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Why is China trying to bully its neighbors?

You mean that cheap missile defense system? It is just a copy of Russian model. Another paper tiger. Do you honestly think Turkey is going to buy that cheap crap? Erdogan is just using you as leverage to push down the price of the competitors. NATO won't allow Chinese hardware to connect to NATO systems. Before you know it you steal NATO tech too.

I do understand NATO and US though. Look at this:

I would act exactly the same as NATO and US if I were in their shoes.
You try to say that Turkey goverment is idiot cause they are not as smart as you. leave it
Except a lil border dispute and camping :p i find China a peaceful country
Except a lil border dispute and camping :p i find China a peaceful country

Yes china is a peaceful country, it supplied Nuclear weapons to Pakistan which changed the S.Asia for ever, It also tries to use ISI channels to hurt India ..... very peaceful right???

China also gives threats to India of breaking into small pieces ..... this is very very peaceful statement right!!!!!
Does anyone believe a Islamic country will have a brilliant future in NATO? Even Allah don't believe it.
That all started with Chinese expansionism into the Spratlys (which China had no history of claiming up until now). Be honest with yourself, you Chinese would've done the same thing with Turks or another country that China is at odds with for that matter. Pulling out the "I did it cuz others did it too" card doesn't count for a moral excuse. :disagree:

China always has the history to claim Spratly, you should really do more research.

What Turks.

Silly, this is not an excuse, this is what he asks for. Just like a criminal commits murder so the law has to put him to death. Also why do you have to make this "individual case" to "overall issue". I am talking about an individual, not a group. If a person doesn't respect other people's life, then why should we spend our sympathy.
China don't use Al Qaeda beheading democrats to invade countries unlike JEW USA
Does anyone believe a Islamic country will have a brilliant future in NATO? Even Allah don't believe it.

Technically, no Islamic country is or can be part of NATO. Geographic limitation!

Practically, as long as they tow the right line, they can have a brilliant future...
I don't see that pesky little guy since the typhoon hit Philippines. Does he live in the path of the storm.

Nice one imp but am still here

That Zero_Wing once laughed at a picture about HK tourists get killed by local(s) in the Ph. Since he is so happy to see people's life is taken, I think it is okay for us to laugh at his dead body as well.

Really since when? and as for being insensitive? how about calling us drug dealers and importers and maid especially that imp? nice try being a victim imp

That all started with Chinese expansionism into the Spratlys (which China had no history of claiming up until now). Be honest with yourself, you Chinese would've done the same thing with Turks or another country that China is at odds with for that matter. Pulling out the "I did it cuz others did it too" card doesn't count for a moral excuse. :disagree:

That's a very old one. C'mon, give me one that you thought of! Firstly, you need to start off with "you dirty Korean" then you go from there.

Don't let the d bags bother that much they just can't accept they are like imperial Japan in world war 2 trying to take over because they think they can and bullying smaller countries makes them feel like men but obviously they are trying to compensate for something else :dance3:
That's a very old one. C'mon, give me one that you thought of! Firstly, you need to start off with "you dirty Korean" then you go from there.
I thought being an American slave would be insulting enough, no need to put you down further.
We will do what we got to do, got a problem with that?

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