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Why is Brazil ranked above Pakistan?

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Now imagine Egypt Brazil and India together against Turkey in eastern Mediterranean..... I don't want such scenerio in reality as i want Turkey as a friend post Erdogan but since we are discussing comparison sake then why not....

Egypt respect Turkish EEZ in the eastern Mediterranean and Turkey respect Egyptian EEZ

Egypt is not stupid to fight Turkey for Greek,French,İsraeli interests in the eastern Mediterranean

btw maybe Turkey can lose a few Frigates,Corvettes,FACs
but Turkish Armed Forces can destroy all Egyptian,İndian,Brazilian Frigates , if they enter Turkish EEZ in the eastern Mediterranean

the eastern Mediterranean = Turkey's play zone

Turkish Navy , UCAVs , F-16s and 1.000+ HARPOON , SLAM-ER , HARM , KGK-LR , KUZGUN , SOM and ATMACA Missiles to turn Egyptian,İndian,Brazilian Frigates into crap of metal

5 Egyptian,13 İndian,6 Brazilian Frigates combined have no even 700 SAMs

5 Egyptian Frigates armed with 176 SAMs
6 Brazilian Frigates armed with 96 SAMs
13 Indian Frigates armed with 408 SAMs

but 16 Turkish Frigates armed with 672 SAMs
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They also do commercial airliners and have been doing it for decades..be another 30 years in the game and you will jump them..I personally donot think India is advanced technologically as Brazil

Technologically India is far ahead of Brazil bro period..... India is far bigger space power, building fighter Jets, tanks, nuclear submarines, ICBMs, air craft carriers..... Keep aside some commercial Jet liners where Brazil stands infront of India????

And this we're doing with huge population, nuclear enemies in neighborhood....

Turning Brazil on a High speed on curvy roads is like turning a kawasaki ninja bike...

But turning countries like India Pakistan and China is like turning fully loaded 16 wheeler trucks on those curvy roads on high speed.... There's no comparison between Brazil and above mentioned countries..... easily above all are much more powerful than Brazil....
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You are speaking as a Britisher or Pakistani about the development indicators of Brazil ?
Even their so called slums , the favelas , are in better shape and cleaner than the middle class areas of Pakistan.
You do realize that in the last serious conflict with India , your general rushed the PM panic stricken to Washington ?
And our pilot, who was attacking in Pakistan territory was rushed back to India faster than amazon prime delivery ? Its the fear of a real conflict that you guys have inspite of all the bravado on display here.

What is a «Britisher» lol?🤣
Apart from this I think people here are missing Brazil Mirage 2000.... I clearly remember of reading an article some years back how Brazil airforce Mirage 2000 caused panic in Brasilia after releasing Sonic boom...... So not only deadly Gripens with AESA and Meteors but Brazil may have deadly Mirage too....
Technologically India is far ahead of Brazil bro period..... India is far bigger space power, building fighter Jets, tanks, nuclear submarines, ICBMs, air craft carriers..... Keep aside some commercial Jet liners where Brazil stands infront of India????

And this we're doing with huge population, nuclear enemies in neighborhood....

Turning Brazil on a High speed on curvy roads is like turning a kawasaki ninja bike...

But turning countries like India Pakistan and China is like turning fully loaded 16 wheeler trucks on those curvy roads on high speed.... There's no comparison between Brazil and above mentioned countries..... easily above all are much more powerful than Brazil....

reusable manned air vehicles need considerably more engineering than one time unmanned spacecrafts, missiles, nuclear bombs...if and when HAL completes the current LCA Tejas Mk1A order, we can safely say India has technologically gone beyonf Brazil
Technologically India is far ahead of Brazil bro period..... India is far bigger space power, building fighter Jets, tanks, nuclear submarines, ICBMs, air craft carriers..... Keep aside some commercial Jet liners where Brazil stands infront of India????

And this we're doing with huge population, nuclear enemies in neighborhood....

Turning Brazil on a High speed on curvy roads is like turning a kawasaki ninja bike...

But turning countries like India Pakistan and China is like turning fully loaded 16 wheeler trucks on those curvy roads on high speed.... There's no comparison between Brazil and above mentioned countries..... easily above all are much more powerful than Brazil....

