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Why is Brazil ranked above Pakistan?

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You are speaking as a Britisher or Pakistani about the development indicators of Brazil ?
Even their so called slums , the favelas , are in better shape and cleaner than the middle class areas of Pakistan.
You do realize that in the last serious conflict with India , your general rushed the PM panic stricken to Washington ?
And our pilot, who was attacking in Pakistan territory was rushed back to India faster than amazon prime delivery ? Its the fear of a real conflict that you guys have inspite of all the bravado on display here.

As a Brit.
The development indicators are horrible, and now factor in how much they have in terms of resources and it's far worse.
Favleas in better shape than Pakistani middle areas, speaking lies again I see. With a murder rate of 30.50 per 100,000, one of the highest in the world, sure they are in great shape LOL!!!!!

No general rushed to the US during the last conflict which was the air battle fought. You speak of Kargil, still it wasn't the generals running there, nor did they order anyone, there was a coup remember?
Your pilot was left behind after your airforce fled at high speed for the safety of their bases. I don't blame them, the AMRAMS would have taken them all out.
The Indian pilot was returned back as per the Geneva convention, China did the same to your high ranking military staff who were captured in the East. It seems whenever you guys get beaten and your men return you count that as a victory. May you have so many of them in the future.
The only thing comparable to Amazon delivery was how quickly your air force folded when faced with a conflict.


Mig dropped.

Indian defences shoot down their own helicopter in blind panic, killing senior airforce staff.

Wing commander openly paraded on TV, so much for being scared.

You got owned in two battles in the space of two years, quite a remarkable feat. Heaven knows how bad you would be in a full scale war.
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And by that logic if India deploys her forces in Greece and Egypt then Turkish Navy too can be damaged in eastern Mediterranean..... No offense my friend

if India deploys her forces in Greece , it will be suicide for İndian forces ,, as well as for Greece

all military targets in Greece are in range of Turkish Ballistic and Cruise Missiles
that means all İndian forces will be damaged within hours

and Greece is a NATO member which can not allow India to fight NATO member Turkey
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indian army does not surrender that is why it is in top five .
bangla women can tell you about bravery of number one army .

Yes you do, the worst part is that your high command didn't even know it....

The Indian government made no comment but the army released a statement saying: “It is clarified that there are no Indian troops missing in action” after the fighting in the Galwan Valley area of Ladakh.

China has freed 10 Indian soldiers seized in a high-altitude border clash in the


The 10 Indian Army soldiers included two Majors, two Captains and six jawans from two units, the sources added.

Just the navy alone going to add a lot of points for Brazil. They have an aircraft carrier and have at least limited power projection capabilities.

Brazil has 0 aircraft carriers. Meaning no power projection.
You are speaking as a Britisher or Pakistani about the development indicators of Brazil ?
Even their so called slums , the favelas , are in better shape and cleaner than the middle class areas of Pakistan.
You do realize that in the last serious conflict with India , your general rushed the PM panic stricken to Washington ?
And our pilot, who was attacking in Pakistan territory was rushed back to India faster than amazon prime delivery ? Its the fear of a real conflict that you guys have inspite of all the bravado on display here.

Unfortunately for you and your kind, india is the MOST POOREST nation on earth with the highest number of severely malnourished and extreme poor people in the world. Nearly 40% of the ENTIRE earth's most severely malnourished and extreme poor people are indian. Over 732 million indians defecate in the open:

#9 Brazil
#10 Pakistan

As you may already have seen before Pakistan is ranked number 10. Very surprising to see that Brazil is ranked on 9th place above Pakistan. Brazil air force has 47 F-5, 31 Embraer EMB 314, 46 AMX International AMX. The only modern 4th generation they have is Jas gripen and only 36 of them. No comparision with PAF. Not to mention that PAF pilots are some of the best trained.

Comparing army they have arond 450 old outdated Leopard 1s. Pakistan has 170 VT-4s in service with total 300 on order. Also 320 3rd generation T-80UD. Around 500 3rd generation Al-Khalids. Better artillery, more soldiers in active and reserve personnel. More and better Attack Helicopters.

The only place where Brazil might be stronger is Navv. But that should not be surprising considering their huge coastline. Also even in that they are not that far ahead.

So what might be the reason? Pakistan should be 9th and Brazil 10th in reality.

Brazil has a first class globally reputed plane manufacturer Embraer
if India deploys her forces in Greece , it will be suicide for İndian forces ,, as well as for Greece

all military targets in Greece are in range of Turkish Ballistic and Cruise Missiles
that means all İndian forces will be damaged within hours

and Greece is a NATO member which can not allow India to fight NATO member Turkey

I agree with you Greece being NATO member can't allow India to fight another NATO member but in that case imagine India and Brazil together in Egypt....

Egypt these days getting notoriously powerful....

Now imagine Egypt Brazil and India together against Turkey in eastern Mediterranean..... I don't want such scenerio in reality as i want Turkey as a friend post Erdogan but since we are discussing comparison sake then why not....
Brazil has Gripen E which has AESA. Turkey under CAATSA sanction don't have a fighter jet that has AESA.

Dude please stop😂 Turkey is far more powerful than Brazil. They have better air force, navy, army, missiles etc...
Who the hell cares. This is just a bean counting ranking.
Turkey has atleast F-16s and TAI on the way. Brazil operates junk airforce plus in the tank department they have junk around 600-700. That is clearly a country that doesn't have military in mind. Very outdated where as Turkey has around 10.000 tanks and armored vehicles enough to supply multiple divisions with endless armament. It's navy is also nonexisting on top of that. As I said. I swear Taiwan, Algeria, Spain, UAE and South Korea are 10 times better equipped then Brazil forget Turkey

Would also put Egypt and Iran in that list.
hey also do commercial airliners and have been doing it for decades..be another 30 years in the game and you will jump them..I personally donot think India is advanced technologically as Brazil

Brazil produce Transport Aircrafts
Pakistan produce Fighter Jets

Fighter Jets are more important than Transport Aircrafts

also Pakistan has developed Ballistic Missiles up to 2.750 km and air-land-naval based Cruise Missiles

and Nuclear Weapons

be another 30 years in the game and Brazil maybe will jump them
Right now whatever the case, Brazil should be higher than Pakistan, maybe in the next 5-10 years as Pakistan’s armed forces rapidly modernise I can definitely see Pakistan above Brazil easily, but like someone also said before, their large navy gives them a huge boost, while Pakistan navy also slowly modernises along with new jf-17s to replace the other ageing aircrafts Pakistan will be 100% above Brazil.
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