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Why is Brazil ranked above Pakistan?

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You have some valid points but don't forget enemy assets at the same time will also be in the air searching for your UAVs.

not only UCAVs

but also , Turkish Airforce Fighter Jets and AEWCs also will be in action

and Turkey bought S400 Air Defense System to turn enemy Fighter Jets into crap of metal

also 250km ATMACA land based anti-ship missiles and Radar Electronic Warfare Systems KORAL and REDET

so Greek,Egyptian,French Frigates and Fighter Jets can not enter Turkish EEZ to fight Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean

btw if Turkey send 50 KARGI anti radiation Drones for swarm attack to hit Radar Systems on FREMM Frigate , then what enemies can do ?

KARGI anti radiation Drone has range of 1.000+ km and Turkey can produce hundreds of them

They won't just let those UAVs to roam around freely and make a target practice of their warships.... Not only searching for your UAVs but these navies will at the same time be on the mission of hunting down Turkish Navy warships.... It's not as easy as you think that UAVs with long range missiles will come and opponents will keep watching....

16 Turkish Frigates armed with 672 SAMs ( SM-1MR , ESSM and Seasparrow ) ESSM can intercept even supersonic anti-ship missiles including BRAHMOS

even Greek+Egyptian+French Navies combined have no total of 672 SAMs

for example Egyptian FREMM Frigate armed with 16x ASTER-15 SAMs with range of 30 km

10 AKINCI UCAVs can carry 60 KUZGUN joint strike ammunitions for swarm attack on FREMM Frigate

and game over !
Only those Pakistanis will compare Pakistan to Brazil who haven't been to Brazil. Its like a European country for the most parts , with pockets of poverty.
Pakistan army's performance in the last 2 conflicts in kargil and 71 , against a 3rd world opponent was dismal. Brazil with its developed industrial infrastructure will eat Pakistan for breakfast.

Obviously Pakistani performance is no match to Indian performance whose soldiers get lynched at the hands of enemy and who surrender thousands of square kilometers to enemy even without firing a single bullet
not only UCAVs

but also , Turkish Airforce Fighter Jets and AEWCs also will be in action

and Turkey bought S400 Air Defense System to turn enemy Fighter Jets into crap of metal

also 250km ATMACA land based anti-ship missiles and Radar Electronic Warfare Systems KORAL and REDET

so Greek,Egyptian,French Frigates and Fighter Jets can not enter Turkish EEZ to fight Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean

btw if Turkey send 50 KARGI anti radiation Drones for swarm attack to hit Radar Systems on FREMM Frigate , then what enemies can do ?

KARGI anti radiation Drone has range of 1.000+ km and Turkey can produce hundreds of them

16 Turkish Frigates armed with 672 SAMs ( SM-1MR , ESSM and Seasparrow ) to intercept even supersonic anti-ship missiles including BRAHMOS

even Greek+Egyptian+French Navies combined have no total of 672 SAMs

for example Egyptian FREMM Frigate armed with 16x ASTER-15 SAMs with range of 30 km

10 AKINCI UCAVs can carry 60 KUZGUN joint strike ammunitions for swarm attack on FREMM Frigate

and game over !

Then what you think about our Barak and BRAHMOS..... they're also waste???

Not to mention highly agile Naval Fulcrums of India navy and Egypt Sukhoi 35, Greece F-16 with deadly nato standard and latest Brazil Gripens with AESA....

See Turkey is very powerful but taking alone on these 4 navies together is in my honest opinion only USA UK (maybe china....) can do that job....
Then what you think about our Barak and BRAHMOS..... they're also waste???