Brazil is run by White European Christians from Portugal, Italy and Germany. These races are so FAR FAR more technologically and scientifically advanced than india could ever be that it is NOT even measurable. That is why the White European and Far Eastern races invent all the advanced sciences and technologies and indians don't. indians NEVER have done.
Italy and Turkey have stronger military power than Brazil

what about Brazilian military power ?

no modern airforce ... only 36 GRIPEN-F/E on order
no strong navy
no cruise missiles
no UCAVs
even weak utility helicopter fleet with around 165 units and pathetic Attack Helicopter fleet with 12 MI-35

the real question = why are Brazil and Pakistan ranked above Turkey ?
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Brazil is run by White European Christians from Portugal, Italy and Germany. These races are so FAR FAR more technologically and scientifically advanced than india could ever be that it is NOT even measurable. That is why the White European and Far Eastern races invent all the advanced sciences and technologies and indians don't. indians NEVER have done.

Then why India is bigger space power??? Why can't they built nuclear submarines ICBMs.... And militarily it comes nowhere close to India....
Then why India is bigger space power??? Why can't they built nuclear submarines ICBMs.... And militarily it comes nowhere close to India....

india can ONLY do this thanks to the inventions, ideas and the pioneering effort of the White European races not because of the inventions of indians.

The average Brazilian has a FAR FAR higher standard of living than an average indian. They value and love their own people more than they love space.

Brazil doesn't have any enemies so they don't need to focus on their military as much as other nations who have nearly 40% of the ENTIRE earth's most severely malnourished and extreme poor.
Right now whatever the case, Brazil should be higher than Pakistan, maybe in the next 5-10 years as Pakistan’s armed forces rapidly modernise I can definitely see Pakistan above Brazil easily, but like someone also said before, their large navy gives them a huge boost, while Pakistan navy also slowly modernises along with new jf-17s to replace the other ageing aircrafts Pakistan will be 100% above Brazil.

Sorry, but Brazil should not be rated higher than Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia or Israel. Pakistan is already 100% easily above Brazil by a good margin.

Brazil air force currently only has 5-6 Jas Gripen with a total off 36 on order. They only have 5-6 4th generation aircraft. PAF has 200+. Infact Pakistan old Mirage would be enough for Brazilian air force.

Brazil army main MBT is the old 1960s 2nd generation Leopard 1. Which they have 450. Compare that to 3rd generation Pakistans VT-4 which 170 are in service as of right now and 300 on order. 500+ 3rd Al- Khalid and 320 T-80UD 3rd generation tanks. Thats close to 1000 3rd generation tanks.

What huge navy? They currently have no aircraft carriers, no helicopter carriers, no destroyers, no corvettes, 7 Frigates, 6 submarines and 22 Missile boats. That is pretty comparable to Pakistans Navy.

Brazil should not be in any top 10 list. Definitely not above Pakistan.
Brazil is run by White European Christians from Portugal, Italy and Germany. These races are so FAR FAR more technologically and scientifically advanced than india could ever be that it is NOT even measurable. That is why the White European and Far Eastern races invent all the advanced sciences and technologies and indians don't. indians NEVER have done.

Dude stop you sound racist. Indians are also humans that deserve respect.
Brazil is run by White European Christians from Portugal, Italy and Germany. These races are so FAR FAR more technologically and scientifically advanced than india could ever be that it is NOT even measurable. That is why the White European and Far Eastern races invent all the advanced sciences and technologies and indians don't. indians NEVER have done.

I agree with you...but not the Far Eastern races part...Far Eastern races donot have originality or curiosity quotient..they do improve on white inventions...If you had toned down the shrillness of the post, it would have been perfect...still good and correct observations ..Bravo...Indians did some great original Maths tho with the power series , right down to AKS primality theorm of 21st century...but yeah nowhere near in proportion to its population
Brazil can probably sustain and support a conventional war scenario longer than Pakistan..

economy matters


Germany and Japan can sustain and support a conventional war scenario longer than India. Also Brazil does not have much equipment do sustain a war.
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