistani recognition for more than 60 years, it can carry on without Pakistan's recognition for another 600 years.

Israel hardly needs Pakistan to be sure it has the legitimacy to exist which in fact is no less than Pakistan's own legitimacy to exist.
Pakistanis are willing to destroy their country for Arab causes.

Is it any wonder why Pakistanis have no respect in the Arab World because they are seen as pretty much the servants of Arabs and will do as they please instead of pursuing an independent foreign policy which is to their advantage and interests.


I for one do not support the Palestinians because of Arabs or because Palestinians are Muslims as am I. We should support the victims of injustice simple as that. It should make no difference to us that Palestinians are Muslim or Arabs even if they were Hindus Jews or whatever we should support them
The reason for the low level of terrorism, which always remain, is not the lack of motivation by the Palestinians but the good work of Israel's security forces in destroying their evil plans.

how sure are you about that? im afraid i disagree
Look the fact that it is a territorial war dosent change the fact that it is also religiously justified to fight

As a muslim are you allowed to fight if your land us stolen from you

It is a muslim issue, as a muslim not only are you allowed ti fight for your land you can atleast support frim all muslims
how sure are you about that? im afraid i disagree

You do not agree that Palestinians terror organisations and other gangs such Hizbuallah have high motivation to attack Israel?

Look the fact that it is a territorial war dosent change the fact that it is also religiously justified to fight

As a muslim are you allowed to fight if your land us stolen from you

It is a muslim issue, as a muslim not only are you allowed ti fight for your land you can atleast support frim all muslims

It may take some Muslims to accept reality 1000 years but eventually you all will be force to accept the fact that Israel is here to stay and all your fantasies about its elimination are just nonsense. The sooner you get use to Israel's existence the better for you - you will save yourself a lot of unnecessary pains.
All methods should be used to harm israel and its supporters

We have numbers and time on our side, we will crack the jews eventually
You do not agree that Palestinians terror organisations and other gangs such Hizbuallah have high motivation to attack Israel?

which organizations? Islamic Jihad? they are outcasts now...even HAMAS and them are having their differences.

i am not saying that katyushas are not being launched time to time and landing in empty fields...sometimes they do hit ''soft'' targets and i would condemn that

because if i didnt condemn that, i'd be a hypocrite. But israel's response is always disproportional and it isnt only via military means. You control their gas, their water supplies, everything.

is this fair?
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