BARAK can not stop Turkish UCAVs

Indian KOLKATA class Destroyer armed with 16 BRAHMOS anti-ship missiles

FREMM Frigate armed with 16 ASTER-15 SAMs ,
Turkish Navy 6 Frigates armed with 32 ESSM SAMs and 2 Frigates armed with 64 ESSM SAMs

and Greek,Egyptian,French Frigates armed with only 8 anti-ship missiles

See Turkey is very powerful but taking alone on these 4 navies together is in my honest opinion only USA UK (maybe china....) can do that job....

why 4 navies together ? one on one .... Brazil vs Turkey

or Greek,Egyptian,French Frigates , if they enter Turkish EEZ to fight Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean
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BARAK can not stop Turkish UCAVs

Indian KOLKATA class Destroyer armed with 16 BRAHMOS anti-ship missiles

FREMM Frigate armed with 16 ASTER-15 SAMs ,
Turkish Navy 6 Frigates armed with 32 ESSM SAMs and 2 Frigates armed with 64 ESSM SAMs

and Greek,Egyptian,French Frigates armed with only 8 anti-ship missiles

why 4 navies together ? one on one .... Brazil vs Turkey

or Greek,Egyptian,French Frigates , if they enter Turkish EEZ to fight Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean

I thought in your first post which I qouted you said Turkey can alone destroy these 4 navies together with UAVs.... Sorry for the error.... Yes one on one Turkey can take on these navies due to superior NATO technology and training.....

India will loose naval war but before loosing will inflict heavy damage on Turkish Navy due to BRAHMOS, air launched harpoon variants, excocets, scorpeans, kilos and nuclear submarines, Barak, P8s....
Brazil has beautiful beaches. Pakistan has a few themselves from what I can see
I’ve been and you lie.
It’s a developing country, and is plagued by poverty, low development indicators and one of the highest per capita crime rates in the world.
Yes it’s also got strengths, but your expect a nation to have been blessed with so much in terms of resources to be much better places, it’s not.
Pakistan smashed your airforce into submission 2 years ago, if Pakistan is breakfast you’d be no more than afternoon tea then to Brazil apparently.
You are speaking as a Britisher or Pakistani about the development indicators of Brazil ?
Even their so called slums , the favelas , are in better shape and cleaner than the middle class areas of Pakistan.
You do realize that in the last serious conflict with India , your general rushed the PM panic stricken to Washington ?
And our pilot, who was attacking in Pakistan territory was rushed back to India faster than amazon prime delivery ? Its the fear of a real conflict that you guys have inspite of all the bravado on display here.
I thought in your first post which I qouted you said Turkey can alone destroy these 4 navies together with UAVs.... Sorry for the error.... Yes one on one Turkey can take on these navies due to superior NATO technology and training.....

India will loose naval war but before loosing will inflict heavy damage on Turkish Navy due to BRAHMOS, air launched harpoon variants, excocets, scorpeans, kilos and nuclear submarines, Barak, P8s....

Turkey has no interest to fight İndia in the Indian Ocean or to fight Brazil in Atlantic Ocean

in my senario , if they send Navies to enter Turkish EEZ to fight Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean

and Turkey has enough military power to destroy all enemy Frigates/Destroyers in the Eastern Mediterranean

-- UCAVs to hunt enemy Warships and Submarines
-- 230 F-16 Fighter Jets armed with HARM , SLAM-ER , SOM Missiles
-- S400 Air Defense System
-- 16 Frigates
-- 10 Corvettes
-- 13 Submarines
-- 22 FACs
-- 12 Anti Submarine Aircrafts
-- KORAL and REDET Radar Electrnic Warfare Systems
-- 4 Boeing E-7T AEWCs
-- 400+ HARPOON ant-ship Missiles
-- and Turkey can produce hundreds of 250 km ATMACA land based ant-ship Missiles

and ongoing Turkish Missiles

-- RAMJET powered super sonic anit-ship Missile
-- Anti-ship Ballistic Missile

also 50 Turkish ULAQ unmanned surface Vessels will be so effective for swarm attack on enemy Frigates in the Eastern Mediterranean to protect Turkish national interests

also Turkey develops unmanned attack Submarine to hunt enemy Submarines and Warships
Turkish AKYA heavy-weight Torpedo
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Turkey has no interest to fight İndia in the Indian Ocean or to fight Brazil in Atlantic Ocean

in my senario , if they send Navies to enter Turkish EEZ to fight Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean

and Turkey has enough military power to destroy all enemy Frigates/Destroyers in the Eastern Mediterranean

