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Why Israel and Pakistan can never be allies

Its natural look at history all.civilisations have low and high points sometimes lasting for centuries

Current muslim weakness is approx 250 years and already change is occuring, the muslim population has expanded during this time enourmously

Western civ went though weakness/dark ages for a millenium

With so many muslims, si much land mass, si much resources whether you like it or not its ONLY A MATTER IF TIME

Well, I can wait a thousand year and then see what is going on.

The Muslim countries, and particularly the Arab ones, are in their lowest period ever and it does not seem to get any better soon. But it is always more pleasant to have fantasies instead of looking into the cold reality and take hard decisions. After all, this behaviour made the Muslim civilisation what it is today.
All muslim issues should be supported whether its in burma, or palestine one dosent count the other out

Current muslim populatiin of israel is 1.6million

We are already in the so called home if the jews in massive numbers

Its just reality that with such a MASSIVE amount of muslims across the world, when the muslim world become strong it will mean immense pain for jews

Isnt that just a logical statement rather then bogus anti semitism

Another 1.6 million in gaza & between 2.5 & 3.5 million in the west bank with a faster birth rate

The Arab-Israelis? The thing is, they won't allow the situation to reach to a point where Arabs outnumber Jews. They'll take the measures such that it always remains a predominantly Jewish state. Don't know if it's a sufficient one.

Not all Jews are Zionists, mate. And not all Zionists are Jewish :P

We'll see...
@ Aryan

Hitler/Nazi holocaust and massacre of millions of Jews was the worst thing that could have happened because had it not happened, there would be no Palestine issue.....
Well, I can wait a thousand year and then see what is going on.

The Muslim countries, and particularly the Arab ones, are in their lowest period ever and it does not seem to get any better soon. But it is always more pleasant to have fantasies instead of looking into the cold reality and take hard decisions. After all, this behaviour made the Muslim civilisation what it is today.

What 'lowest period' are you talking about? In terms of their economy and advancement?
So what you are actually saying is that Israel should finish the job from 1948 and deport all the Palestinians from its territory, otherwise these population which 1.6 millions of them are Israeli citizens will be used against Israel to destroy it.

Thank you for the advice, I will forward it.

YES you have no other way

Essentially there will too many muslims in your tiny
Country they will grow and destroy you from within
Because they hate you just like me

So hiw do you move milliins without becoming jew nazis
And kicing iff the entire musl world which will eventually
Become stronger
What 'lowest period' are you talking about?

Just listen to the constant news from the Middle East and read research about the Arab countries made by Arab scholars - Middle East countries in the lowest stage of human development (only sub-Sahara Africa is lower in the scale).
@ Aryan

Hitler/Nazi holocaust and massacre of millions of Jews was the worst thing that could have happened because had it not happened, there would be no Palestine issue.....
Sure it would, the Zionist movement started before the holocaust. You ought to say "If Europe never existed"...
Pakistanis are willing to destroy their country for Arab causes.

Is it any wonder why Pakistanis have no respect in the Arab World because they are seen as pretty much the servants of Arabs and will do as they please instead of pursuing an independent foreign policy which is to their advantage and interests.

Just what I think, why should we care for Arabs? Establish diplomatic relations, get benefits and screw the Arabs. They ALL have relations with Israel
I am 100% sure majority of world Muslims have never heards of Rohingyas before even though Palestinians have much higher standard of living than these unlucky Rohingyas. Support for Palestine is just a political tool and its oil and oil for which countries support Arabs.
YES you have no other way

Essentially there will too many muslims in your tiny
Country they will grow and destroy you from within
Because they hate you just like me

So hiw do you move milliins without becoming jew nazis
And kicing iff the entire musl world which will eventually
Become stronger

You confirm what I understand, good. I see it does not matter to you that Muslim under Israel's control have better life and more rights than in most Muslim countries and in all Arab countries. It makes no difference what Israel's policy is and what the facts are.

Nice talking to you.
Abu the muslims dont need to be a majority

They are currently 20% of israel I reckon the tipping point is between 25% & 30% cimbined with the useless haredi that will be enough

The arabs have PASSED the low point, it may not seem like it but the entire muslim world has
Sure it would, the Zionist movement started before the holocaust. You ought to say "If Europe never existed"...
Exactly, it had been planned long before the Holohoax!

You confirm what I understand, good. I see it does not matter to you that Muslim under Israel's control have better life and more rights than in most Muslim countries and in all Arab countries. It makes no difference what Israel's policy is and what the facts are.

Nice talking to you.
Mind if I link you to a Palestinian who has to undergo separate search because she is one? And how their land is routinely searched for no reason? And how the searches seize anything valuable for no reason? And how they stole their land for no reason?
Exactly, it had been planned long before the Holohoax!

Mind if I link you to a Palestinian who has to undergo separate search because she is one? And how their land is routinely searched for no reason? And how the searches seize anything valuable for no reason? And how they stole their land for no reason?
You only demean yourself.
Just listen to the constant news from the Middle East and read research about the Arab countries made by Arab scholars - Middle East countries in the lowest stage of human development (only sub-Sahara Africa is lower in the scale).

I don't understand....

Human development as in HDI? Countries like the UAE, Bahrain and Qatar have very high HDIs. But still lower than Israel. And actually, the Arabs are developing.
Pakistan is not the enemy of Israel nor a friend.
We should not support to Palestinians and Arab country against Israeli..
These some Arab countries doesn't care about Pakistan. They will never walk on road for our 24 soldiers which were killed by american chopper.
Also we should keep relation with all countries including Israel.
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