-- UCAVs
-- 230 F-16 Fighter Jets armed with HARM , SLAM-ER , SOM Missiles
-- S400 Air Defense System
-- 16 Frigates
-- 10 Corvettes
-- 13 Submarines
-- 22 FACs
-- 12 Anti Submarine Aircrafts
-- KORAL and REDET Radar Electrnic Warfare Systems
-- 4 Boeing E-7T AEWCs
-- 400+ HARPOON ant-ship Missiles
-- and Turkey can produce hundreds of 250 km ATMACA land based ant-ship Missiles

and ongoing Turkish Missiles

-- RAMJET powered super sonic anit-ship Missile
-- Anti-ship Ballistic Missile

also 50 Turkish ULAQ unmanned surface Vessels will be so effective for swarm attack on enemy Frigates in the Eastern Mediterranean to protect Turkish national interests
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You are right.... Turkey can't be defeated in eastern Mediterranean..... Similarly India can't be defeated by Turkey in Indian Ocean or Brazil can't be defeated in South Atlantic..... Such power projections on any part of the globe is only possible for USA, UK, France,

china maybe but not sure 100%....
You are right.... Turkey can't be defeated in eastern Mediterranean..... Similarly India can't be defeated by Turkey in Indian Ocean or Brazil can't be defeated in South Atlantic..... Such power projections on any part of the globe is only possible for USA, UK, France,

china maybe but not sure 100%....

only The US with 20+ Aircraft Carriers/LHAs to carry 1.000+ F18 , F-35 Jets
also American military Bases any part of the globe
and strategic Bombers such as B-52 , B1 and B-2 to carry long range Cruise Missiles JASSM-ER and AGM-86

UK or France have no military power to match with Turkey in eastern Mediterranean or to match with İndia in the indian ocean

btw if Turkey deploy Turkish Armed Forces in Pakistan , then Indian Frigates/Destroyers will be destroyed in the Indian Ocean

and Brazilian Navy is nothing even in South Atlantic

6 Niteroi class Frigates armed with 16 ASPİDE SAMs with range of 35 km
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More important question is what is Indian military doing in this ranking?

Like it is a ranking for military power and not wife swapping. Why is Indian military in the top 5?
indian army does not surrender that is why it is in top five .
bangla women can tell you about bravery of number one army .
only The US with 20+ Aircraft Carriers/LHAs to carry 1.000+ F18 , F-35 Jets
also American military Bases any part of the globe
and strategic Bombers such as B-52 , B1 and B-2 to carry long range Cruise Missiles JASSM-ER and AGM-86

UK or France have no military power to match with Turkey in eastern Mediterranean or to match with İndia in the indian ocean

btw if Turkey deploy Turkish Armed Forces in Pakistan , then Indian Frigates/Destroyers will be destroyed in the Indian Ocean

and Brazilian Navy is nothing even in South Atlantic

6 Niteroi class Frigates armed with 16 ASPİDE SAMs with range of 35 km

If you deploy in Pakistan then Pak-Turk combined military will be a deadly combo..... But if you are able to destroy India Navy after deploying in Pak then remember credit won't go to Turkey alone..... It will be because of the help of Pak military might will make that possible for you....

And by that logic if India deploys her forces in Greece and Egypt then Turkish Navy too can be damaged in eastern Mediterranean..... No offense my friend....
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indian army does not surrender that is why it is in top five .
bangla women can tell you about bravery of number one army .

Can't ask Bangla women. They are busy protesting against visit of a terrorist and a mass murderer that you elected as your prime minister
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